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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

What is the knowledge exchange framework (KEF)?

The knowledge exchange framework (KEF) comes from a collection of data gathered from providers of higher education.

The data informs a series of metrics that look at the performance of English Higher Education Providers (HEPs) from a variety of different perspectives including:

  • public and community engagement
  • working with partners (ranging from big businesses to small local firms)
  • how research is commercialised. 

What is the purpose of the KEF?

The KEF aims is to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public funding for knowledge exchange and to further a culture of continuous improvement in universities.

It will allow universities to better understand and improve their own performance, as well as provide businesses and other users with more information to help them access the world-class knowledge and expertise.

The data shows the rich contributions English higher education providers make, both economically and socially, on local and national levels.

The knowledge exchange that underpins the KEF will help promote cooperation and drive continuous improvement in the higher education sector.

How City St George's was assessed

City St George's was assessed by Research England against other universities in a ‘cluster’ of comparable institutions.

We are in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) cluster, along with:

  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Institute of Cancer Research
  • Royal Veterinary College
  • AECC University College
  • University College of Osteopathy
  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • Cranfield University
  • Harper Adams University
  • Hartpury University
  • Royal Agricultural University
  • Writtle University College.

The results

Research England has published the full framework on their new interactive and detailed KEF website.

You can view the KEF dashboard here where you can select City St George's,  to see our results.

The full report on City St George's can be found here.

Consultation and decision documents published during the development of the KEF are available on Research England's publication pages.

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