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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

One year full-time, two or three years part-time

Application Deadline

Home fee payers 24 August 2025 | Overseas fee payers 1 July 2025


City St George's Tooting campus and King's College London

Start dates

8 September 2025

Learn how genomics can help understand and diagnose diseases, personalise treatment and improve health outcomes.

Every individual is unique – our genomes and the way they respond to disease and infection is different. By understanding what’s going on in our bodies, we can work towards a future where healthcare is personalised, and patients' needs are targeted more effectively. Genomics is evolving rapidly and making an impact across oncology, pharmacology, cardiovascular disease and neuroscience.

This course is jointly taught with King’s College London and follows a curriculum designed by NHS England. This means you’ll have access to extensive expertise in areas like bioinformatics and cardiovascular genomics.  Both institutions are also part of the South East Genomic Laboratory Hub. This is one of the largest providers of genomic testing in the UK and a national centre for specialist testing for haematology, respiratory, skin conditions, and more.

Is this course right for you? 

You might already work within the NHS – we have nurses, doctors, pharmacists, midwives and other healthcare professionals join the course. Other students have decided to retrain in a new area or are recent graduates in a related area like biotechnology or the biomedical sciences.

As well as the MSc, the course is structured flexibly to provide options for PgDip and PgCert awards. You can also study it on a modular basis towards your Professional Development (CPD). Both the MSc and PgDip have full-time and part-time options which will help you combine your studies with work or other extra-academic commitments.

Funding update: If you work for the NHS then you may be eligible for funding from NHS England for up to four taught modules. Applications for NHSE funding are now closed - please register your interest to be notified when more funding is released.

Why City St George's?

  • Designed by NHSE - Our curriculum is designed by NHS England and jointly taught with King's College London, giving you access to experts across different specialisms.

  • Specialist modules - Pick from optional modules in growing areas such as cardiovascular genetics and genomics, fetal genomics, genomics of neurological disorders and advanced bioinformatics.

  • Build your research profile - Experience working within an internationally recognised research group when you do your final project. 

Want to know more?

Find out more about postgraduate study at City St George’s, University of London by registering for our introductory email series.

Course content

We’ve designed this course to introduce the key areas of genomics.  You’ll also gain an understanding of disease genetics and how genomic medicine can explain disease mechanisms and biology. 

You’ll examine the range of ‘omic’ technologies, their interpretation and application in key areas such as cancer, rare inherited diseases and infectious diseases, as well as research.

Understanding data

Nowadays bioinformatics and data interpretation are playing a crucial role in genomics. In our programme, we’ll make sure that you learn the skills to critically interpret existing research, as well as collect, analyse and interpret your own data using different techniques.

If you’re completing the full MSc, you’ll have the choice of carrying out a 60-credit hands-on research project or a 30-credit extended literature review. 

Many of our part-time students choose a project that links to their current role. Others have explored diverse topics such as genomics and epigenomics features of diseases, bioinformatics analysis of transcriptomics in different cancers, and how genomic experts can integrate minority ethnic groups. One recent student also explored how genomic education could benefit midwife training. You can also complete your research project abroad through the Turing Scheme.

“This course is an invaluable opportunity to learn about genomics in such detail in a variety of niches, broadening your knowledge and perspective of genomics. The prospects are extremely broad, making it suitable for NHS staff, academic researchers and recent graduates.”

- Caspar Andrews

Genomic Medicine MSc student

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“Completing my research project in Granada, Spain, was a standout highlight of this course for me. Immersing myself in a new culture in a completely different city and climate, while getting hands-on lab experience and deeper insights into lab dynamics, was both a privilege and an invaluable experience.”

- Millie Graham

Genomic Medicine MSc student

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“If you have a passion for genomics, this course is for you. It is extremely flexible and suits people of all professions, from doctors to pharmacists to newly graduated students looking to further their education.”

- Nicholas Bianchini

Genomic Medicine MSc student

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“I found there to be options for people with all types of interests to discover new methods, techniques, and fields of genomic medicine; and enrich those they already had.”

- Eleanor Tobelem

Genomic Medicine MSc alumna

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Entry criteria

To be considered for this course, you will need to:

  • meet the entry criteria
  • write a personal statement
  • provide two suitable references

Undergraduate degree or equivalent

You should have or be expected to achieve, a minimum of a second class degree (2:2) in a relevant bioscience degree with sufficient genetics content. For healthcare graduates, a pass is required. All degrees must be awarded before 1 August on the year of entry.

We may invite you to interview if are unable to make a decision directly from your application.

Alternative professional qualifications, or previous related experience, may be considered and we encourage you to apply.

Intercalating students

Applicants who do not have an undergraduate degree but are current medical students who have successfully completed 360 credits (or equivalent) including at least 120 credits at Level 6 (or equivalent) of their medical degree are also eligible to apply.

International qualifications

We accept equivalent qualifications gained in other countries and use to UKNARIC to assess. Please see our International Student Support pages for more information.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

English Language

This is a Group 1 course.

Full details can be found on our English Language requirements webpages.

Personal statement and references

You will be asked to outline your reasons for applying for the course in a brief personal statement on the application form. You will also need to provide two satisfactory references.

Go to the ‘Apply’ tab for more information.

Course structure

The MSc is designed to provide a solid introduction to the key areas of genomics, human genetics and genetic variation, including an understanding of disease genetics and how genomic medicine can illuminate disease mechanisms and biology. You will examine the range of ‘omic’ technologies: their interpretation and application in key areas of healthcare such as cancer, rare inherited diseases and infectious diseases, as well as research.

With the development of bioinformatics now playing such a crucial role, you will gain sufficient knowledge and understanding required to critically interpret existing genomic research and develop the skills to collect, analyse and interpret data using a range of statistical and bioinformatics techniques.

As a key part of the MSc course, you will get the opportunity to develop research skills by conducting a 60 credit laboratory/computer/counselling research project or a 30 credit extended literature review. Many of our part-time students choose a project which can be incorporated within their work. Others have studied diverse topics such as neurological genetic disease or patients with tuberculosis. One recent student conducted a project on how genomic education could be incorporated into and benefit midwife training.

MSc Genomic Medicine has been structured to provide options to study for PgCert and PgDip awards, as well as the MSc. At PgDip level, we offer two study routes (Option 1 and 2), which enable you to focus on different diseases. At PgCert level, we offer three different pathways:

  • Genomic Medicine (Standard): The majority of PgCert students follow this pathway as it includes the core elements of the MSc programme.
  • Genomic Medicine (Medical): If you already have significant knowledge of genomics, this pathway allows you to opt out of the Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics module.
  • Genomic Medicine (Bioinformatics): This pathway is ideal for those with an interest in big data and data handling.

Our wide range of specialist modules can also be studied individually as part of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). If you work in the NHS our modules are available with or without assessment, fully funded by NHSE as part of your ‘workforce development’ (subject to available commissions). In recent years, a broad range of health professionals have chosen to study with us, including GPs, surgeons, consultants, research nurses, genetic technologists, pharmacists and biomedical scientists.

Course duration

  • MSc - full-time one year, part-time two or three* years
  • PgDip - full-time one year, part-time two years
  • PgCert - part-time one year

*Please note that the three year MSc is targeted at NHS staff.

Genomic Medicine MSc example timetables

View the timetables and module breakdown by year for each degree award:

Watch the Genomic Medicine webinar from our Postgraduate Virtual Week.

Modules required

The modules required for each award are detailed below:

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MSc (180 credits, 8 - 10 modules plus research project)

Compulsory modules:

  • Bioinformatics, Interpretation and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis (15 credits)
  • Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics (15 credits)
  • Omics Techniques and Technologies; Their Application to Genomic Medicine (15 credits)
  • Research Project (60 credits or 30 credits)

Plus at least three from:

  • Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease (15 credits)
  • Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Diseases (15 credits)
  • Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment (15 credits)
  • Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare (15 credits)

Plus between one and four from:

  • Advanced Bioinformatics (15 credits)
  • Genomics of Cardiovascular Disorders (15 credits)
  • Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Applied Genomics (15 credits)
  • Fetal Genomics (15 credits)
  • Genomics of Neurological Disorders (15 credits)
  • Introduction to Counselling Skills in Genomics (15 credits)

Please note that students must have completed the Bioinformatics, Interpretation and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis module before starting the Advance Bioinformatics module. 

PgDip (120 credits, 8 modules)

This award can be tailored to suit your career goals and interests.

If you would like to discuss the module options available, please contact the Admissions Tutor Dr George Wardley for more information. 

Option 1:

  • Bioinformatics, Interpretation and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis 
  • Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics 
  • Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment
  • Omics Techniques and Technologies; Their Application to Genomic Medicine 
  • Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare

Plus 3 from:

  • Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease
  • Genomics of Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Fetal Genomics
  • Ethical, Legal and Social Perspectives on Genomics or An Introduction to Counselling Skills in Genomics
  • Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Disease
  • Genomics of Neurological Disorders

Option 2:

  • Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease
  • Bioinformatics, Interpretation and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis
  • Ethical, Legal and Social Perspectives on Genomics or Genomics of Cardiovascular Disorders or An Introduction to Counselling Skills in Genomics
  • Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics
  • Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Diseases 
  • Omics Techniques and Technologies; Their Application to Genomic Medicine
  • Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare or Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment 
  • Plus any one other module (not excluding those already listed)

PgCert - Standard Pathway (60 credits, 4 modules)

Compulsory modules:

  • Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics
  • Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Disease

Plus two from:

  • An Introduction to Counselling Skills in Genomics or Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Applied Genomics
  • Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease
  • Bioinformatics, Interpretation and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis
  • Genomics of Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Fetal Genomics
  • Genomics of Neurological Disorders
  • Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment
  • Omics Techniques and Technologies; Their Application to Genomic Medicine
  • Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare

PgCert - Medical Pathway (60 credits, 4 modules)

Compulsory module:

  • Omics Techniques and Technologies

Plus two from:

  • An Introduction to Counselling Skills in Genomics or Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Applied Genomics
  • Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease
  • Genomics of Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Disease

Plus one from:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Fetal Genomics: Decoding the Blueprint of Human Development
  • Genomics of Neurological Disorders
  • Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment
  • Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare

PgCert - Bioinformatics Pathway (60 credits, 4 modules)

Compulsory modules:

  • Advanced Bioinformatics
  • Bioinformatics

Plus two from:

  • Application of Genomics to Infectious Disease
  • Fetal Genomics
  • Genomics of Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Genomics of Common and Rare Disease
  • Genomics of Neurological Disorders

Course start date

The course will start with enrolment and induction activities on 8 - 9 September 2025. Topics covered will include the virtual learning platform, library and careers service as well as course specific sessions. There will also be keynote speakers and a social event where students from a variety of postgraduate taught courses can get to know each other.

Module information

The institution module leads have been indicated alongside each module below:

  • St George's, University of London - SGUL
  • King's College London - KCL
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Advanced Bioinformatics* (15 credits) - KCL

This module builds upon and extends the module “Bioinformatics, interpretation and data quality assurance in genome analysis ” and further explores state of the art bioinformatics pipelines for genetic data in a clinical context, suitable for studying genetic variants underlying Mendelian diseases, cancer genetics, and RNA expression data using Galaxy, and also introduces the student to basic Bioinformatic data skills using the command line, R/RStudio and Bioconductor. The student will learn about the landscape of tools for read mapping and variant calling and how they are suitable for different types of genetic data and analysis. Lectures will be combined with hands on computer workshops/tutorials, where students can practice designing their own bioinformatics pipelines in the Galaxy environment. They will work with real gene expression, rare disease and cancer genomics datasets. The course will also provide a primer for working with large genetic datasets using command line tools, scripting bioinformatics pipelines and using R/RStudio and Bioconductor to analyses and explore and visualise NGS and other ‘Omics data.

*Students aiming to do the Advanced Bioinformatics module will have to complete the Bioinformatics module first. No prior knowledge in programming is required for either module. You will learn R-coding in the Advanced Bioinformatics module and, although you might find it challenging at first, your module leads will provide you with plenty of support and guidance.

Students doing the Advanced Bioinformatics module will need to download free VPN software and set up a VPN connection to be able to access our cloud computing facilities in advance. You can find a guide about how to do this on macOS, Linux or Microsoft Windows and the VPN configuration file.

Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease (15 credits) - SGUL

The teaching sessions of this module will cover the basics of pathogen genome biology, methods for whole genome sequencing (WGS) applied to pathogens and bioinformatic analysis of pathogen genomes. Numerous examples will demonstrate the relevance of infectious disease genomics to key topics such as antimicrobial resistance, diagnostics, vaccine design, disease surveillance, host susceptibility to infection, public health epidemiology and clinical management of patients.

The application of WGS and implications of pathogen genomics from a perspective of healthcare pathways and public health for its future impact will be the key focus for your study. The sessions will be interspersed with a series of case studies and research papers for self-directed study, taken from a limited reading list comprising exemplar organisms from the recent literature. The sessions explore and present multiple examples of pathogens and genomics: TB drug therapy; Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli outbreaks; Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA; STI diagnostics and resistance; HIV, influenza and the COVID-19 pandemic; pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccine design and surveillance.

Together the sessions, self-directed learning and associated resources form the defined knowledge base for the module. The literature and other reading materials provide the students with the basis for extended self-study and as a foundation for the module’s summative assessments.

Bioinformatics, Interpretation and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis* (15 credits) - KCL

The module will cover the fundamental principles of informatics and the impact of bioinformatics on clinical genomics. Students will be expected to be able to find and use major genomic and genetic data resources; use software packages and analysis tools for big data and undertake literature searches to critically assess, annotate and interpret findings from sequence data and genetic variants. Theoretical sessions will be coupled with practical exercises involving the analysis and annotation of predefined data sets.

This module will equip the student with the essential skills to analyse genomic data, applying professional best practice guidelines. Upon completion of this module students will be able to understand how bioinformatics is used to analyse, interpret and report genomic data in a clinical context. Students will also be equipped to utilise the 100,000 Genomes Project data set if relevant for their research project.

*No prior knowledge in programming is required for this module

Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Applied Genomics (15 credits) - SGUL

Students will be provided with a platform of ethical understanding from which to consider issues of confidentiality, privacy and disclosure, autonomy, welfare, informed consent and justice. Upon this platform, students will consider the impact of genomic technologies on individual lives and public discourse. The social implications of the availability of genetic testing and screening will be considered, especially in the context of reproductive technologies. Finally, students will be provided with a discussion of legal issues surrounding the use of genetic information as well as the use of genetic data for research, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Fetal Genomics: Decoding the Blueprint of Human Development (15 credits) - KCL

There have been rapid advancements in genomics technologies and their increasing application in prenatal medicine. In today's modern age, where litigation rates in obstetrics and fetal medicine are increasingly high, the need for accurate diagnosis, interpretation, and transparent communication of genomic results has never been more pressing. This climate demands practitioners are adept in employing the latest technologies and conveying complex genetic information clearly and compassionately to patients.

The fetal genomics module aims to bridge this critical gap, providing the necessary training and insights to support precise diagnostics, risk assessments, and patient-centric communication, thereby reducing the potential for legal complications and enhancing trust within the patient-provider relationship. This module ensures that students are proficient with the latest techniques and are attuned to the societal, legal, and ethical aspects of prenatal genetic testing. The module reflects the need for a multidisciplinary approach in genomics medicine, paving the way for more informed decisions and personalised care in maternal and child health.

Fundamentals of Human Genetics and Genomics (15 credits) - SGUL

This module will cover the structure and variations in the human genomics, including fundamental principles of genetics and genomics. Students undertaking this module will review the architecture of the human genome and the functional units embedded in it. Students will also cover aspects of gene regulation and chromatin structure and consider the importance of the epigenome in these processes. In addition, this module will cover DNA sequence variation and structural variation; how this sort of variation is normal but that sometimes it can be associated with disease. Classic chromosomal abnormalities will be described and the mechanisms that lead to them explained. Students will learn about monogenic and multifactorial genetic disorders and how gene mapping and sequencing can be used to identify causal and contributory variants. In essence, this module covers what the genome is, what abnormalities can arise and how they arise, as well as how they can be detected.

Genomics of Cardiovascular Disorders (15 credits) - SGUL

This module explores the burden of cardiovascular disease and the underlying contribution of genetics to these diseases. Students will receive refresher sessions focused on cardiac function as well as being introduced to the key diagnostic tools used in cardiology. They will learn about the major arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies which can lead to premature and sudden death. By studying genetic causes of lipid disorders students will understand the impact of rare and common genetic variants on the risk of coronary heart disease. The contribution of "big data" and the development of gene panel tests will be discussed to demonstrate some of the benefits that genomic medicine can offer to this group of diseases. Students will hear about the role and challenges of genetic counselling in inherited cardiac conditions.

Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Diseases (15 credits) - SGUL

This module uses exemplars of both common and rare diseases from across the entire healthcare spectrum to demonstrate the clinical utility of genomic data in the healthcare setting.

The module examples give an insight into how advances in genomic technologies and integration of genomic data into clinical pathways are impacting on the management of patients from the prenatal setting, through paediatrics and into adult medicine and cancer.

The module will explore the clinical presentation and genetic architecture of disease, as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic implications of genomic data for a myriad of common and rare inherited conditions using expertise from across SGH/GSTT/SGUL/KCL. We will explore traditional and current approaches used to identify genetic predisposition to common and rare inherited diseases, focusing on the latter, within the context of clinical diagnostics.

We will learn how to select patients with unmet diagnostic needs that will benefit from exome or whole genome sequencing, and some of the complexities involved in the interpretation of genomic data in the clinical context. We will also discuss the Genomics England, genomics medicine services and data infrastructure.

Genomics of Neurological Disorders (15 credits) - SGUL

This module explores the contribution of genomics to neurological disorders. Students will receive refresher sessions focussed on neuroanatomy and the development of the neurological system followed by an introduction to the key diagnostic tools used in neurology. They will learn about the major neurological disorder categories which have a high genetic contribution. The module will explore the value of the multidisciplinary team in phenotyping, interpretation of results, management and family communication.

Introduction to Counselling Skills in Genomics (15 credits) - SGUL

This module will provide students with an introduction to general communication skills and specific counselling skills used in genomic medicine. Students undertaking this module will be taught how to communicate and provide appropriate support to individuals and their families. Development of counselling skills will be achieved via theoretical and practical sessions through the use of role play within an academic setting. Students will understand the importance of a family history and communication of pathogenic and/or uncertain results.

Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment (15 credits) - KCL

The module will guide the students from a basic introduction in cancer biology, to comparing molecular and pathological information applied in the diagnosis, classification, treatment of cancer. We will look at immuno-oncology, early detection, and predisposition of cancer, and the use of molecular data and diagnostics in clinical trials. In addition, we will introduce basic machine learning methodologies and different molecular technologies of tumour tissue in the context of target identification, and biomarker development to capture their clinical relevance.

Omics Techniques and Technologies; Their Application to Genomic Medicine (15 credits) - KCL

This module explores current genomics techniques used for DNA sequencing (e.g. targeted approaches, whole exome and whole genome sequencing) and RNA sequencing, using highly parallel methodologies, together with current technologies routinely used to investigate genomic variation in the clinical setting. This module will introduce the bioinformatics approaches required for the analysis of genomic data. The module will also cover the use of array-based methodologies and RNA sequencing in estimating levels of protein expression, micro RNAs and long non–coding RNAs. An introduction to metabolomics and proteomics, which are important for the functional interpretation of genomic data and discovery of disease biomarkers will also be included. Students will also learn about the strategies employed to evaluate pathogenicity of variants for clinical reporting.

Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare (15 credits) - KCL

The module will provide an overview of the techniques and analytical strategies used in pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics and explore some of the challenges and limitations in this field. Moreover, the module will use examples of known, validated pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomic tests, relevant to the use of drug treatments.

Research Project (30 credit option)

This is an ideal option for students taking the MSc part-time and working at the same time.

Students will be undertaking original research and writing it up in the style of a journal review. They will need to use language, style and formatting of the scientific literature that they have read when it comes to writing up.

The project can be carried out in any appropriate research university or hospital department or industry environment with joint supervision, i.e., supervisors from both the hosting department and the course.

Research Project (60 credit option)

Students will use both the theoretical knowledge they will acquire throughout the taught part of the course and the analytical skills they will develop in order to tackle a research question by themselves. Undertaking of the research project will involve formulating the question, acquiring and analysing the data and finally presenting and discussing the results. The project can be carried out in the hosting NHS laboratory, research department and industry under joint supervision i.e. tutors from both the hosting department and the programme. Research projects should be presented in the format of a paper for publication (additional figures and tables can be presented as supplementary material).

Spaces on modules are limited and subject to availability. Early applications for standalone modules are recommended.

Teaching and learning


We share our site with one of the UK’s largest teaching hospitals giving you the chance to learn in a busy healthcare environment. Most of our teaching staff have previously worked in genomics across a range of specialist areas, so you will learn from academics, researchers and clinicians with real on-the-job experience.

Studying at a smaller, more specialist university means we’ll get to know you and help you reach your potential. You’ll be part of interactive group sessions, and our academics are always on hand if you need extra support.

We use a patient-centred approach in our education. We invite representatives from patient groups or someone who has been through a genetic process to share their experience and what it meant to them.

We teach in blocks of five consecutive working days for each module, most of them in person, with our timetable running from approximately 9.00 - 17.00

How our experts teach depends on the course content, but we recognise that our students have different learning styles. On this course, you can expect a diverse range of:

  • Computer-based sessions
  • Guest lectures including talks from patients
  • Multidisciplinary group discussions
  • Face to face lectures
  • Self-directed learning
  • Practical workshops
  • Tutorials


To support your learning outside of classes we’ve created three non-assessed Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). In preparation for our course, we recommend our students take The Genomics Era: The Future of Genetics in Medicine as it provides a basic grounding in genomics.

The course also offers training and resources on academic and research skills including refreshers in laboratory techniques and academic support for assessments.


The way we assess your learning will change depending on the module, but we use a variety of assessment methods, so every student has a chance to show their knowledge and strengths. You can expect a mixture of:

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Short answer questions
  • Multidisciplinary group discussions
  • Roleplay activities
  • Case study essays
  • Exams
  • Individual and group oral presentations
  • Research projects

To prepare you for the practical challenges you’ll face, we design assessments that reflect real-world scenarios, such as case reviews and research projects.

Your assessments will be formative and summative. This means some won’t count towards your final grade and you’ll have the chance to improve based on our feedback.

As this is a modular course there is no final exam. Instead, each module has one or two assessments, most of them running online.

Find out more on our programme specifications.


St George’s has a global reputation in genomics, population health, infection and immunity, and molecular and clinical sciences. The Genomics Clinical Academic Group is a cross-institutional group that brings together scientists, clinicians, nurses and bioinformaticians all working collaboratively in both research and education.

One of the things students tell us they like most about the course is the experience of our lecturers. You’ll be taught by experts in drug discovery and genomic testing, as well as clinicians who were involved in the 100,000 Genomes Project.

Previous guest speakers have also included the Head of the South West London Pathology Service and the Head of Genome Analysis and Genomics England.


Genomics is an area of rapid change, with a particular skills shortage in bioinformatics. We’ve designed this course for recent graduates and healthcare professionals who want to specialise in this field and master genomic technologies for their role. You might be a researcher or work as a diagnostic and healthcare professional.

Our graduates have gone on to work in clinical diagnostics, clinical trials, the NHS Scientist Training Programme, bioinformatics, and laboratory research. Others have continued to study further postgraduate programmes or a PhD.

Here are just a few examples of graduate roles and organisations where you’ll find our alumni:

  • Research assistant at Circadian Therapeutics and Anthony Nolan
  • Clinical trials assistant at IQVIA
  • Clinical research associate at First Cardiology Consultants
  • Research assistant at the Scientist Training Programme (STP-NHS)
  • Bioinformaticians at King’s College London
  • Scientific data associate at Abcam PLC
  • Genomic associate at St Mark’s Hospital
  • Lab technicians at Cambridge CRUK

“I learned laboratory skills, basic bioinformatics, genetic counselling, and ethical reasoning skills; all of which helped boost my profile in medical genetics and made me more confident in applying to PhD positions and to the STP in genomics by the NHS.”

- Diana

PhD candidate at University of Aberdeen

Apply now

“I really enjoyed my time studying at St George's and I could not recommend it enough. The MSc prepared me very well for my role as a neurogenetics clinical nurse specialist. The clinicians, teachers and researchers have been a source of inspiration to pursue genomic medicine.”

- Mark Mencias

Neurogenetics Clinical Nurse Specialist at St George's Hospital

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“The course stands out to me because of the curriculum and the structure. It gave me a holistic experience of studying different aspects of biology and disease vertices. The research project component helped me develop skills that were necessary to apply for relevant roles in reputed companies and scientific institutes.”

- Aditi

Scientific data associate at Abcam PLC, Cambridge

Apply now


Everything you need for success in the health and life sciences profession is here – from opportunities to learn from professionals working on the clinical frontline to cutting-edge laboratory facilities and bio-imaging technology.

We’re the UK’s only university dedicated to medical and health sciences education, training and research. We share our site with a major London teaching hospital. This means you’ll become part of a unique clinical and academic research community, mixing with the many different healthcare professionals you will go on to work alongside throughout your career.

As this course is taught in partnership with King’s College London, you will also have access to the facilities and support services they offer.


Our laboratories at St George's and King's are fully fitted with equipment to carry out your research project. This includes:

  • Microscopes (dissection, fluorescence, etc.)
  • Western blot stations
  • PCR machines
  • Sequencing devices
  • Tissue culture facilities
  • Zebrafish facilities

Image Resource Facility (IRF)

The IRF is designed for Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, and sample preparation. Here you can image histology samples, cells and molecules of all varieties, and model organisms such as zebrafish using any of the light microscope, slide scanning, or electron microscope systems.

Zebrafish facility

Our zebrafish facility has an aquarium that can house over 2,500 adult fish. The facility is fully staffed to provide the infrastructure and care required by the Home Office’s strict licensing laws for the use of animals in scientific procedures.

The zebrafish have a vertebrate system which can be used to model human disease. Our researchers take advantage of this to aid drug development, improve patient care, and answer questions at the forefront of medical science.

Did you know each adult mating can produce up to 300 eggs? This provides a great deal of data for performing statistical analysis.

If you use this facility as part of a project, we’ll provide you with training.

Pathology museum

Our on-site Museum of Human Diseases houses a collection of over 2,000 pathological specimens, including those donated by Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie in 1843. This space is used for small group tutorials exploring the mechanisms of disease.

Library and learning technology

Our library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You’ll find silent, quiet and group learning spaces, as well as group discussion rooms.

We have a wide range of books, e-books, academic journals and other resources. You’ll also have access to online resources, such as the Canvas Virtual Learning Environment and our Hunter discovery service.

Need accessibility equipment? The library also loans noise-cancelling headphones, laptop stands, coloured overlays, desktop whiteboards, and more.

IT facilities

We have an extensive range of IT facilities, including:

  • 260 workstations in five computer suites, three of which are open 24 hours a day
  • 75 self-service laptops available
  • Free Wi-Fi covering the whole campus, including our halls of residence accommodation.

You can use these resources to access your course materials, discussion boards and feedback through Canvas.

Looking for a free space? Simply use our handy real-time computer locator.

Student support

From day one, you’ll become part of a community of staff and students of different ages, ethnicities, nationalities and backgrounds. Everyone you meet will have one thing in common – a passion for healthcare, science and medicine.

Whether you’re an existing healthcare professional, returning to education after a break or joining us after graduating from an undergraduate degree, we want to help you make the most of your time here. To do this, we offer a full range of academic support and student services.

Careers service

We offer 1:1 career guidance to undergraduate and postgraduate students at every stage of your professional development, from the start of your course through to graduation and beyond. As a student, you’ll also benefit from career development activities that are specifically tailored to your course.

What we offer:

  • Career guidance: We offer 30-minute 1:1 careers guidance sessions to support you in your career planning, build your confidence, and help you identify next steps on your career journey.
  • CV and application advice: We can review your applications with you, support you in presenting yourself to potential employers, tailor your applications to a particular role and help you stand out from your competition.
  • Practice interviews: Work on the content, structure, and delivery of your answers, whether that’s motivation questions, competency questions, role-specific questions or Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).
  • Interactive workshops: Our career education workshops are tailored and delivered within courses. Topics may include understanding the graduate job market, learning through reflection on career decision-making, making successful applications and making an impact at interviews.
  • Careers fairs: These are opportunities to explore career paths in different areas and specialities, meet with employers, and have valuable conversations to inform your career thinking.
  • Online support: We offer specific information tailored to each course, plus general careers support and resources relevant to whatever your career choices and direction via our Canvas Virtual Learning Environment.

Cost of Living

We know that this may be a worrying time for our students and their families. Our Cost of Living Hub contains the latest information to our community affected by the rising cost of living. We provide students with various financial support, budgeting advice as well as employability options.

Disability support

If you require reasonable adjustments or disability services, you can find information on our disability information for students pages. For any further information please contact the disability adviser.

The Graduate School

Our Graduate School brings together postgraduate students from different disciplines, allowing you to support and learn from each other while expanding your professional networks.

The Graduate School works closely with our research institutes and provides opportunities for personal and professional development. You’ll also have access to a postgraduate common room where postgraduate students and early career researchers can study and socialise.

Induction programme

Our induction sets you up for your studies and helps you feel part of the University. As well as course-specific activities, we run an online ‘Get Started’ module which provides information about:

  • Social and enrichment activities
  • Student safety
  • Wellbeing and learning support
  • Study skills
  • Our library facilities
  • Careers and employability services

International student support

Our International Students Support service is part of the Student Life Centre and provides information on visas, settlement schemes, enrolment and more. To find out more, visit our EU and international support pages.

If you’re an international student, get in touch with the team as soon as you accept your offer via

Mental health support

St George’s has a confidential, free and impartial counselling service available to all students. You can also access services through our Student Life Centre and our online resources. This includes links to NHS resources, apps, podcasts and websites dedicated to mental health and wellbeing.

Personal academic tutor

When you start your course, we’ll allocate you a personal tutor. This is a member of the academic team who you’ll see regularly to monitor your progress and pick up any problems, both academic and personal. Even if they don’t have the answer, they’ll point you in the right direction towards the support you need.

Student Ambassador Scheme

Our Student Ambassadors support student recruitment events, widening participation activities such as Science Stars and schemes such as Unibuddy Reps. Our Student Ambassadors also help with one-off or less regular events and creating student generated content like blogs and videos.

Student Life Centre

Our Student Life Centre team can help you with every aspect of student life including:

  • Finances
  • Accommodation
  • Exams and assessment
  • Academic procedures
  • Admissions
  • International queries
  • Disability and wellbeing
  • Confidential counselling service

Your personal tutor can also signpost you to relevant support.

Students’ Union

St George's Students' Union (SU) is an independent organisation run by students for students. The SU runs a wide range of events and is home to the SU Bar and Shop, music room, dance studios and meeting rooms. The team also provides welfare support for all students, with an open-door policy.

Want to join a sports team? Eager to try something new? We encourage you to take part in the wide range of sports, social and cultural activities and events on offer. From fencing to hockey, yoga to hiking, we have over 100 clubs and societies so you can be sure to find something that will interest you.

Our popular ‘Mums and Dads’ buddy scheme is organised by the Students’ Union. Every first year has the choice of being assigned a ‘parent’ from the year above in their respective course. The returning student acts as a go to for advice about courses and university life.

Students with children

Juggling study and parenthood can be difficult, particularly if you’re taking a demanding medical or healthcare degree. Our Student Parents and Carers Empowered (SPACE) society is a group run by studying parents that meets monthly to support each other and discuss how to balance family life with studying. For more information, email the SPACE society.


We’re here to help you develop the academic skills you need to succeed and make the most of our library collections.

  • Sessions and tutorials on literature searches, keyword searches and using databases
  • Training materials for academic planning, reading and writing to develop key transferable skills
  • 1:1 meetings for a tailored approach to your academic support needs

How to apply

Before beginning your application please check the entry criteria of the course you wish to study to ensure you meet the required standards.

If you work for the NHS and wish to be considered for NHSE funding, please make this clear on your application.

Guidance on submitting an application can be found on our how to apply webpage.

Access our online application system

1. Select the relevant application link and create an account:

2. Once you have created your account, you will be able to complete an application form and upload any relevant documents. You can save a partly completed form and return to it later. Please make sure you complete all sections. Please make sure that the information you provide is accurate, including the options you select in menus.

3. Add to your address book to ensure you do not miss any important emails from us.

4. When you have checked that your application is complete and accurate, click ‘submit’.

You can track your application through your online account.

Applying for a module

Genomic Medicine Modules 2024/5 entry

  • Research projects onsite presentations will take place on 31 July 2025

Genomic Medicine Modules 2025/6 entry

Modules starting September – November 2025
Modules starting December 2025 – January 2026
Modules starting February – April 2026

If you are applying to study a module please note the following:

Applications for all modules close one month before the module start date.

If you wish to do more than one module, please use the application link for the module which occurs first.  Please state in your personal statement exactly which modules you wish to do.

Spaces on modules are limited and subject to availability. Early applications are recommended.

Current students: Students currently studying a Genomic Medicine standalone module at St George's should contact to enquire into studying further modules. Please do not use the above links.

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Guidance for completing your references

When completing your application, you will be asked to provide contact details of two referees. Please ensure these details are accurate. As soon as you have submitted your application, your referees will be contacted by the university asking them to upload a reference to your online application.

One must be a recent academic reference. The other should be either a second academic reference or a professional/employer reference. They should cover your suitability for the course and your academic ability.

Your referees should know you well enough, in an official capacity, to write about you and your suitability for higher education. We do not accept references from family, friends, partners, ex-partners or yourself.

We will send reminder emails to your referees but it is your responsibility to ensure that contact details are correct and referees are available to submit a reference. References should be uploaded within two weeks of making your application.

“My favourite part of the Genomic Medicine course was interacting with many different healthcare professionals from a variety of backgrounds such as GPs, nurses, and other allied healthcare workers. This resulted in an enhanced learning experience, which in combination with the number of modules available within the course, gave me a richer understanding of how genomics is being applied across the NHS.”

- Stephanie

Research Team Leader

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“Looking ahead, the MSc in Genomic medicine has helped me understand the advancements in omic technologies, provided direction in my research interests, and given a clear roadmap for integration of genomic techniques into my own medical practice.”

- Fran

Final year MBBS4 student at St George's, University of London

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“The module leads and lecturers were so knowledgeable and approachable; the passion for their subjects was obvious. The modules were very well structured with plenty of resources available; pre-session reading, and activities supported the learning and aided the embedding of knowledge and understanding.”

- Amanda

Paediatric Research Sister

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Fees and funding

In this tab you will find the financial information for this course of study, including details of financial support.

Tuition fees

2025 UK entry (home)

  • Full-time MSc: £16,000
  • Part-time MSc (2 years): £8,550 per annum
  • Part-time MSc (3 years): £6,100 per annum
  • Full-time PgDip: £10,750
  • Part-time PgDip (2 years): £5,800 per annum
  • Part-time PgCert: £6,100
  • Genomic Medicine module: £1,500

2025 International (including EU)

  • Full-time MSc: £26,450
  • Part-time MSc (2 years): £14,050 per annum
  • Part-time MSc (3 years): £10,500 per annum
  • Full-time PgDip: £19,600
  • Part-time PgDip (2 years): £10,500 per annum
  • Part-time PgCert: £10,500
  • Genomic Medicine module: £2,550

Additional costs

We do not expect students to incur any extra costs over and above those that we have advertised on the course page. To get the most from your studies, you will need your personal computer or laptop (Windows 10 or macOS) and an internet connection in your home. Find out more about technology requirements associated with online learning.

Students doing the Advanced Bioinformatics module will need to download free VPN software and set up a VPN connection to be able to access our cloud computing facilities in advance. You can find a guide about how to do this on macOS, Linux or Microsoft Windows here and the VPN configuration file here.

Personal protective equipment (PPE), if needed, will be provided for you by the University.

Funding your study

If you work for the NHS then you may be eligible for funding from NHS England for up to four taught modules. Applications for NHSE funding are now closed - please register your interest to be notified when more funding is released.

If you have any questions related to funding applications, please liaise with Dr George Wardley or visit the Genomics Education Programme website for more information.

We have a range of funding opportunities available for students. You may be eligible for the following:

*Please note that the three year MSc is not eligible for the Postgraduate Master's Loan.

Find out more about our outstanding faculty of academics and clinicians.

Course director

Dr Clara Cieza-Borrella

Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biology at St George’s, University of London

Dr Clara Cieza-Borrella is Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biology and Principal Investigator of the Prostate Cancer Biology Lab at St George's, University of London.

She graduated from University of Salamanca (Spain) with BSc Biology to later complete her master’s in Clinic and Biology of Cancer at the Centro de Investigacion del Cancer (Salamanca). She obtained her PhD in Molecular Medicine at the University of Salamanca and moved to London to carry out her postdoctoral studies on prostate cancer genetics at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR, London). During her time there, Clara specialised in the functional validation of novel genes and variants in prostate cancer and novel technologies.

In 2019, Clara moved to St George's where she started to get involved in the St George's Genomic Medicine course, and in 2021 became the Course Director of the Genomic Medicine MSc.

Clara is also involved in public engagement, especially addressed to children and youth groups as part of her UK STEM Ambassador role.

Talk to Clara about: Genomic medicine, Cancer genetics, 3D Cell culture models, Targeted therapies, Liquid biopsies, Genome editing, and public engagement.

Deputy course director

Dr George Wardley

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at St George’s, University of London

Dr George Wardley is a Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at St George's, University of London. His specialities are the pathology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and the dynamics of stress granules in health and disease, investigated in animal and cellular models. He gained a PhD in Clinical Neuroscience at King's College London, and subsequently undertook a position of Teaching Fellow at Queen Mary, University of London before joining St George's.

He is the deputy course director of MSc Genomic Medicine, as well as its admissions tutor. He is a module lead on the Clinical Neuroscience and Genomics of Neurological Disorders modules, and supervises research project students in Biomedical Sciences.

Programme Lead at King's College London

Dr Alan Hodgkinson

Senior Lecturer at King's College London

Alan Hodgkinson is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at King's College London. He completed a DPhil at the University of Sussex, where he studied the patterns of mutation in the human genome, before undertaking a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Montreal in Canada, where he worked on population and functional genomics within large population cohorts. His current research focusses on understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying variation in mitochondrial transcriptional processes across individuals and tissues, and the causal role of mitochondrial genetics in common diseases such as neurodegeneration and cancer. He is the module lead on the Omics Techniques and Technologies module.

Module leads

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Dr Amanda Fitzpatrick - Omics Module

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Experimental Medicine at King’s College London

Dr Amanda Fitzpatrick MBChB is Clinical Senior Lecturer in Experimental Medicine at King's College London, and an Honorary Medical Oncologist at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital. She completed a PhD at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) in 2019 investigating the genomics and biology of breast cancer leptomeningeal disease, funded by an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship. Her current research activities focus on central nervous system metastasis from solid tumours, with a particular focus on liquid biopsy, tumour evolution and disease modelling.

Dr Anna Pacholczyk - Ethics Module

Senior Lecturer in Medical Ethics at St George’s, University of London

Dr Anna Pacholczyk is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Ethics at St George’s, University of London. She specializes in philosophical bioethics and neuroethics. Her main field of interest is ethics of new technologies in medicine (such as genetic technologies, stem cell therapies and neuro-technologies). Among other topics, she is interested in the ethics of AI, deep brain stimulation, enhancement, and ethical issues surrounding the use and development of human brain organoids. She serves as a lead for Medical Ethics and Law for the medical programme, and leads undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in ethics and medicine, including being a module co-lead for postgraduate Genomic Medicine module entitled Ethical, Legal and Social perspectives on Genomic Medicine.

Anna studied cognitive science (BPS Accredited), and after some placement work with patients with dementia, she decided to further study healthcare ethics and law at postgraduate level. After obtaining her MA and PhD from the Manchester School of Law with the focus in healthcare ethics and bioethics, she worked at the University of Bristol, as well as KCL before moving to a lectureship position at City St George’s, University of London where she currently is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Ethics.

Dr Graeme Hewitt - Pathology of Cancer Module

Leader of the Genome Stability Lab at King’s College London

Dr Graeme Hewitt is the leader of the Genome stability lab King’s College London. The lab was established with a CRUK CoL Radnet fellowship and is interested in understanding cellular mechanisms of DNA damage repair and how these can be targeted to treat cancer. The genome stability group utilise functional genomics to pick apart the molecular mechanisms of different DNA repair pathways and the interplay between them. Currently the lab is focused on understanding vulnerabilities and resistance mechanisms in response to different modalities of radiotherapy. Graeme has expertise in DNA damage repair, telomere biology, ageing and cancer and methodologies such as whole genome CRISPR screening and live cell imaging. Graeme is a deputy module lead for the molecular pathology of cancer module on the Genomic Medicine Master’s.

Prof Guy Tear - Fundamentals Module and Research Project

Professor of Molecular Neurobiology at King’s College London

Guy Tear is Professor of Molecular Neurobiology at King’s College London. He is a geneticist that uses Drosophila as a model organism to understand genetic mechanisms that control establishment of neural circuitry and to gain insights into the normal and pathological function of proteins that contribute to neurodegenerative disease.

Prof Tear has held several educational management positions including Head of Biochemistry (2007-2014 and 2022-2024) and Head of Genetics (2015-2022). Prof Tear delivers teaching at all educational levels across fifteen modules, he is KCL module lead for the Research Project modules. His teaching skills are recognised annually by nomination for awards and by his award of a King’s College Education Award in 2022 for Expanding Opportunities.

He completed his PhD in the Genetics Department at Cambridge University investigating the genetic control of early development of the embryo. He was awarded an EMBO Long Term Fellowship to complete postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley. Prof Tear returned to the United Kingdom in 1996 as a MRC Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College, London before moving to the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology at King’s College, London as Senior Lecturer in 2000. He was promoted to Professor of Molecular Neurobiology in 2004.

Harriet McMillan - Counselling Module

Principal Genetic Counsellor in the South West Thames Centre for Genomics

Harriet McMillan is a Principal Genetic Counsellor in the South West Thames Centre for Genomics, based at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Harriet is part of the rare disease and prenatal team and has a specialist interest in Neurogenetics. Harriet studied Biology (BSc) at the University of Nottingham. She completed the 2 year MSc in Genetic Counselling at the University of Manchester with Distinction in 2017. In 2020 Harriet became a registered member of the Genetic Counsellor Registration Board (GCRB). The GCRB register has since been transferred to the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS). Harriet spent 5 years working as a Genetic Counsellor in the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine before joining the team based at St George’s in 2022.

Prof Jordana Bell - Rare and Common Inherited Diseases Module


Professor in Epigenomics at King's College London

Jordana Bell is a Professor in Epigenomics at King’s College London, UK. Her research explores the genomic basis of complex traits in human populations, focusing on epigenomic variation. Jordana’s primary research focus is to understand the processes that shape epigenetic variation in human populations, and its biomedical significance to human ageing and age-related cardio-metabolic disease.

Jordana completed her doctoral studies on genetic interactions in complex traits at the University of Oxford. She was subsequently a Wellcome Trust funded fellow at the Universities of Chicago and Oxford, where her work shifted to epigenomics. Since joining King’s in 2012 Jordana has established a research program in human population epigenomics, focusing on twins, and is currently leading research efforts across UK-based and international cohorts and collaborative consortia. More broadly, her research explores how computation genomics and multi-omics can be applied to help characterize human disease pathophysiology and lead towards stratified treatments.

Dr Kate Everett - Fundamentals Module

Reader in Human Genetics at St George’s, University of London

Dr Kate Everett read Biology at the University of York before moving to Cambridge University to pursue an MPhil in Biological Anthropology. After a year working in industry, she started her PhD at Cambridge University, funded by Cancer Research UK. The aim of this work was to elucidate the genetic basis of cutaneous malignant melanoma by using melanocytic naevi as a proxy risk measure. This was followed by a move to UCL where she stayed for 7 years before moving to St George's in 2010. Dr Everett's research now focuses primarily on neurogenetics, with an emphasis on identifying the genetic cause of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Since joining St George's in 2010, she has established research links with the clinical genetics team at St George's University Hospital NHS Trust. Her education portfolio spans many undergraduate and postgraduate courses at St George's. She has been involved in the MSc Genomic Medicine since it's inception in 2015 and is currently Deputy head of the Graduate School with oversight of all taught postgraduate programmes at the Tooting campus.

Dr Marta Futema - Cardiovascular Module

Lecturer in Cardiovascular Science at St George’s, University of London

Dr Marta Futema is Lecturer in Cardiovascular Science at the Cardiology Research Centre at St George’s, University of London. Her research overarches genetics, bioinformatics and functional genomics approaches to understand causes of inherited cardiovascular diseases. She has a strong focus on genetic aetiology of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH), from rare variants to polygenic risk scores. Her work has had an impact on the UK clinical guidelines on FH, the NICE Guidelines.

Dr Futema qualified in Medical Biotechnology from University of East London, followed by PhD in Cardiovascular Genetics from UCL Genetics Institute, University College London. She held two postdoctoral positions at UCL before taking up the independent research post at St George’s, in 2021. She remains as an honorary Senior Research Fellow at UCL.

Dr Futema holds a Fellowship of Advance HE and contributes to postgraduate teaching at City St George’s, UCL and Queen Mary University of London, which includes supervision of PhD students. She is the module leader for Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics (MSc Genomic Medicine (SGUL-KCL)).

Dr Mohammad Mahdi Karimi - Bioinformatics, Advanced Bioinformatics and Pathology of Cancer Modules

Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics at King’s College London

Dr Mohammad Mahdi Karimi holds a B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Tehran Polytechnic (2002), an M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Tehran (2004), and a PhD degree in Computing Science from Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada (2009). He has since served as an MSFHR Research Associate at the University of British Columbia, a Research Scientist at Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, and the Head of Bioinformatics at MRC London Institute of Medical Science, before joining King's. He is one of the team leaders to develop the Epigenomic Data Coordination Centre for Canada.

His main research interest is to provide visual analytics and machine learning solutions for multi-omics data integration and analysis towards the discovery of diagnostic and therapeutic targets and predictive models for haematological malignancies.

Dr Muriel Holder - Fetal Genomics Module

Consultant Clinical Geneticist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Medway Maritime Hospital

Dr Muriel Holder is a Consultant Clinical Geneticist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Medway Maritime Hospital. She provides private clinical genetics services at the Portland hospital as well as video consultations.

Muriel started working as an NHS consultant in clinical genetics at Guy's hospital in June 2012 and was head of service between 2020 and 2023. She previously trained and worked in clinical genetics at Lille University Hospital in France as a speciality registrar for four years and as a lecturer for six years. She graduated from Cochin university in Paris. She furthered her training at the Necker Hospital in Paris, as well as Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. She speaks French and English fluently. She is the clinical genetics representative at the Scientific Advisory Committee and the Co-chair of the Genomics Standing Committee for the Royal College of Obstetric and Gynaecology.

Muriel has wide clinical and academic experience with a PhD and habilitation to supervise research in Clinical Genetics and has played a crucial role in more than 100 publications over the years. She teaches King’s College London’s students.

She is a Trustee for HF Mencap and has been heavily implicated at JED (a Franco-Belgian Charity) representing the scientific committee’s board for more than 15 years funding research projects in paediatric neurology and ophthalmology.

Her research interests are focused on limb differences, dysmorphology, dermatology and vascular diseases as well as fetal medicine and pre-implantation genetic testing. In light of this, she has set up a multidisciplinary monthly Clinic for patients with congenital limb differences at St Thomas’ Hospital.

Dr Nayana Lahiri - Genomics of Neurological Disorders Module

Consultant in Clinical Genetics at the SW Thames Centre for Genomic Medicine

I am a Consultant in Clinical Genetics in the SW Thames Centre for Genomic Medicine based at St George's University Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer at St George's, University London.

I specialist in Neurogenetics with particular interests in Huntington's Disease and other adult onset neurodegenerative disease and I am a Trustee for the Huntington's Disease Association as well as on the Executive Board of the European Huntington's Disease Network. I have also developed expertise in the Genomics of Epilepsy and am a visiting Clinical Geneticist to the Epilepsy Genomics Clinic at the ULCH, National Society for Epilepsy.

I work in close collaboration with neurology, neuropsychiatry and other medical professionals and understand some of the challenges in mainstreaming genomics so I am also passionate about multidisciplinary working and improving genomics education to ensure robust diagnoses and clear communication for families affected by genetic disorders.

Dr Panicos Shangaris - Pharmacogenomics and Fetal Genomics Modules

Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at King’s College London

Dr Panicos Shangaris graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2005 and pursued higher specialist training in London at renowned institutions such as University College London (UCL), the Royal Free London, and North Middlesex Hospitals.

He enrolled in a Master's degree program at University College London (UCL), where he received a distinction in Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Genetics. Opting for deeper academic engagement, he embarked on a PhD at UCL. Under the supervision of Professor Anna David and Professor Paolo De Coppi, Panicos specialised in treating genetic blood disorders via fetal stem cell transplantation and gene therapy. Once he earned his PhD, Panicos took up a position as an NIHR Clinical Lecturer at King's College London (KCL). With a focus on Maternal and Fetal Medicine, he gained clinical experience at institutions such as Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals and King's College Hospital (KCH).

Panicos currently holds the position of a Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at King's College London and King’s College Hospital. His work has significantly advanced the field of prenatal therapy for sickle cell disease and the immunology of pregnancy.

One of his major projects, the Prenatal Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease (PERICLES) project, focuses on developing and assessing gene-editing technologies and delivery methods in human and mouse fetal hematopoietic stem cells. This project aims to provide a therapeutic option that could lead to the birth of disease-free individuals, which is particularly transformative for regions where sickle cell disease is prevalent and treatment options are limited.

In addition to his work on sickle cell disease, Panicos is deeply involved in studying the immunology of pregnancy. His research emphasises the role of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in maintaining a balanced immune environment, which is crucial for successful pregnancy outcomes. This work is part of his commitment to understanding and enhancing maternal and fetal health through innovative prenatal therapies and immunological studies.

Panicos supervises BSc, MSc, and PhD students and leads new initiatives like the Fetal Genomics module in the MSc program in Genomic Medicine. His collaborative efforts with noted researchers such as Professors Kypros Nicolaides, John Strouboulis, and Giovanna Lombardi have enriched his work and contributions to the field.

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One year full-time, two or three years part-time

Application Deadline

Home fee payers 24 August 2025 | Overseas fee payers 1 July 2025

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