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Read our top tips on how to prepare for Clearing.

Research universities and courses

It is really important to do your research in the days and weeks leading up to Clearing, and this should include looking at several different courses and universities. Once you have some ideas in mind, you should create a list of preferred universities / courses for you to work through on results day if you do find yourself in Clearing.

Speak to current students online

One of the best ways to find out about universities is to chat with current students and hear about their academic and social experiences. At St George’s, you can do this via Unibuddy, a platform that provides you with the opportunity to speak directly to students based on their course, and where they are from.

Consider alternative courses

Have a think about other options in case your initial plan or shortlist falls through. This might mean looking at different courses or subjects than you had originally considered. Look for courses that you might also enjoy studying, with equal or lower entry requirements. If you have a career in mind, are there any other courses that can get you there?

Familiarise yourself with the application process

Different universities will have different ays for you to contact them during Clearing. This year, at St George's, we are asking all applicants to complete our online application form via our website, as this is the quickest way to receive a decision from us.

Some other universities might ask you to call or send an email. Have a look on universities’ Clearing pages before the process begins.

Prepare for an interview (if applicable)

For certain courses, you may need to complete an interview. It is important to find out now if you may need to be interviewed, so that you can start doing some preparation in advance. Details of which courses at St George's require interviews in Clearing can be found on our Clearing FAQs page

Interviews will be held remotely this year, and we will publish more information about how these work on Friday 5 –  Friday 19 July 2024, and on Thursday 15 August 2024 (A Level results day).

Keep results day free

Make sure that if you are waiting to receive your results on A Level Results Day (Thursday 15 August 2024), you keep this day free. If you do decide to enter clearing after your results, you may also need to contact multiple universities, make applications, take phone calls, and complete interviews. You do not want to place yourself under any extra time pressure.

Stay calm

Remember to stay calm if you can and carefully consider all your options. You will want to act quickly to secure a place but do not rush if you are not sure. Remember it is a good idea to voice your thoughts and discuss your decisions with family and friends.

Have your UCAS ID and results to hand

Get the right documentation together in advance – this will make it easier for you on the day to submit your application. Here is what you need to apply to St George’s:

  • Your 10-digit UCAS personal ID number.
  • Your level 2 (GCSEs or equivalent) and level 3 (A Level or equivalent) results, or your degree results.
  • UCAT score (for Medicine applications if Medicine places are available).
  • Your email address (ideally not your school email address, as access is often removed over the summer).
  • A contact telephone number.
  • Which course(s) you want to apply for
  • Any other qualifications that may be relevant to your application.


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