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St George’s University of London takes pride in the diversity that exists in both its students and staff.
We aim to celebrate and harness this diversity so that everyone can fulfil their true potential. We recognise our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality duty and work to ensure our staff and students are treated fairly, with dignity and respect.
Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 is known as the Public Sector Equality Duty. All public sector organisations have a statutory obligation to pay ‘due regard’ in all of their policies, practices and procedures. This means public bodies must:
eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the act
advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
We must pay due regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) by:
removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics
taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
There are nine protected characteristics that are covered in the Equality Act:
gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
religion or belief
sexual orientation.
The following is a list of prohibited conduct under the Equality Act 2010. Our Dignity at Work and our Dignity at Study policies aim to ensure we foster a culture of inclusion and belonging at St George’s, in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.
The individual is treated less favourably than a person who does not share the same protected characteristic.
A rule or policy that disproportionately affects an individual or group from a protected characteristic.
When someone is treated unfavourably on the basis of another person's protected characteristic with whom they are associated e.g. a child or a partner.
When someone is treated unfavourably because others believe or percieve they have a protected characteristic, even if in reality they don't have it.
Unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual.
St George’s, University of London regularly analyses both staff and student data in order to detect any patterns or trends that may be disadvantaging certain protected characteristic groups. These data are discussed at various committees and meetings so that actions can be developed to mitigate any disadvantage.
We also aim to encourage staff participation from different protected characteristic groups and hold many events and focus groups to hear colleagues’ experiences that can contribute to the development of new processes and policy at the university.
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