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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

We provide professional study and research facilities to support your study and help you reach your potential.

Simulation centre

At our shared Advanced Patient Simulation Centre we train 3,000 students and healthcare workers a year. Hi-tech, computer-controlled manikins accurately replicate a range of medical conditions, including heart failure and lung problems.

Anatomy Suite

The Anatomy Suite is where present and future healthcare professionals and scientists in the hospital and University learn or expand on their anatomy knowledge directly from the human body, through access to high quality anatomy resources. These include plastinated (preserved) specimens, osteological materials, anatomical models and digital/imaging resources such as Anatomage tables and Complete Anatomy.

Research facilities

Run jointly with our partner St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the Clinical Research Facility is a custom-built centre that provides physical facilities and nursing and administrative support to facilitate high-quality research and clinical trials. The facility is open for use by University and trust staff, as well as students and other organisations.

Imaging Resource Facility (IRF)

The Imaging Resource Facility (IRF) provides state-of-the-art advanced bio-imaging technology. Its facilities are:

  • a light microscopy section offering epifluorescence, confocal laser scanning and time-lapse microscopy
  • an electron microscopy section which houses scanning and transmission electron microscopes
  • a sample preparation laboratory equipped for specialised histology techniques, resin and wax embedding processing and various microtomes.

The IRF also provides training with scientific and technical support. 

Library facilities

Our healthcare and biomedical collection comprises more than 42,000 books, ebooks and multimedia resources. We subscribe to more than 10,000 journals, mostly electronic, and a wide variety of medical and healthcare databases. If you would like to brush up on your information-finding skills, we run regular, free courses on information literacy.

The library is open 24/7 with silent study, group study and social learning spaces available. The library is also conveniently located near to the IT suites and within easy access of our teaching rooms and lecture theatres.

IT facilities

We have six computer suites housing 250 workstations, some of which have 24 hour access. In every room in our halls of residence there is access to the internet and to our academic network. There is wireless network access in all common areas, and a virtual patient app created by our e-learning unit means you can use your tablet or smartphone to test yourself on the move.

If you need it, support from the IT department is available, and we can train you to use the email system and other IT services. The library runs excellent training courses and it’s easy to access our virtual learning environment, Moodle, where you’ll find course materials, feedback and discussion boards.

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