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Early Clearing will open on Friday 5 July.

Applicants without offers, who have received their results will be able to submit a Clearing application for our available courses from this date.

Main Clearing will open on Thursday 15 August.

Clearing applicants, who have received their results, will be able to submit a Clearing application for our available courses from this date.

To help you find out more about Clearing, we've answered some of your frequently asked questions below. 

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What is Clearing?

Clearing is the process through which applicants without any university offers can gain a place on an undergraduate or pre-registration MSc course which has a vacancy.

To enter Clearing, you need to have received all your qualification results and be registered with UCAS. Find out more on the UCAS website.

How do I apply to St George's through Clearing and am I eligible to apply?

To apply to St George’s you can complete our online application form which will be available when Clearing opens.

We will also have a dedicated phoneline for those who would prefer to apply over the phone. Please note that we expect our phones to be extremely busy. 

In order to apply you need to have a valid UCAS Apply account (for 2024 entry) and: 

  • Not be awaiting any qualification results which are required as part of the entry criteria.
    For example:

    • if you are taking a GCSE qualification this year, you will not be able to enter Clearing until Thursday 22 August when you receive those results.

In addition, to be eligible to apply to St George's via Clearing you: 

  • must not have received an unsuccessful decision following interview for the same course this academic year i.e. if you applied for a course at St George's in the main UCAS cycle, were interviewed but did not receive an offer to study with us following the interview, you are not eligible to apply for that same course again in Clearing, even if you have achieved higher grades than you expected to. 

Unfortunately, if you do meet the criteria listed above, you are not eligible to apply to St George's via Clearing and your application will be automatically rejected before it can pass to a member of the team to be considered. 

What information will I need to apply?

You will need the following information to hand when you are making your application to St George's:

  • UCAS 10-digit Personal ID number  

  • your Level 2 qualifications and grades (GCSEs, etc)  

  • your Level 3 qualifications and grades (A Levels, International Baccalaureate, etc), or degree results if you are applying as a graduate 

  • UCAT/GAMSAT score and candidate number (for Medicine applications, if places are available) 

  • the name of the course you wish to apply for. 

Please note that we will not know which courses have Clearing vacancies until Clearing opens.

When will you publish your Clearing vacancies?
  • Early Clearing - Vacancies on our available courses will be published on Friday 5 July.
  • Main Clearing - Vacancies on our available courses will be published on Thursday 15 August (A Level Results Day)

In previous years St George’s has listed vacancies on some courses in Clearing, including Medicine. However, the availability of vacancies in previous years does not guarantee any availability this year.  We will not know in advance of Clearing opening, whether or not there will be places available for 2024 entry. But you can sign up for our mailing list in advance of Clearing and we will email you when the list of available courses is available.  

Will St George's be in 'Early Clearing'?

Early Clearing is the earliest point at which UCAS opens the Clearing process and this occurs annually on 5 July. 

This stage of Clearing is typically available for applicants who are not awaiting any results as they have either taken qualifications which publish results by this date (e.g. IB or Access), or they have achieved their qualifications in a previous year. 

How can I prepare for Clearing?

Before Clearing opens, make sure you have researched universities and courses to which you would like to apply, if they have vacancies available.  

You can only apply to one course at a time in Clearing, so make sure you know which are your priority courses and research how to apply to those universities in Clearing. At St George’s, we accept online applications via our website, but you can also contact us via phone.  

Register your interest now and we will add you to our mailing list to receive updates about Clearing at St George's. Gather all the information you will need to apply – see earlier guidance.  

As well as university websites, make use of other platforms, like UniBuddy and social media to get a feel for the course and student life. This is particularly important if you haven’t been able to visit a university.  

If I register my interest via the website, will this mean I have applied or been added to a waiting list?
 No. If you register your interest via our website, we will send you email updates and reminders about Clearing, but you will not have applied via Clearing, nor will you be added to a waiting list. You will still need to apply online when you have your results and Clearing is open.  
Will you change the entry criteria for courses during Clearing?

For some of our courses, we may accept slightly lower grades during Clearing than we do in the main application cycle. 

If you are interested in a course and you have achieved grades that fall just below our published criteria, you are encouraged to submit a Clearing application when Clearing is open.   

If we are not able to consider you for your preferred course, we may be able to suggest an alternative course that you are eligible to apply for.  

When should I refer myself/apply to you on UCAS?

Please only refer yourself to us (add St George’s as a choice) on UCAS if you have received a Clearing offer from us via email.  

If you do receive an offer to study, we will send you instructions on how to refer yourself to us on UCAS at the appropriate time. Applying via our Clearing application form, and/or being invited to attend an interview are not considered an offer to study and if you refer yourself on UCAS before being instructed to, you are likely to cause a delay in your application being processed. 

Can I apply if I have unsuccessfully applied for the same course during this application year? (Pre-interview and post-interview)

If you were unsuccessful in gaining an interview during the main application cycle as you did not meet our academic requirements, and you have achieved higher grades than predicted, you are able to re-apply during Clearing for the same course at St George's.  

If you were unsuccessful during the main application cycle following an interview, unfortunately, we are unable to accept another application from you through Clearing for the same course. You would be welcome to apply for the same course next year in the main UCAS cycle if you meet the entry requirements and are still interested in studying at St George’s.

Can my parent/guardian/teacher call on my behalf to ask questions about Clearing?

If you have confirmed a ‘nominated contact’ with UCAS, we are able to discuss your application with them. 

We will not discuss your application in its entirety with any other individual, but are happy to provide general advice and guidance.

Will I have an interview?

All interviews will be conducted remotely this year - either as a remote multi mini interview (MMI). 

Whether you will need to have an interview and the format it will take depends on which course you are applying for. 

Below outlines which of our programmes require interviews during Clearing and what format they will take: 

  • No interview required: Biomedical Science BSc, Clinical Pharmacology BSc. 

  • Telephone interview: Healthcare Science BSc, Paramedic Science BSc, Occupational Therapy BSc and MSc. 

  • Remote MMI: Medicine MBBS, Physiotherapy BSc and MSc, Diagnostic Radiography BSc, Radiotherapy and Oncology BSc. 

Please note that if you receive a call inviting you to a remote interview you may be required to interview the same day. 

Will St George's accept Summer 2024 UCAT score during Clearing 2024?

If we have Medicine vacancies available, it is very unlikely that we would accept a UCAT 2024 result. UCAT results achieved in 2023 will be accepted if Medicine is listed as one of our open courses.

If anything changes, we will update this response. 



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