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St George's and City have merged. Find out more.

Freedom of Information - Model Publication Scheme 

Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) we are required to publish a Model Publication Scheme. The Scheme identifies seven classes of information, each of which contains a number of sections.

Under each section there is a list of documents or webpages containing information about St George’s. Some documents may be available electronically and can therefore be printed directly from this website. Other documents may only be available in paper copy. If you wish to receive a copy of any of these documents, please contact us via email

St George's, University of London merged with City, University of London on the 1st of August 2024, creating City St George's, University of London.  The information contained within the publication scheme relates to St George's activities prior to the merger.

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Who we are and what we do

Who we are and what we do’ covers information concerning the way St George’s, University of London is governed and how we make decisions. This includes the legal status of the university, how the university is structured, our council, senate, and committees, key personnel, and what our Professional Services departments and Research Institutes do.
Legal Framework


University Scheme and Statutes

St George’s is an exempt charity and is responsible to the Office for Students as Principal Regulator.  Information on our responsibilities as an exempt charity can be obtained from the Office for Students.

Office for Students Guidance

St George’s is subject to various legislation including Education Acts.  Legislation is publicly available and can be accessed at – the Official Home of UK Legislation

How St George’s is Organised


The Scheme and Statutes are St George’s main constitutional documents.  The documents can be found at the bottom of the page.

Comprised of 9 internal members and 13 independent members, Council is the governing body of St George’s, and is subject to the Schemes and Statutes.  Information on Council including the terms of reference, membership, and agendas and minutes are publicly available.

Senate is the academic authority of St George’s, and is subject to the Schemes and Statutes.  The terms of reference, membership, and meeting minutes and agendas are all publicly available. 

Our Strategic Plan sets out we will sustain our excellence and impact for the next five years.

How the institution is organised:


St George’s Senior Leadership Team

Information on our senior committee’s including meeting dates, committee structure, and procedures for operating the committees is available.  Currently a SGUL login is required to access this information.  Please contact if you would like to access.

Information on our Departments, Research Institutes, and our Education Centres and Graduate School is available; this includes their responsibilities and the work they carry out. 


Our Institutes


Our Education Centre & Graduate School


Our Professional Services


St George’s maintains links with other institutions, enhancing our research opportunities and offerings.

Our Partners

St George’s run a number of commercial services including retail tenancies, filing, accommodation, conference and research facilities, and consultancy.  

Our Commercial Services

Where we are and how to contact us:


Details on how to contact St George’s and planning your visit is available.

Our Location


Contact Us

Student activities:


The Students’ Union is home to the SU Bar, SU Shop and over 100 clubs and societies.  The SU also offers welfare and wellbeing support alongside other advice.  Information on the SU can be accessed via their website. 

What we spend and how we spend it ‘What we spend and how we spend it’ covers information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts, and financial audits. Not all the information is publicly available via the publication scheme however, we have signposted where the information is available and it can be requested via

Information on the sources of our funding and income.  Income is generated from numerous sources including tuition fees, research funding grants, endowments, and investments.

Annual reports.  Information on income from tuition fees, funding body grants, research grants and contracts, investment income, and donations and endowments. 

Research Excellence Framework 2021

Office for Students

UK Research and Innovation

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports. 


St George’s financial summary provides an overview of income and expenditure. 


Also available are:


Reviews and statements 2017 –

Annual reviews 2009 –

Financial statements 2009 -


Annual Review and Financial Statements

Capital programs.  Information on St George’s capital projects can be obtained from our website and from reports in council minutes.

Capital Projects

Council papers

St George’s financial regulations set out the responsibilities and policies for financial management and control at the university. 

Financial Regulations

Staff allowances, expenses and pay and grading structures

Expenses including policies, FAQs and guides.  (Please request via

Allowances (please request via

Salary scales (please request via

Remuneration information for senior staff can be obtained in our Annual Accounts , including the Annual Remuneration Committee report

Terms of reference for the Remuneration Committees

Finance arranges insurance for St George’s and provides advice and support on insurance matters. 

Please request via

Register of suppliers

Please contact

The Corporate Procurement Unit manages procurement matters for both St George’s and Kingston University.  The procurement strategy, supplier relationship management strategy and how the unit approaches sustainable procurement are all available. 


Information on work undertaken with the London Universities Purchasing Consortium can accessed as can information for potential suppliers. 

Corporate Procurement Unit

Procurement policies.

The procurement policy is available under ‘non-academic policies’.


Please request contract via

Research funding

Information on research funding can be found in our annual report.

Details of sources for funding can be found at ‘funding opportunities’. 

What our priorities are and how we are doing ‘What our priorities are and how we are doing’ includes information St George’s strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections, and reviews.

Strategic vision

Vision, mission, and strategy


Annual reports

Annual reports

Corporate and Business Plans

Vision, Mission and Strategy

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Education and Students  



External examiners at St George’s

Academic Quality and Standards.  Links to information on St George’s current internal procedures for assuring academic quality.


includes information such as our monitoring and review process, roles, responsibilities and the authority of different bodies within St George’s involved in program approval and review. 

Quality Manual – procedures to ensure the quality and standards of the awards we confer.


Periodic Review and Other Quality Assurance Reports – results of reviews carried out by an independent panel of our programmes to ensures they are relevant, up to date, adequately resourced and continue to meet the needs of students and employers. 


Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (QAEC) – QAEC is a sub-committee of the Senate; and its purpose is to develop and evaluate our quality assurance processes.  Agendas and minutes and the terms of reference can be accessed here. 



Government and Regulatory Reports


Higher Education Statistics Agency – HESA (external link) – HESA collects and disseminate data regarding higher education in the United Kingdom.  Open data and official statistics.

 Quality Assurance Agency (external body) – Institutional Audit Report


Nursing and Midwifery Council Results of annual monitoring -

 Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) - - body that approves programmes professionals should undertake to register with them. 

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) - agency that collects and publishes data about higher education providers.

Ofsted inspection reports can be obtained from


National Student Survey (NSS)

Results can be obtained via the Office for Students 

National Student Survey – Office for Students (external body) - National Student Survey - NSS


Data Privacy Impact Assessments  (DPIA)

Available upon request to


Corporate relations – St George’s has links with many other institutions and further information can be found by clicking the ‘Our Partners’ link.

Our partners

Study Abroad Summer School and Study Abroad (

St George’s compliance with its duties under the Equality Act 2010.

Public Sector Equality Duty

 St George’s Access and Participation Plan – aims to ensure equality of opportunities for a range of underrepresented groups. 

 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

 Race Equality  

How we make our decisions Policy proposals and decisions. Decision making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations. This is for the current and previous three years.

Agendas, minutes, and papers from our governing bodies the Council and Senate, academic boards, and committees.



 Our Committees – includes structure, meeting dates, and operating procedures.  Available upon request to 

Quality Assurance & Enhancement Committee

Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee


Staff consultation meeting minutes



Staff-Student consultation meetings

Available upon request to


Available upon request to  

Nominations and Honorary Awards Committee – minutes and agendas

Available upon request to


Minutes and agendas of other committees

Available upon request to 


Our policies and procedures

Policy A – Z  Contact to request copies of specific policies.  

Student policies

General regulations for students and programmes of study

 Procedure for considering allegations of assessment irregularity

Procedure for consideration for an extension to a maximum period of study

Academic integrity procedure

Procedure for consideration of fitness to study or practise

Student concerns and complaints procedure

Student disciplinary procedure


Student services

The Student Life Centre

Policies for applicants and new students.  Includes:

  • Accommodation fee policy,
  • Student selection and admissions policy,
  • Attendance and Academic engagement policy
  • General Regulations for Students and Programmes of Study
  • Refund and Compensation policy
  • Student Protection plan
  • Tuition Fee policy
  • Under 18s Admissions and Support policy

 Widening participation

 Management of student records: student privacy

Notice.  Available upon request to 

 Bullying and harassment

Human resources

Recruitment including:


  • Guidance on employment status
  • Recruitment and selection policy

 Current vacancies, including information for applicants. 

Trade unions – includes the current recognition agreement.  Available upon request to 

Dignity and respect at work

Whistleblowing and public interest disclosure: includes whistleblowing policy 

Staff development: available upon request to

Equality and Diversity

Information on the institutional review race equality, our anti-racism statement, and the fair recruitment specialist initiative.

Health & Safety policies and procedures.

Available upon request to


Estates Management.  Includes strategy, policies, and commercial services. 

Commercial services including retail, consultancy, and filming

 Campus maps - available upon request to

 Capital projects

About Estates and Facilities - available upon request to

Complaints procedures for admissions and student complaints

Student concerns and complaints procedure

Admissions policy:  includes information on the complaints procedure. 

Information Management policies including records management, freedom of information, and data protection.

Data projection

Data Protection, link to the data protection policy and guidance page.

Freedom of Information

Information on freedom of information at St George’s. 

Records Management

Records management policies and procedures including disposal policy and the retention schedules. 

Information Governance

Information Governance roles and policies and procedures.

Research policy and strategy.  This includes policies and procedures, information on our Institute’s, ethics and research integrity. 

Our Research information on our people,

our research, research operations, research day, and our research facilities. 

SGUL Research Institutes

Research ethics includes our ethics committees, the ethical review process, and the Concordat to Support Research Integrity. 

Research Excellence Framework (REF)

The REF is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.

Research Outputs and Data

St George’s Online Research Archive (SORA)

Use SORA to access details of published research and where you can obtain a copy.

 Research and datasets can also be obtained via

Accessing research datasets. 

St George’s follow the FAIR data principles of findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable data. 

Requests for access to datasets should be made to the Research Data Support Manager via and information on the process can be obtained è

Charging regimes and policies.  Details of statutory charging regimes.

Tuition fees

Tuition fee details for undergraduate and postgraduate courses, includes the tuition fee policy.

Accommodation fees

Accommodation fees policy. 

 Accommodation fees.

Lists and Registers

Information contained in lists and registers currently maintained by St George’s.

Information asset register

Available upon request to



Security and safety on campus

 CCTV Code of Practice


Register of interests for members of Council

Available upon request to


Senior Staff’s Declaration of Interests

Available upon request to


The Services We Offer
This section covers information about the services St George’s offers. This include information on facilities, counselling services, and museums, libraries, special collections and archives.


Prospectus.  Our prospectus outlines life and study at St. George’s. 

Course content


Details of our courses can also be located:

Undergraduate study.

Postgraduate study.


Course fees

Tuition fees – tuition fees for the 2020/21 period.

 Accommodation fees 

Funding including loans, scholarships, and alumni discounts. 

Fees and Funding

Welfare & counselling Services and health, including medical services.

Health and welfare

Careers Service

Careers service

Sports Clubs

Sports clubs

The Student Union’s website has details of the activities and societies at St George’s.  

Student Union

Museums, Libraries, special collections and archives


Archives and Special Collections

 Museum of Human Diseases

Information on our conference facilities, research facilities, and filming opportunities can be found here. 

Our Commercial Services

St George’s news


Popular Information Requests In this section we provide links to resources that answer the most popular requests we receive.

Admissions statistics.  Key statistics for Medicine MBBS including UCAT scores, and GAMSAT scores.                          

Admissions statistics 

Counselling statistics.  We are regularly asked to provide figures relating to our Counselling service.  The most popular statistics are included in the table below and are arranged by academic year.  



Staff who received counselling

Students who received counselling

Students accessing psychiatrist

Number of MH staff

MH budget

Average waiting times

No. student deaths by suicide























No significant wait 



395 * 




No significant wait 



324 * 


90 hours + 0.1FTE Consultant Psychiatrist 


No significant wait 



354 * 


94 hours + 0.1FTE Consultant Psychiatrist 


1-4 weeks. At peak times up to 6 weeks. 


 24 (+2) registrations who withdrew before being seen) 

447 (+72 registrations who withdrew before being seen) * 



94 hours per week (Counsellors including Head of Counselling – 6 part-time staff + 0.1FTE Consultant Psychiatrist 


2-6 weeks. At Peak times wait could be up to 10-12 weeks. 

  • not including mindfulness courses


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