Approximately 62% of staff at St George’s are women. The gender ratio of our academic and non-academic staff are comparable with sector average in clinical medicine or biosciences.
Among students, approximately 66% are women. We offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The gender ratio of our students reflects the sector average for students studying for medicine, subjects allied to medicine, or biological sciences.
“I feel empowered to be much more proactive and overt about promoting and supporting the presence of women, both from a staff and student perspective. I like working alongside a diverse group of people… everyone brings a different perspective and it enables productive discussion” — from Twitter
We aspire to eliminate gender imbalance (over-representation of men or women) in certain job roles and degree programmes, and investigate and understand factors that interact with gender in determining staff/student recruitment and progression.
To build an inclusive environment, we have the following focus areas:
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Increase participation of male staff and students.
Share good practice and lessons learned from across the university.
Consider intersectionality e.g. when reviewing the academic pipeline.
Further investigate pay gaps in specific staff groups.
Develop more inclusive job advertisements.
Identify university-wide and local barriers to career progression.
Expand staff-student partnerships.
Recognise and celebrate successes.
Act proactively to prevent bullying and sexual harassment behaviours.
Provide teacher training for postgraduate research students.
Expand summer research and learning opportunities for undergraduate students.
Improve on data strategy and the information system for staff and student records.
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