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Dr Walley is currently Reader in Human Genomics and Head of the Section of Molecular Biology within the Centre for Biomedical Education. His primary teaching is on the BSc in Biomedical Sciences. His research area is the use of genetics and genomics techniques to understand the origins of human disease.

Prior to joining St George’s, Dr Walley was at Imperial College London where he held the posts of Lecturer in Complex Human Genetics (2005-2015) and Genome Centre Manager (2003-2005). At Imperial College London, Dr Walley’s teaching roles included Course Director of the MSc in Human Molecular Genetics and Co-Course Director of the short course “Principles of Genomic Medicine”.


He was awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Student Learning and Teaching from Imperial College London in 2007.


Before moving to Imperial College London, he held three consecutive postgraduate research posts at the University of Oxford, working in the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, the John Radcliffe Hospital and the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine.


Dr Walley obtained both his BSc(Hons) in Biochemistry and his Ph.D. in Virology from the University of Oxford.



Dr Walley is a member of the British Society of Genetic Medicine, the European Society of Human Genetics and the Genetics Society. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the European Journal of Human Genetics and Annals of Human Genetics. He has served as Editor-In-Chief of the SpringerNature review journal Current Genetic Medicine Reports.  He has served on the editorial boards of PeerJ, The Scientific World, SpringerPlus, Dataset Papers in Biology and Endocrinology Studies.


He has provided peer review for major funding bodies such as the Wellcome Trust, the BBSRC, the British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK, and for journals such as The Lancet, the British Medical Journal, the American Journal of Human Genetics and the International Journal of Obesity.

Dr Walley’s research has focused for a long time on genomic approaches for identifying variation in the human genome associated with susceptibility to common disease. This includes single nucleotide polymorphism and copy number variation, gene expression measurement, characterising disease-related changes in DNA methylation patterns and telomere measurement. Over the course of his career, he has worked on the genetics and genomics of a wide range of human diseases, including HIV, Gaucher’s Disease, asthma, malaria, obesity, type 2 diabetes, neonatal encephalopathy and urinary incontinence.


He has over seventy publications, including four reviews and five book chapters. He has held two grants as Principal Investigator (Wellcome Trust and Diabetes UK) and has been Co-Investigator on seven. He has presented at many conferences, including giving talks for the American Society for Human Genetics and European Society for Human Genetics.


He has supervised four PhD projects to completion, as well as numerous Masters-level and undergraduate projects.


He has recently been made a trustee of the Chronic Diseases Research Foundation and is a member of their Scientific Advisory Board.

  1. Cartwright, R. Franklin, L. Tikkinen, K.A.O… Khullar, V. Järvelin, M.-R. and Walley,A. on behalf of the IGNITE Consortium (2021) “Genome Wide Association Study Identifies Two Novel Loci Associated with Female Stress and Urgency Urinary Incontinence” J Urol 206(3):679-687
  2. Krishnan, M.L., Van Steenwinckel, J., Schang, A.-L., Yan, J., Arnadottir, J., Le Charpentier, T., Csaba, Z., Dournaud, P., Ball, G., Boardman, J.P., Walley, A.J., Saxena, A., Mirza, G., Fleiss, B., Edwards, A.D., Petretto, E. and Gressens, P. (2017) “Integrative genomics analysis of microglial transcriptome reveals effect of DLG4 (PSD-95) on white matter in preterm infants” Nature Commun 8(1):428
  3. Krishnan, ML, Wang, Z, Silver, M, Boardman, JP, Ball, G, Counsell, SJ, Walley, AJ, Montana, G and Edwards, AD (2016) “Possible relationship between common genetic variation and white matter development in a pilot study of preterm infants.” Brain & Behaviour 6(7): e00434
  4. Alsters, SIM , Goldstone, AP, Buxton, JL, Zekavati, A, Sosinsky, A, Yiorkas, A, Holder, S, Klaber, RE, Bridges, N, van Haelst, MW, le Roux, CW, Walley, AJ, Walters, R, Mueller, M, and Blakemore, AIF (2015) “A homozygous null mutation in the carboxypeptidase E (CPE) gene in a morbidly obese female with intellectual disability, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism” PLoS ONE 10(6):e0131417
  5. Cartwright R, Kirby AC, Tikkinen KA, Mangera A, Thiagamoorthy G, Rajan P, Pesonen JS, Ambrose C, Gonzalez-Maffe J, Bennett P, Palmer T, Walley A, Järvelin MR, Chapple C, Khullar V (2014) “Systematic review and meta-analysis of genetic association studies of urinary symptoms and prolapse in women” Am J Obstet Gynecol. 212(2):199.e1-199.e24
  6. Cartwright, R., Mangera, A., Tikkinen, K.A.O., … Walley, A., Jarvelin, M.-J., Khullar, V. and Chapple, C. (2014) “Systematic review and meta-analysis of candidate gene association studies of lower urinary tract symptoms in men” Eur Urol 66(4):752-68
  7. Falchi, M., El-Sayed Moustafa, J., Takousis, P., … Walley, A., Eichler, E.E., Pattou, F., Spector, T.D. and Froguel, P. (2014) “Low number of copies of the salivary amylase gene predisposes to obesity” Nature Genet 46(5):492-7
  8. Boardman, J.P., Walley, A., Ball, G., Takousis, P., Krishnan, M.L., Hughes-Carre, L., Aljabar, P., Serag, A., King, C., Merchant, N., Srinivasan, L., Froguel, P., Hajnal, J., Rueckert, D., Counsell, S. and Edwards, A.D. (2014) “Common genetic variants modulate risk of brain injury after preterm birth” Pediatrics 133(6):e1655-63
  9. Sriraksa, R., Zeller, C., Dai, W., Siddiq, A., Walley, A.J., Limpaiboon, T. and Brown, R. (2013) “Aberrant DNA methylation at genes associated with a stem cell-like phenotype in cholangiocarcinoma tumours” Cancer Prevent Res 6(12):1348-55
  10. Ahlin, S., Sjöholm, K., Jacobson, P., Andersson-Assarsson, J., Walley, A., … Carlsson, L., Olsson, B. and Svensson, P.A. (2013) “Macrophage gene expression in adipose tissue is associated with insulin sensitivity and serum lipid levels independent of obesity” Obesity 21(12):E571-6
  11. Mardinoglu, A., Agren, R., Kampf, C., …Walley, A.J., Froguel, P., Carlsson, L.M., Uhlen, M. and Nielsen, J. (2013) "Integration of clinical data with a genome-scale metabolic model of the human adipocyte." Mol Systems Biol 9:649
  12. Zeller, C., Dai, W., Curry, E.W.C., Siddiq, A., Walley, A., … Ghaem-Maghami, S., Brown, R. and El-Bahrawy, M. (2013) “The DNA methylomes of serous borderline tumours reveal subgroups with malignant-like or benign-like profiles” Amer J Pathol 182(3):668-77
  13. Nookaew, I., Svensson, P.-A., Jacobson, P., …Walley, A., Nielsen, J. and Carlsson, L.M.S. (2013) “Adipose tissue resting energy expenditure and expression of genes involved in mitochondrial function are higher in women than in men” J Clin Endocrinol Metab 98(2):E370-8
  14. El-Sayed Moustafa, J.S., Eleftherohorinou, H., de Smith, A.J., … Walley, A., Falchi, M., Froguel, P., Blakemore, A.I.F. and Coin, L.J.M. (2012) “Novel Association Approach for Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs) Identifies DOCK5 as a Susceptibility Gene for Severe Obesity” Hum Mol Genet 21(16):3727-38
  15. Fox CS, et al (2012) “Genome-wide association for abdominal subcutaneous and visceral adipose reveals a novel locus for visceral fat in women.” PLoS Genet. 8(5):e1002695
  16. Dastani, Z. et al (2012) “Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals” PLoS Genet. 8(3):e1002607
  17. Froguel, P., Ndiaye, N.C., Bonnefond, A., … Walley, A., Elliott, P., Jarvelin, M.-R., Dedoussis, G.V. and Visvikis-Siest, S. (2012) “A genome-wide association study identifies rs2000999 as a strong genetic determinant of circulating haptoglobin levels” PLoS ONE 7(3):e32327
  18. Zeller, C., Dai,W., Steele, N.L., Siddiq, A., Walley, A.J., … van der Zee, A., Plumb, J.A. and Brown, R. (2012) “Candidate DNA methylation drivers of acquired cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer identified by methylome and expression profiling” Oncogene 31(42):4567-76
  19. Palmer, N.D. et al (2012) “A Genome-Wide Association Search for Type 2 Diabetes Genes in African Americans” PLoS One 7(1):e29202
  20. Marquez, M, Huyvaert, M, Perry, … Walley, A, Balkau, B, Marre, M, DIAGRAM consortium, Froguel, P, and Cauchi, S. (2012) “Low Frequency Variants in HMGA1 are not associated with Type 2 Diabetes Risk” Diabetes 61(2):524-530
  21. Chambers et al (2011) “Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma” Nature Genet 43(11):1131-8
  22. Zhu et al (2011) “The Lin28/let-7 axis regulates glucose metabolism” Cell 147(1):81-94
  23. Anveden A, Sjöholm K, Jacobson P, Palsdottir V, Walley AJ, … Sjöström L, Carlsson LM, Svensson PA. (2011) “ITIH-5 Expression in Human Adipose Tissue Is Increased in Obesity” Obesity 20(4):708-14
  24. Clark, S.J., Falchi, M., Olsson, B., … Carlsson, L.M.S., Froguel, P. and Walley, A.J. (2011) “Association of Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) gene SNPs and transcript expression levels with severe obesity” Obesity 20(1):178-85
  25. Eleftherohorinou H, Andersson-Assarsson JC, Walters RG, … Walley AJ, Falchi M (2011) “famCNV: copy number variant association for quantitative traits in families.” Bioinformatics 27(13):1873-5
  26. Walley, A.J., Jacobson, P., Falchi, M., … Sjostrom, L.M.S., Carlsson, L. and Froguel, P. (2011) “Differential co-expression analysis identifies obesity-associated networks in humans and mice” Internat J Obes 36(1):137-47
  27. Speliotes EK et al (2011) “Genome-wide association analysis identifies variants associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that have distinct effects on metabolic traits.” PLoS Genet. 7(3):e1001324
  28. Chapman SJ, Khor CC, Vannberg FO, Rautanen A, Walley A, …Williams TN, Scott JA, Hill AVS. (2011) “Common NFKBIL2 polymorphisms and susceptibility to pneumococcal disease: a genetic association study” Critical Care, 14(6): R227
  29. Choquet, H., Labrune, Y., De Graeve, F., … Walley, A.J., Besnard, P., Froguel, P. and Meyre, D. (2011) “Lack of association of CD36 SNPs with early-onset obesity: a meta-analysis in 9,973 European subjects” Obesity 19(4):833-9.
  30. Olsson, M., Olsson, B., Jacobson, P. … Walley, A.J., Froguel, P., Carlsson, L.M.S. and Sjöholm, K. (2011) “Expression of the selenoprotein S (SELS) gene in subcutaneous adipose tissue and SELS genotype are associated with metabolic risk factors” Metabolism 60(1):114-20
  31. Chiea C. Khor, Fredrik O. Vannberg, Stephen J. Chapman, Haiyan Guo, Sunny H. Wong, Andrew J. Walley, …Paul E.M. Fine, Denise L.M. Goh, Adrian V.S. Hill (2010) “CISH and Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases” New Engl J Med 362(22):2092-101
  32. Walters RG, Jacquemont S, Valsesia A, de Smith AJ, … Walley AJ, Coin LJ, Blakemore AI, Froguel P, Beckmann JS (2010) “A novel highly-penetrant form of obesity due to a 740kb deletion on chromosome 16p11.2” Nature 463:671-5
  33. Dupuis et al (2010) “New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk” Nature Genet 42:105-16
  34. Saxena et al (2010) “Genetic Variation in Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide Receptor (GIPR) Impacts the Glucose and Insulin Responses to an Oral Glucose Challenge” Nature Genet 42:142-8
  35. Saiki, A., Olsson, M., Jernås, M., … Walley, A., Froguel, P., Carlsson, B., Sjöström, L., Svensson, P.-A., Carlsson, L.M.S. (2009) “Tenomodulin is highly expressed in human adipose tissue, increased in obesity and down regulated during diet-induced weight loss” J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 94(10):3987-94
  36. Garcia, E.A., King, P., Sidhu, K., Ohgusu, H., Walley, A., …Petersenn, S., Froguel, P. and Korbonits, M. (2009) “The role of ghrelin and ghrelin receptor gene variants and promoter activity in type 2 diabetes” Eur J Endocrinol 161:307-15
  37. Jernås, M., Olsson, B., Arner, P., … Walley, A., Froguel, P., McTernan, P.G., Hoffstedt, J. and Carlsson, L.M. (2009) “Regulation of carboxylesterase 1 (CES1) in human adipose tissue” Biochem Biophys Res Commun 383:63-7
  38. Blakemore, A.I., Meyre, D., Delplanque, J., …Balkau, B., Froguel, P. and Walley A.J. (2009) “A Rare Variant in the Visfatin Gene (NAMPT/PBEF1) Is Associated With Protection From Obesity.” Obesity 17(8):1549-53
  39. Carlsson, L.M., Jacobson, P., Walley, A., …Sjöström, L., Svensson, P.A. and Sjöholm, K. (2009) “ALK7 expression is specific for adipose tissue, reduced in obesity and correlates to factors implicated in metabolic disease.” Biochem Biophys Res Commun 382:309-14
  40. Meyre, D., Delplanque, J., Chèvre, J.-C., … Walley, A.J., Dina, C. and Froguel, P. (2009) “Genome-wide association study identifies three new loci for severe polygenic obesity in European populations” Nature Genet 41:157-9
  41. Bouatia-Naji, N., Bonnefond, A., Cavalcanti-Proença, C., … Walley, A.J., Hansen, T., Dina, C., Pedersen, O., Froguel, P. (2009) “A variant near MTNR1B is associated with increased fasting plasma glucose levels and type 2 diabetes risk” Nature Genet 41:89-94
  42. Benzinou, M., Creemers, J.W.M., Choquet, H., … Walley, A.J., Hansen,T., Pedersen, O., Meyre, D. and Froguel, P. (2008) “Common non-synonymous variants in PCSK1 confer risk of obesity” Nature Genet 40:943-5
  43. Khor CC, Vannberg FO, Chapman SJ, Walley, A, … Maitland K, Williams TN, Hill AV. (2007) “Positive replication and linkage disequilibrium mapping of the chromosome 21q22.1 malaria susceptibility locus.” Genes Immun 8:570-6
  44. Chapman SJ, Khor CC, Vannberg FO, Frodsham A, Walley A, … Crook DW, Davies RJ, Hill AV. (2007) “IkappaB genetic polymorphisms and invasive pneumococcal disease” Am J Respir Crit Care Med 176:181-7
  45. Khor CC, Chapman SJ, Vannberg FO, Dunne A, Murphy C, Ling EY, Frodsham AJ, Walley AJ, …, Berkley JA, O'Neill LA, Hill AV. (2007) “A Mal functional variant is associated with protection against invasive pneumococcal disease, bacteremia, malaria and tuberculosis.” Nat Genet 39:523-528
  46. Fairbrother UL, Tanko LB, Walley AJ, Christiansen C, Froguel P, Blakemore AI. (2007) “Leptin Receptor Genotype at Gln223Arg is Associated with Body Composition, Bone Mineral Density and Vertebral Fracture in Postmenopausal Danish Women” J Bone Miner Res 22:544-550
  47. Siddiq A, Gueorguiev M, Samson C, …Meyre D, Walley A, Froguel P. “Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the neuropeptide Y2 receptor (NPY2R) gene and association with severe obesity in French white subjects” (2007) Diabetologia 50(3):574-84
  48. Bell, C., Meyre, D., Petretto, E., … Aitman, T.J., Froguel, P., and Walley,A.J. (2007) “No contribution of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene variants to severe obesity: a model for comprehensive case/control and quantitative cladistic analysis of ACE in human diseases.” Eur J Hum Genet 15:320-7
  49. Benzinou M, Walley A, Lobbens S, …Balkau B, Meyre D and Froguel P. (2006) “Bardet-Biedl syndrome gene variants are associated with both childhood and adult common obesity in French Caucasians” Diabetes 55:2876-82.
  50. Tankó, L.B., Siddiq, A., Lecoeur, C… Walley, A.J. and Froguel, P. (2005) “ACDC-adiponectin and PPAR-γ gene polymorphisms: implications for features of obesity” Obes Res 13:2113-21
  51. Bell, C.G., Meyre, D., Lecoeur, C., …Gibson, F., Froguel, P. and Walley, A.J. (2005) “Association of Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Receptor-1 5’ polymorphism with early-onset extreme obesity” Diabetes 54:3049-3055
  52. Meyre, D., Bouatia-Naji, M., Tounian, A., … Walley, A.J., Boutin, P., Dina, C. and Froguel, P. (2005) “Variants of ENPP1 (PC-1) are associated with childhood and adult obesity and increase the risk of glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes” Nat Genet 37:863-867
  53. Aucan, C., Walley, A.J. and Hill, A.V.S. (2004) “Common apolipoprotein E polymorphisms and risk of clinical malaria in The Gambia” J Med Genet 41(1):21-4
  54. Cooke, G.S., Aucan, C., Walley, A.J., Segal, S., Greenwood, B.M., Kwiatkowski, D. and Hill, A.V.S. (2003) “Association of Fcgamma receptor IIa (CD32) polymorphism with severe malaria in West Africa” Am J Trop Med Hyg 69:565-8
  55. Walley, A.J., Aucan, C., Kwiatkowski, D. and Hill, A.V.S. (2003) “Interleukin-1 gene cluster polymorphisms and susceptibility to clinical malaria in a Gambian case-control study” Eur J Hum Genet 12:132-8
  56. Aucan, C., Walley, A.J. and Hill, A.V.S. (2003) “Haptoglobin genotypes are not associated with resistance to severe malaria in The Gambia: a reply” (2003) Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 97:121
  57. Aucan, C., Walley, A.J., Hennig, B.J.W., Fitness, J., Frodsham, A., Zhang, L., Kwiatkowski, D. and Hill, A.V.S. (2003) “Interferon-alpha receptor-1 (IFNAR1) variants are associated with protection against cerebral malaria in The Gambia” Genes Immun 4:275-282
  58. Aucan, C., Walley, A.J., Greenwood, B.M. and Hill, A.V.S. (2002) “Haptoglobin genotypes are not associated with resistance to severe malaria in The Gambia” Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 96: 237-238
  59. Walley, A.J., Chavanas, S., Moffatt, M.F… Harper, J.I., Hovnanian, A. and Cookson, W.O.C.M. (2001) “Gene polymorphism in Netherton and common atopic disease” Nature Genet 29:175-178
  60. Cookson, W.O.C.M., Ubhi, B., Lawrence, R., Abecasis, G.R., Walley, A.J., Cox, H.E., Coleman, R., Leaves, N.I., Trembath, R.C., Moffatt, M.F. and Harper, J.I. (2001) “Genetic linkage of childhood atopic dermatitis to psoriasis susceptibility loci” Nature Genet 27:372-373
  61. Walley, A.J., Wiltshire, S., Ellis, C.E. and Cookson, W.O.C.M. (2001) “Linkage and allelic association of chromosome 5 cytokine cluster genetic markers with atopy and asthma associated traits” Genomics 72: 15-20
  62. Mitchell, T.J., Walley, A.J., Pease, J.E., Venables, P.J.W., Wiltshire, S., Williams, T.J. and Cookson, W.O.C.M. (2000) "Delta 32 deletion of CCR5 gene and association with asthma and atopy" The Lancet 356:1491-1492
  63. Dizier, M-H, Sandford, A., Walley, A., Philippi, A., Cookson, W. and Demenais, F. (1999) "Indication of linkage of serum IgE levels to the interleukin-4 gene and exclusion of the contribution of the (-590 C to T) Interleukin-4 promoter polymorphism to IgE variation” Genet Epidemiol 16:84-94
  64. Cox, H.E., Moffatt, M.F., Faux, J.A., Walley, A.J., Coleman, R., Trembath, R.C., Cookson, W.O.C.M. and Harper, J.I. (1998) "Association of atopic dermatitis to the beta subunit of the high affinity immunoglobulin E receptor" Br J Dermatol 138: 182-187
  65. Walley, A.J. and Cookson, W.O.C.M. (1996) "Investigation of an interleukin-4 promoter polymorphism for associations with asthma and atopy" J Med Genet 33:689-692
  66. Walley, J., Ellis, I. and Harris, A. (1995) "Three unrelated Gaucher's disease patients with three novel mutations in the glucocerebrosidase gene (P266R, D315H and A318D)" Brit J Haem 91:330-332
  67. Walley, A.J. and Harris, A. (1993) "A novel point mutation (D380A) and a rare deletion (1255del55) in glucocerebrosidase causing Gaucher's disease" Hum Mol Genet 2:1737-1738.
  68. Walley, A.J., Barth, M.L., Ellis, I., Fensom, A.H. and Harris, A. (1993) "Gaucher's disease in the United Kingdom: screening non-Jewish patients for the two common mutations" J Med Genet 30:280-283.
  69. Williamson, R., Bowcock, A., Kidd, K., Pearson, P., Schmidtke, J., Chan, H.S., Chipperfield, M., Cooper, D.N., Hewitt, J., Lewitter, F., Maidak, B., Quitt, M., Ricciuti, F., Track, R., Tolley, M., Trumper, S., Walley, A. (1990) “Report of the DNA committee and catalogues of cloned and mapped genes and DNA polymorphisms” Cytogenet Cell Genet 55:457-778
  70. Walley, A.J. and Jones, I.M. (1989) "Direct RNA binding by the rev product of HIV-1" AIDS 3:859-861.


  • Fairbrother, U, Kidd, E., Malagamuwa, T. and Walley, A.J. (2018) “Genetics of Severe Obesity” Curr Diabet Reports vol 18 article 85
  • Walley, A.J., Asher, J.E. and Froguel, P. (2009) “The genetic contribution to non-syndromic human obesity” Nat Rev Genet 10:431-442 
  • Walley, AJ, Blakemore, AI and Froguel, P. (2006) “Genetics of obesity and the prediction of risk for health” Hum Mol Genet 15(Supp 2):R124-30 
  • Bell, C.G., Walley, A.J. and Froguel, P. (2005) “The Genetics of Human Obesity” Nature Rev Genet 6(3):221-234


  • Krishnan, M.L., Wang, Z., Silver, M., Boardman, J.P., Ball, G., Counsell, S.J., Walley, A.J., Edwards, D. and Montana, G. (2017) “Chapter Three: Integration of network-based biological knowledge with white matter features in preterm infants using the graph-guided group lasso” pp45-59 in “Imaging Genetics” Ed. Dalca, Batmanghelich, Sabuncu and Shen, Academic Press 
  • Walley, A., Adesina‐Georgiadis, K., Benlahrech, A. and Reid, F. (2017) “Chapter 4: Core techniques, principles and statistics in Medical Science” in “How to Complete a PhD in the Medical and Clinical Sciences” Ed. Barnett-Vanes and Allen, Wiley

  • Andersson, J. and Walley, A.J. (2010) “The Contribution of Heredity to Clinical Obesity”, Chapter 2 of “Obesity Before Birth”, Ed. R.H. Lustig, Springer

  • Walley, A.J. and Hill, A.V.S. (2007) “Genetic Susceptibility to Infectious Disease” Chapter 19 of “Genes and Common Diseases – Genetics in Modern Medicine” Ed. Wilson and Hastie, Cambridge University Press 
  • Walley, A.J. and Cookson, W.O.C.M. (1999) "Genetics of Asthma" Chapter 2 of "Molecular Biology of the Lung Volume II: Asthma and Cancer" Ed. R.A. Stockley, Birkhaüser Verlag SA.

Member of the Genetics Research Centre

Internal collaborations:

Genetics of Sudden Cardiac Death and Brugada Syndrome – Prof Elijah Behr

Zebrafish models of human diabetes and obesity – Dr Daniel Osborn

External collaborations:

Genetics of severe monogenic obesity – Dr Yalda Jamshidi - Novo Nordisk

Genetics of Obesity and Exercise - Dr Una Fairbrother – London Metropolitan University and Prof Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo - Santander University, Colombia

Telomeres and Human Disease – Dr Una Fairbrother – London Metropolitan University

Dr Walley’s main teaching role is as Course Chief Examiner of the BSc in Biomedical Sciences (BMS)  course. He is also Chief Examiner for Year 3, the intercalated BSc, and Years 3 and 4 of the MSci in Biomedical Science.  He is module lead for the Genomics module in Year 2 of the BMS course and module lead for Research Projects in Human Genomics in Year 3 of BMS. He was co-course lead of the MSc in Genomic Medicine from 2021-2022 and lead for research projects for the same course from 2016-2021. He was module lead for Genomics in the MRes in Biomedical Sciences from 2015-2018 and co-module lead for the BMS Year 3 Personalised Medicine module from 2016-2020.


He supervises both Year 3 Biomedical Science and MSc Genomic Medicine research projects (30 and 60 credit).


He has provided external lectures for the MSc in Paediatrics and Child Health at University College London (2014-2018) and the MSc in Medical Genomics at London Metropolitan University (2018-current). He served as an external Examiner for London Metropolitan University from 2015-2019 and is currently an external examiner for the MSc in Applied Genomics at Imperial College London.

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