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St George's and City have merged. Find out more.

The main aim of our education programmes at City St George’s is to ensure students learn tobecome excellent health professionals. The university wishes to facilitate this professionalism. The institution focuses on teaching students skills which will enable themto provide outstanding healthcare to their patients and act as competent and helpfulmembers of a healthcare team. We believe this safeguards future patient care, as well ashelping our students step into employment.

All students from each programme are required to sign an ‘Entry Information Document' tostate they agree to comply with City St George’s regulations including those concerning appropriate dress.

Where possible City St George’s wants all of its students to be included and achieve their potential. This ‘Religion & Belief Code of Practice’ outlines what reasonableaccommodations the institution may offer for reasons of religious observance. Such accommodations may be requested by students undertaking healthcare work/study bothwithin the university and while on placement.

Nevertheless students should be aware that as part of their programme, City St George’s trains students for the workplace. This includes understanding the need to comply with thedecisions and rules of individual NHS Trusts.


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