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What is Equality Analysis?

Equality analysis, sometimes referred to as equality impact assessment,  is a means through which we can examine and analyse the decisions we make to determine what the impact will be on different groups and individuals. This enables us to ensure that no individuals or groups will be disadvantaged by these decisions as a result of their personal characteristics.  

Why do we need Equality Analysis?

At City St George’s we believe that equality, diversity and inclusion should be at the heart of everything that we do.  We are proud of our diversity and aim to ensure that everyone within our community has equality of opportunity and an experience free from unfair treatment, harassment or discrimination. We recognise the importance of ensuring equity, recognising barriers and committing to addressing these.

It is therefore essential that we undertake equality analysis whenever new processes, procedures or working practices are put in place or decisions made to ensure these do not have a negative or adverse effect on individuals.  We have a duty, under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. 

When do I need to do an Equality Analysis?

Equality analysis should be part of the planning process for all significant activities, changes and decision making happening at City St George’s that impacts on staff, students and visitors. This applies to all activities, including education and research. The process should be included alongside other standard processes such as budget planning, risk assessments and health and safety checks.

Examples of where equality analysis should be used are:

  • Introducing or updating policies and processes, including withdrawal of policies
  • Change management activities such as restructures, office moves
  • Designing and implementing new projects and strategies
  • Changes to practices, procedures and ways of working

Every staff member at City St George’s has a responsibility to embed diversity and inclusion into their work and should seek to complete an equality impact assessment in these scenarios. 

Equality Analysis Guidance and Form

The Equality Analysis Guidance (PDF) provides a step-by-step guide through the equality analysis process. Use the Equality Analysis Form (Word) to record your findings.

When undertaking equality analysis, please ensure you include multiple perspectives to ensure an inclusive assessment and mitigate against unconscious bias. Please also ensure you undertake consultation with key groups, such as relevant equality networks, and with relevant committees involved in the decision-making process.  

Information and guidance


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