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Help with applying for Clearing

The information on this page has been created to help you complete St George's online Clearing application form and will explain:

If you think you might apply to us for Clearing, it’s a good idea to read the information on this page in advance so that you’re totally prepared before Clearing opens later in the summer.

You can also find further information on our Clearing hub homepage and our FAQs page.

When and how can I apply for Clearing at St George's?

Applications for Clearing should be made online to St George’s, via our dedicated Clearing application form.

Please note the application form will only be live when Clearing is open

If you are cannot apply online, you may call St George’s to make an application over the phone. However, we expect our phoneline to be very busy, so submitting an online application will be the fastest way to apply. The phone number will be available on our Clearing hub when Clearing opens. 

What information do I need to apply?

You will need the following information available at the ready before you begin completing our application form.

Information about you:

  • The name of the course you wish to apply for  
  • Your UCAS Personal ID number  
  • Your contact details including postcode, email and mobile number. 

It’s vital to ensure  all the information you provide is accurate, as the Clearing Team will need to contact you by phone and email to discuss your application.  

Information about your qualifications: 

  • Your Level 2 qualifications and grades (GCSEs, etc.)  
  • Your Level 3 qualifications, grades and dates of award (A Levels, BTEC, Access to HE Diploma, etc.), or degree results if you are applying as a graduate
  • Your UCAT score and candidate ID (for Medicine applications, if places are available)
  • Any other academic qualifications which may be relevant to your application.
Before you apply

It’s important to note the following before you submit your application: 

  • Applying via Clearing at St George’s does not guarantee you entry to your preferred course.
  • Our Clearing Team may try to contact you, so you will need to be able to access your email and phone. If we can’t contact you, we may have to pause or cancel your application.
  • If you are offered an interview with us, you will need a quiet space to conduct the interview. Visit our Clearing interviews page for more information about our interview process.
  • Please note that if you opt-out from our text message updates, you will still receive emails about your application unless you choose to withdraw.
  • You may only submit one application via the form, unless asked to resubmit the form again by a member of the Clearing Team. If you submit another application without being asked to do so, you will overwrite your initial application which will cause delays in processing it and ultimately delay receiving a decision on your application.
  • If you need to change the information you submitted on the form initially, please wait until you are contacted by a member of the Clearing Team to confirm your application has been received.
  • Please read our statement about year of entry before submitting your application.

How to complete the online application form

There are 8 parts to the application form. Information on how to answer each question in each part is set out in the tabs below for you to use. 

Please note: There is not an option to go back to a previous part of the form. If you click on the ‘Back’ option on your browser, your details will be lost, and you will need to start a new form. There is not an opportunity to review at the end of the form either. Therefore, make sure that you are happy with the details you have entered in each part, before clicking the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of each part.

Part 1
Full name 

Your first and surname must match what is written on your UCAS account and application.

UCAS ID number

This is a 10-digit number (referred to as a personal ID) which can be found on most UCAS documentation or on your UCAS account. Please check you have typed this in correctly.  

You must be registered with UCAS to use Clearing. 

Without this ID number we cannot consider your application

Enter the ID number without any dashes (-) or commas (,). 

Date of birth 

You can type in the correct year into the year box of the calendar to enter your date of birth more easily.

Applicant email 

Please ensure this is correct. We will use this email to contact you about your application, and if we cannot reach you, may have to pause or cancel your application.

This should be the email address you used to register with UCAS - if you no longer have access to this email account, please use one which you can access throughout the Clearing process.

This must be the email address of the applicant and not your agent/advisor/parent or anyone else. 

Applicant mobile number 

Please ensure this is correct. We will use this phone number to contact you about your application so it must be correct and for a phone that you have easy access to. Please ensure that the phone is charged and able to receive calls, whilst your application is under consideration.

If you are based outside of the UK, please select the appropriate country and dialling code from the drop-down menu.

Check this box if you are a recruitment agent

This is an optional field where applicants can input the details of a nominated international recruitment agent.

You must opt in to us discussing the status of your application with your nominated contact if you wish us to do so.

CAPTCHA answer

This test is here to make sure you are human. Please type in the values as displayed to the left of the box e.g. ‘RBPQ’. 

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Part 2
Which course do you wish to apply for? 

Please select your preferred course. Later, on the form, you will be given the opportunity to choose another course you might be interested in being considered for if you are not offered a place for your first choice of course.

Only courses with vacancies will be listed as an option. Courses which do not have vacancies will be shown as ‘Course Closed’. Any attempt to apply for a closed course will result in a rejected application.

Have you been unsuccessful after interview for this course, this year, at St George’s?

If you have already applied for this course this academic year but were not selected for an interview due to your predicted academic grades, you may now re-apply via Clearing for the same course. 

If you have already had an interview for this course this academic year but did not receive an offer, unfortunately, we are unable to accept another application from you for the same course through Clearing. You would be welcome to apply for the course next year if you are still interested in studying at St George’s. Alternatively, you can apply for a different course at St George's in Clearing this year.

This includes applicants who were placed on a waiting list following an interview in the main application cycle for 2023 entry. Please contact the Admissions Team directly at if you are on the waiting list and wish to discuss your specific situation.

Have you studied at university before and not completed the degree due to academic failure?

If you have previously studied at a university (either St George’s, or another university) but did not complete your degree we will still be able to consider your application.

Please note that those who receive Clearing offers for Medicine or Healthcare programmes will need to disclose previous academic failure to the Admissions team, which will be reviewed prior to confirming our UCAS decision. The Admissions Team will request this at the appropriate time.

Are you already holding an offer for St George's or another university on UCAS?

We can consider applications from those who currently hold offers. Please note, if we determine that you are eligible for an offer in principle, we will not be able to process this whilst you hold an offer for another course.

Do you have all your academic results for this application?

We cannot consider your application yet if you are still waiting for results that form part of our entry requirements. For instance, you are still waiting for your A-Level scores, you will need to wait until you have received those results until you apply. 

Are you applying with non UK qualifications?

If you are applying on the basis of non-UK qualifications, please let us know at this stage so we can consider your application fully.

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Part 3
Do you have a UK undergraduate Honours degree or Integrated Masters Degree? 

Please answer yes and complete this section only if you have been awarded a UK honours degree or integrated masters degree. UK graduates with an ordinary degree or graduates who were awarded their degree from non-UK universities, should not complete this section.

Do you have a UK postgraduate degree?

Only graduates who have completed a standalone postgraduate degree at a UK university should complete this section.

If you say yes to either of the above questions, you will be asked to enter your degree title/subject, type, grade, and year of graduation. You will still have the option to input other qualifications later in the application.

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Part 4
Do you have GCSEs? 

This only refers to GCSEs that have been awarded with confirmed grades. Do not list any predicted grades for GCSEs that have not yet been awarded. You will need to wait until you have received those results until you apply.

You only need to enter your GCSE grades for English Language, Maths and Sciences, plus up to 3 other GCSE subjects and grades. Please prioritise entering those GCSEs with the highest grades.

When you are asked to enter a grade, please enter the grade as it was awarded to you. For GCSEs awarded before 2017, the grades should be alphabeticals (A*-E). For those awarded since 2017, they may be numerical (9-1) or you may have a selection of alphabetical and numerical grades across different subjects.

Please only include full GCSEs, no half courses.

If you have iGCSEs, you can include these here.

If you have alternative qualifications equivalent to GCSEs (including overseas qualifications and functional skills) please do not list these here. You can enter these as additional qualifications in part 8 of the application.

English Language grade

This does not include English Literature. If you have studied English Literature or a double award in English, please enter the English Literature GCSE and grade as another subject (see below). 

Maths grade

Enter the grade awarded to you. 

Double Science grade

If you have studied triple/individual sciences, please leave this field blank and complete the following science subject grades. 

Biology/Chemistry/Physics grade

Leave blank if you entered a Double Science grade above. Otherwise, enter the grade awarded to you.

Other GCSE subjects and other GCSE grades

If you have further GCSEs to add, you can now enter these subjects and grades individually for up to 3 further GCSEs. If you have more than 3 subjects to add, please list the 3 highest grades. Please ensure that you match grade to subject e.g. - Other GCSE 1 - Subject and Other GCSE 1 - Grade refer to the same qualification.

Do you have a BTEC, applied or vocational qualification?

Please say yes to this if you have any BTEC, T-Level, or other vocational qualifications. This does not include Access to HE diplomas, IB qualifications, or A Levels.

Do you have a Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma?

Please only select yes if you have this specific qualification. If you have an alternative BTEC, applied or vocational qualification please select no.

If you do have this type of qualification, please enter your subject or grade.

Do you have an alternative BTEC, applied or vocational qualification(s)?

Please only select yes if you have this specific qualification(s). If you have an alternative BTEC, applied or vocational qualification please select 'yes'.

If you do have this type of qualification, please enter your subject or grade. This category includes T Levels.

If you have an alternative BTEC, applied, or vocational qualification or qualifications, please include details of them here including subject and grade achieved.

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Part 5
Do you have A Levels?

This only refers to A Levels that have been awarded with confirmed grades. Do not include A Levels where you only have predicted grades.  Please do not include AS Level grades and subjects.

If your results are still pending, you should apply only once you have received them. 

If you have overseas qualifications equivalent to A Levels please do not list these here. You can enter these as additional qualifications in part 8 of the application. 

A Level Biology/Human Biology grade

If you have not studied this subject, please leave the grade blank. 

We accept Human Biology as Biology, so please list this here if you have not taken Biology separately. 

A Level Chemistry/Maths/Physics grade 

If you have not studied this subject, please leave the grade blank. 

Other A Level subjects and other A Level grades 

You can now enter the subjects and grades for up to 4  further A Levels. Please ensure that you match grade to subject e.g. Other A Level 1 - Subject and Other A Level 1 - Grade refer to the same qualification.

When did you complete your A Levels?

Please enter the year where you completed your A Levels. If you completed your A Levels over multiple years, please only include the latest.

Do you have a Level 3 Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma?

Please select yes if you hold this qualification and if this diploma has been fully awarded and recognised by the QAA.

What is the title of your Access to Higher Education diploma? 

Please enter the subject name in full of your Access to HE Diploma.

How many of your Access to Higher Education Level 3 credits are graded at Distinction? 

Please check your transcript, add up and input the correct number of credits that are graded at 'Distinction' or 'D'. 

How many of your Access to Higher Education Level 3 credits are graded at Merit? 

Please check your transcript, add up and input the correct number of credits that are graded at 'Merit' or 'M'. 

How many of your Access to Higher Education Level 3 credits are graded at Pass?

Please check your transcript, add up and input the correct number of credits that are graded at 'Pass' or 'P'.

Please list all of the unit title and grades from the 45 graded credits

We require details of all graded units including titles and results. Please list these in the following format: unit title, number of graded credits, grade. For example:

Introduction to Psychology, 3 Credits, Merit, etc.

When did you complete your Access to Higher Education Diploma?

Please input the year that this qualification was awarded.

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Part 6
Do you have an International Baccalaureate Diploma?

This only refers to IB qualifications with confirmed grades. Please do not apply with predicted grades.

If your results are still pending, you should apply only once you have received them.

We cannot accept IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).

IB diploma total score – including EE & TOK 

Enter your total score out of a possible 45 points.

EE refers to the Extended Essay and TOK refers to Theory of Knowledge. 

IB Standard Level Maths Grade

Please enter your standard level maths grade. There will be an option to enter your higher level maths grade later in the form.

We accept both Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches and Mathematics: Applications & Interpretations.

IB Standard (or Higher) Level English Language Grade

Please enter your Higher Level English Language Grade (either A (Language & Literature) or B (Language)). If you do not have a Higher Level English grade, please enter your Standard Level English Language Grade.

IB – Combined Total Score for Higher Level Subjects

Please enter your total score after combining all Higher Level grades together (maximum 45 points).

IB Higher Level Biology/Chemistry/Physics/Maths Grade

Please enter your grade for the above subjects, if you took any of these at a higher level.

When did you complete your IB?

Please enter the year you completed your IB.

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Part 7
Do you have a UCAT score?

The UCAT section should only be completed by those who are applying for Undergraduate Medicine or Physician Associate Studies, if there are places available. Please do not include this information for any other course as it will not be pertinent to your application.

What year did you take the UCAT?

Enter the year you most recently sat the UCAT e.g. ‘2023’. 

UCAT ID Number 

This number can be found on your UCAT Pearson Vue account e.g. ‘UKCAT123456’. 

Please enter it carefully as we will need to verify this number before we can proceed with your application. 

UCAT Verbal Reasoning, UCAT Decision Making, UCAT Quantitative Reasoning, UCAT abstract reasoning 

Enter your scores out of 900 for each of these 4 sections. It will be listed within your UCAT results summary.

UCAT - Situational Judgement

Enter your band for the situational judgment test (SJT).

UCAT score total

Your total score is the sum of all your individual scores added together (not an average score). The maximum score is 3600 and it will be listed within your UCAT results summary. 

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Part 8
Have you been able to list all of your relevant qualifications? 

This only refers to academic qualifications that will count towards meeting entry criteria. If you have not been able to include all your academic qualifications, or their grades, please click ‘no’ .

If you have non-UK qualifications that you included in the international section of your application, you do not need to input these here again.

Please note you do not need to enter qualifications which are not part of our standard entry criteria, even if these are attributed UCAS tariff points e.g. EPQ. To see which qualifications your course considers as part of its entry criteria please visit the individual course webpage. Examples of qualifications you should not include are:

  • music assessments/grades
  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards
  • AS Level qualifications
  • extended project qualifications.
  • GCSEs beyond those already asked about earlier in the application form
  • First Aid certificates.

You should provide us with the information listed on the form for each additional qualification you need to tell us about. There is example text in each box. Please only input what is listed on your qualification(s) and not what you understand this may be equivalent to. Please use the formatting suggested in each example box. The information required varies slightly for each option so pay close attention to the grey text and the example text in the box.

Are there any other courses that you would be interested in studying at St George’s? 

If we cannot accept you for the course that you initially indicated on the form, we may be able to offer a place or an interview for an alternative one. In this section you can indicate a preferred alternative course. 

Please note courses on this list may not have any Clearing vacancies. The latest availability of courses in Clearing will always be shown on UCAS and our website.

This section is not compulsory to complete and any choice you make will not be considered unless you are unsuccessful for your initial choice.  

Indicating an interest here in an alternative choice will have no bearing on your application for your initial choice and will not be seen as a lack of commitment or interest in your initial choice. 

It is a good idea to view our full set of undergraduate courses so that you can make an informed choice here if you wish to be considered for an alternative should you not be accepted onto your initial choice. 

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Get more information about Clearing 

Our dedicated Clearing web hub has all the information you need about the Clearing process.  

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