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Our Hardship Fund exists to ensure that financial need is not a barrier to learning at St George’s.

The rising costs of attending university in London, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, has meant that more and more of our students are finding themselves with financial challenges caused by circumstances beyond their control. Giving to this fund will help us to support students across the University who are facing financial difficulties, for whatever reason.

"I was incredibly stressed at the start of this year - trying to make ends meet in London is an expensive task, and my student loan and bursary didn’t cover much more than my rent. I had to pick up extra shifts, which was really starting to impact my time spent studying and I was headed towards burnout.


Receiving support from the Hardship Fund felt like a huge burden was lifted from me. It removed a huge and tangible financial pressure and allowed me to focus more on my studies. Since receiving the grant, I have started to feel more confident in my abilities as a medical student, something I was struggling with before due to the considerable time I spent focusing on earning money.”


Third year medical student and recipient of the 2020-21 Hardship Fund

Make a donation

Your support will ensure that financial need is not a barrier to learning at St George’s.

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