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City St George’s is committed to supporting our staff who are expectant parents, parents or carers.

We aim to ensure that no staff member is disadvantaged due to pregnancy, paternity, parental responsibility, maternity, or caring responsibilities. We offer flexible working to our staff and have introduced support for student parents.  

Pregnancy and maternity are protected under The Equality Act 2010 for both staff and students. Women are protected against discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy and maternity.

Relevant policies: 

You can find these in the policy section of our website.

Student pregnancy, maternity and paternity

City St George's, School of Health & Medical Sciences (Tooting) believes that becoming a parent or caring for a child should not, in itself, prevent any student from succeeding in their studies. The School is committed to being as flexible as possible to ensure that no student is disadvantaged due to pregnancy, paternity, parental responsibility, or maternity, whilst ensuring academic standards are not compromised. As a result of the Equality Act 2010, the legislation on pregnancy and maternity now includes students. Therefore we will ensure that pregnancy and maternity are not in themselves a barrier to starting or continuing on programmes of study awarded by the School.

This policy will be aligned to Staff pregnancy and maternity and Partner’s leave related to Maternity Policy and is part of the School Single Equality Scheme.

This policy has been developed with the student union, the Student Parents Association, HR, the Safety, Health and Environment Office, Registry and the Equality and Diversity Committee and approved by Student Support and Welfare Committee and Senate.

Breastfeeding facilities

The university has a room available for staff and students to express milk and breastfeed. The room is part of the Student Union Welfare Room and is located in Hunter Wing, Level 2, Room 2.020.

To access the room staff/students will need to visit the Student Union Office to fill in an access authorisation form to gain access using their City St George's card. There is an access control reader on door.

The room contains a fridge for storing expressed milk, microwave and kettle, as well as comfortable seating and tables.

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