1. Scope
This policy applies to admissions for home, EU and international applicants to all programmes of study leading to an award from St George’s, University of London (thereafter referred to as St George’s).
2. General principles
St George’s is committed to providing flexible, high-quality teaching, professional education and research opportunities to students from a wide variety of backgrounds. In order to admit an applicant, admissions staff must be able to satisfy the University that they have evidence to show that the applicant has every reasonable prospect of succeeding in their chosen programme of study. On this basis, St George’s aims to offer fair opportunity to anyone with the ability to benefit from its programmes and provision. St George’s aims to ensure that its recruitment, selection and admissions processes are transparent and focused towards their intended audiences.
All applications are considered on their individual merits and treated equitably, based on the information provided to St George’s through the application process. Undergraduate and postgraduate taught recruitment and admissions activities are carried out by the central Student Recruitment and Admissions teams at St George’s and by staff in partner organisations. MPhil/PhD and MD (Res) applications are managed between potential supervisors and the PG Programme Team, and are scrutinised by the Research Degrees Committee. The Admissions and PG Programme Teams ensure that policies, procedures and planning in relation to St George’s admissions are operated fairly and consistently, with a view to enhancing St George’s strategic aims and objectives. This policy is consistent with good admissions practice in higher education, as defined in the Quality Assurance Agency’s Code of Practice and complies with current legislation affecting the admission of students.
3. Application process
Applications from new enrollers for admission to an undergraduate or pre-registration postgraduate programme should be made through UCAS. Exceptions include the postgraduate taught and research courses which accept applications made directly to the University. Once an application is made, electronic applicant data is transferred from UCAS into St George’s student database and can be accessed by Admissions and Admissions Tutors upon receipt. Selection criteria will be specific to each programme of study but all applications will assess:
- Academic ability and potential
- Motivation and suitability for the chosen programme
- Occupational Health and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) assessment (for relevant programmes).
Applicants who have been unsuccessful in application to a programme following an interview may not apply through UCAS Clearing to the same programme in the same academic year. The University will not usually consider an application from an applicant who has already made two applications to the same course.
4. Centralised admissions
Admissions at St George’s is centralised and filtering and selection takes place within the team using selection criteria developed with the Admission Tutors. Where a decision can be made, a recommendation to either (i) accept unconditionally (ii) accept subject to specified conditions being satisfied or (iii) reject will be taken. Non-standard and borderline applications will be sent to the Admissions Tutor for review. This system allows St George’s to concentrate the most appropriate resources on those applications which most require it. St George’s will ensure that the professional admissions office staff are provided with a strong and detailed training programme to ensure that appropriate decisions are made in line with sector best practice.
5. Contextualised admissions
St George’s is committed to ensuring people from all walks of life are represented as part of our university community and the future health workforce. By considering the context in which an applicant achieved their educational qualifications, rather than against a national average, we are better able to identify potential. Contextual data can be used to make contextualised offers, whereby applicants who meet one of St George’s contextual measures are made an offer with reduced requirements. Therefore, our undergraduate programmes may make variable offers or give additional consideration and support to applicants dependent on this contextual data. Details of which contextual measure St George’s consider each year is detailed on the website.
6. Entry requirements
In order to ensure that applicants are appropriately qualified for their programme of study, and to ensure high standards of fairness and consistency, St George’s maintains a core set of entry requirements published on the St George’s website. St George’s reserves the right to adjust entry criteria on an annual basis. St George’s will attempt wherever possible to avoid altering admissions criteria during the course of the application cycle. St George’s accepts students with a wide range of qualifications from both the UK and across the world. Whilst we will try to ensure that as many qualification equivalencies are listed on our website as possible, prospective applicants with qualifications which are not listed are welcome to contact our Student Recruitment team for clarification. The Admissions team utilises tools such as UK ENIC and the UCAS Tariff to ensure that our equivalencies are of a consistent and appropriate nature.
The acceptance of a particular generic qualification does not necessarily mean that this specific qualification can or will be considered for all programmes at St George’s. The entry requirements published are those of the typical offer and can vary on occasion in light of specific elements within an individual application. As all of the programmes at St George’s operate a competitive admissions process, applicants with the predicted grades, equal to, or greater than the typical offer are not guaranteed to be made an offer of a place. Applicants should be aware that the volume and level of competition may vary from programme to programme and from year to year. For most programmes St George’s will accept applications from those who have retaken part or all of a qualification, but applicants may be asked to achieve higher grades than those specified in the minimum entry requirements. Applicants should be aware that the programmes at St George’s are demanding and therefore require students to be able to demonstrate the ability to manage a high workload with competing priorities. For the medical programmes, it is required that any retakes are completed within the standard length of the qualification, e.g. two-years for A Level period. Changes in entry criteria are approved by the relevant Course Committee and the Admissions Decision Group.
7. Timing of an application
The Admissions team will typically make initial contact with applicants eight to twelve weeks after application.
UCAS Applications
Most undergraduate and pre-registration postgraduate programmes accept applications through UCAS only. St George’s has a small number of medical programmes for which the deadline is typically 15 October, whilst most other undergraduate programmes have a deadline of the last Wednesday in January, both in line with UCAS guidelines. All applications received before the respective deadlines will be treated equally, based on their individual merits. St George’s will normally start making offers from November each year. ‘Late’ applications are considered on an individual basis once all ‘on-time’ applications have been fully considered. St George’s occasionally has a few places available through UCAS Extra, and may also recruit a number of students in the summer if the proportion of applicants who miss the conditions of their offer is greater than anticipated. There may therefore be a number of places available for those wishing to use the UCAS Clearing processes or other similar systems.
Applicants who firmly accept the offer of a place at St George’s have their places confirmed through UCAS as and when all academic and non-academic conditions of their offer have been met, typically this takes place in August each year. The A Level results and a selection of other qualifications are received from the qualifications awarding bodies via UCAS. Applicants should ensure that St George’s have received all academic results as soon as possible. Admissions will confirm the places of those applicants that have met all the conditions of their offers. In late August, accepted applicants' electronic records are passed across to the Registry, course teams, and St George’s Trust’s Occupational Health department as required.
Direct Applications
St George’s offers a selection of postgraduate courses which accept direct applications submitted via our website. These programmes may not follow the timelines stated in the UCAS guidelines, so applicants are advised to check St George’s website for further details on postgraduate application deadlines. Irrespective of the timing of an application all of the conditions of a Conditional Offer must be met by 1 August in the year of application, or within two weeks of the publication of the student’s final exam results, whichever the earlier, unless otherwise stated in the conditions of the offer. Applicants should ensure that St George’s have received all academic results as soon as possible. Admissions will confirm the places of those applicants that have met all the conditions of their offers by issuing an unconditional offer. On receipt of an unconditional offer, international fee-paying applicants are required to pay a deposit to secure their place. Details of these deposits can be found in the St George’s Tuition Fee Policy. In August, the electronic records of applicants with unconditional offers are passed across to the Registry, Course teams and St George’s Trust’s Occupational Health department as required.
8. Student visa sponsorship and CAS issuing policy
Once an international applicant has met all conditions of their offer, the International Advising team will assess their suitability for sponsorship in accordance with St George’s Student Visa Sponsorship and CAS Issuing Policy. A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) will only be issued to those who meet the student visa requirements and have a realistic prospect of obtaining a student visa.
9. English Language proficiency requirement
The Admissions team will assess the English Language ability of all applicants. There are additional English Language requirements for international applications which are guided by UKVI regulations and our Student Sponsor responsibilities. International applicants must be able to demonstrate, in accordance with St George’s English Language Requirements, that they are sufficiently proficient in the four components of the English Language (reading, writing, speaking and listening). St George’s English Language proficiency requirements can be viewed on the St George’s website.
10. Selection
St George’s aim is to recruit and select those students most likely to benefit from its provision. The entry criteria and selection methods are specific for each programme and are designed to ensure that students are likely to succeed academically and gain intellectually from the provision available. Aptitude for a particular programme is therefore the primary criteria for selection and an academic decision will always be reached on an application before other factors such as additional needs; criminal convictions and fitness to practise are taken into account. It is important to note that for high demand programmes, the University has a limited number of places available and that it is not always possible to make offers to all the good applicants who apply. In selecting students, admissions staff aim to:
- reach decisions which are fair and consistent in relation to the published entry criteria, the evidence the applicant presents of their academic and/or professional qualifications and which take into account any specific skills or experiences which are essential or desirable for the programme in question.
- take into account evidence of an applicant’s potential to succeed on the programme. Where appropriate and relevant, admissions staff may consider contextual factors in relation to an application. These factors may include illness, family circumstances, personal responsibilities, or factors affecting the school or college. Where such factors are to be considered, either before making or when confirming an offer of a place, evidence of the effects of disadvantage should be sought. Generally, it is expected that applicants will have taken appropriate action to ensure that examining bodies have allowed for mitigating circumstances prior to the announcement of any results since the University will not generally be best placed to do this fairly and consistently.
- apply selection processes which are appropriate to the programme in question.
- select on the basis of an application form, research proposal, entrance examination, interview or other selection or assessment tests. Applicants are also expected to show an insight into the programme for which they are applying as part of the general entry criteria. Applicants are entitled to know, in advance, the likely format of any entrance examination, interview or other selection or assessment tests required.
- make offers on a basis which is consistent with the entry criteria, quality of applications received and the number of places available in any given year.
- communicate clearly and in a timely way with applicants concerning the outcome of their application. The University will normally write to those receiving an offer stating any specific conditions which apply and including details of standard institutional terms and conditions. The University will communicate this via UCAS or any other intermediary body. Where no such system exists St George’s will communicate directly with the applicant via email.
Clinical programmes are subject to an interview as part of the selection process. Interviews typically take the form of Multiple Mini Interviews, which are designed to account for many reasonable adjustments that applicants may have. It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform the University of any reason adjustments required to attend an interview during the interview booking process. Applicants are expected to complete the interview booking process in full and engage with the Disability Advisor if contacted. Disengagement with this process will prevent additional reasonable adjustments being made in time for the interview and consideration of this post-interview will not be possible.
11. Admission to undergraduate degree programmes via non-standard routes
Applicants applying with non-standard qualifications are expected to demonstrate the same level of academic potential as those offering standard qualifications. To be considered, the applicant must possess one of the following types of qualification:
- an appropriate academic qualification other than a degree from a recognised university or other institution;
- an intermediate or equivalent examination towards the award of a degree by a recognised university, or institution of similar status, plus passes in an appropriate number of subjects at GCSE level or the equivalent;
- a qualification gained by examination which satisfies the entrance requirements for admission to a recognised university outside the UK. Admissions Officers and Tutors wishing to recommend an applicant for special consideration should provide full details to the Course Director and the Associate Dean for Admissions, whose decision in such matters is final.
12. Admission of students who have undertaken previous study at St George’s or elsewhere
Applicants who have been excluded from a programme on academic grounds may not reapply for entry to that programme but may apply, in competition, for other programmes. Applicants who have previously withdrawn from a St George’s programme, either themselves or by the University, and wish to reapply for the same (or similar) programme cannot re-enrol as a continuing student. They must apply in the usual way and their application will be considered with reference to their reasons for withdrawing from the course. Applicants who have undertaken previous higher education study and not completed a qualification (or received an exit award) will be expected to disclose this and provide academic (and fitness to practise if relevant) references as part of their application. These references will be considered as part of the admission decision. Applicants who have left previous higher education study due to fitness to practise issues cannot reapply for the same or a similar programme at St George’s.
13. Child protection
Applicants must usually be at least eighteen years of age before admission to the University. This requirement may be waived in individual cases with the approval of the Course Director and the Academic Registrar. Applicants must, however, be at least eighteen years of age before they can attend placements, interact with patients or undertake certain other activities. Applicants who will be under the age of eighteen at the start of the programme will be deferred to the following year (further deferrals may be required where the applicant would be under the age of eighteen after a one-year deferral) and the application will be assessed as usual. If applicants would like to be considered for enrolment under the age of eighteen, they must complete a request form that will be reviewed by the Head of Student Services and the Admissions Tutor. If this request can be accommodated, written confirmation will be sought from the parents (or legal guardian) of their willingness to allow the applicant to study at St George’s and will require evidence that an appropriate guardian has been appointed. Applicants requesting to enrol under the age of sixteen will be invited to attend a meeting with University staff to discuss their readiness to attend University. Please refer to the Under 18’s Admission and Support Policy for more details.
14. Mature applicants
St George’s values and encourages applications from mature applicants. There is no upper age limit for any of our courses. Older applicants should consider the implications of changing profession at a later stage in life, especially for medicine programmes where qualification, foundation and specialist training will take many years to complete. To be admitted, applicants will need to show evidence of the commitment and contribution they can offer in switching vocation at a later stage in their career, which may include recent engagement in education.
15. Complaints and appeals
If the University fails to provide the standard of service expected, applicants may submit a grievance to be considered. Depending on the topic and severity, the grievance may be resolved informally as a Complaint, whilst others may be escalated into an Appeal.
Examples of grievances may include:
- failure by the University to meet obligations including those outlined in the admissions policy, or UCAS guidelines.
- misleading or incorrect information the website or promotional material and other information provided by the University.
- concerns of discrimination or inconsistent assessment of applicant potential.
- poor quality of services provided directly by the Admissions team.
- the actions of a member of staff or student representing Admissions at St George’s, except matters regarding accurate and fair assessment of an application.
St George’s will consider a grievance relating to an application for admission only if there is substantive evidence of an irregularity in the procedure under which the application has been processed. Dissatisfaction with the outcome of an application is not appropriate grounds with which to submit a grievance. Decisions on the admission of applicants by the authorised St George’s Admissions Officers are final and there is normally no appeal against such decisions.

Once a grievance has been submitted, it is initially reviewed informally as a Complaint. If not resolved, the grievance is passed on to be considered as an Appeal, and finally as an Investigative Appeal if the Appeal could not conclude the matter. The grievance will be processed across the three stages until a resolution is found, and the applicant is not required to submit separate accounts. Most grievances are resolved informally at the Complaints stage.
All grievances will be considered confidentially and details will be shared with only those required to conduct a full review of the circumstances, and members of the Admissions team. Details of the grievance will be stored on the applicant’s application form, unless sensitive in nature.
All complaints and appeals will be reviewed at the end of the admissions cycles in order to implement improvements and changes needed to provide future applicants with the best experience possible.
All grievances should be submitted by the applicant in writing to admissionscomplaints@sgul.ac.uk no later than ten working days after the event with the following information:
- Full name
- Applicant ID / UCAS Personal ID
- Application course
- Date of grievance
- Account of grievance
- Evidence, which may include:
- Previous email correspondence
- Copies of academic qualifications
- Screenshots of published information online.
Applicant’s will receive an automatic response to confirm receipt, and will enter a three-step process as detailed below.
Under the data protection legislation, St George’s cannot respond to complaints or appeals from schools, parents/guardians or advisor except when it is accompanied by a written statement from the applicant giving consent to the discussion of their application with the named third party.
1. Complaint
In the first instance, a grievance should be raised at the informal level. The grievance will be reviewed by an Admissions Manager who will respond within ten working days. The Admissions Manager will review the documentation submitted by the applicant, and may request further clarity or documentation from the applicant or a relevant staff member.
If the grievance is not resolved through this stage, or if the applicant is not satisfied with the response, the applicant may request for their email to be progressed to the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions. This is the Appeal stage. The applicant will be informed of when the complaint has been escalated as per their request.
If the grievance is against an Admissions Manager, the grievance will be considered under the Appeal stage.
2. Appeal
Grievances that were not resolved during the Complaint stage will be progressed to an Appeal. Appeals will be handled by the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions who will conduct a review and formally respond usually within ten working days of receiving the Appeal. All documentation initially submitted by the applicant and a copy of the correspondence from the Complaint stage will be included in the Appeal review. The Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions may request further clarity or documentation from the applicant or a relevant staff member.
If the grievance is not resolved through this stage, the applicant may request for their email to be progressed to the Academic Registrar. This is the Investigative Appeal stage. The applicant will be informed of when the appeal has been escalated as per their request.
If the grievance is against the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions, the grievance will be considered under the Investigative Appeal stage.
3. Investigative Appeal
Grievances that were not resolved at the Appeal stage will be progressed to an Investigative Appeal. Investigative Appeals will be reviewed by the Academic Registrar who will investigate and formally respond usually within ten working days of receiving the Appeal. All documentation initially submitted by the applicant and a copy of correspondence from the Complaint and Appeal stages will be included in the Investigative Appeal review. The Academic Registrar may request further clarity or documentation from the applicant or a relevant staff member.
Once received, the Academic Registrar (or another Officer nominated by the Academic Registrar not previously involved in the case) will decide whether there is substantive evidence sufficient to justify a formal investigation. If the Academic Registrar decides the evidence is not sufficient to justify a formal investigation, they will inform the applicant accordingly.
If the Academic Registrar decides there are prima facie grounds for a formal investigation, the appeal will be referred to a panel comprising:
The Academic Registrar will inform the applicant of the decision to refer the Investigative Appeal to the panel. The panel will normally consider the evidence submitted by the applicant, the correspondence from the Complaint and Appeal stages, and any additional documentation requested by the Academic Registrar. The panel may interview the applicant and any other persons involved in the case, and shall be required to ensure equal treatment to the parties concerned, i.e. the applicant and the Officer(s) who took the decision on the application or who were involved in the procedure for handling it. Such persons shall receive copies of all the relevant documentation. The panel will determine the outcome of the Investigative Appeal and decide upon any action to be taken as a result of their determination. Their decision will be conveyed to the Academic Registrar who will communicate it to the applicant and Admissions team, and will arrange for the implementation of any action resulting from it. The other parties to the appeal will also be informed.
The decision of the Investigative Appeals panel is final as far as St George’s internal procedures are concerned. If an applicant is dissatisfied with the decision of the panel, they may have recourse to the courts to request a judicial review. The University will not usually consider further applications from applicants who have been unsuccessful in appealing for admission to the same course. The Academic Registrar will keep a record of appeals which will include details of the age, gender and ethnicity of appellants.
16. Fraud
St George’s is conscious of the potential risk of applicants seeking fraudulently to gain admission and/or receive a grant, loan or bursary. The prevention of such fraud is implicit in St George’s procedures governing the following areas of work:
Selection of applicants for admission
Assessment of accepted applicants’ fees status
Verification of the qualifications of students admitted
Enrolment of students
Issuing of maintenance allowances to enrolled students and the processing of student loan applications
Where there is evidence that an applicant for admission to St George’s may have provided false or misleading information on their application or papers associated with their application, the case will initially be considered by the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions (or another Officer nominated by the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions) who will seek to determine whether the applicant has been guilty of deliberate misrepresentation. If evidence comes to light after an individual has become a registered student of St George’s that they may have provided false or misleading information when making their application for admission to St George’s, the case will be considered by the Academic Registrar.
The applicant will be informed in writing by the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions of the apparent misrepresentation and asked to provide a statement in explanation or mitigation. Failure to provide a statement, or to provide satisfactory evidence to corroborate their explanation, will result in the applicant having the application and/or offer of admission to St George’s withdrawn, and may result in future applications not being considered by St George’s. The decision to withdraw an offer of admission or de-register a student from St George’s as a result of fraud in an application will be made in consultation with the Academic Registrar. The Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions will communicate immediately in writing the decision to the applicant. An applicant to St George’s does not have the right of appeal against the decision. If fraud is suspected, St George’s will, as appropriate, liaise with relevant external bodies (including the police, local education authorities, Student Loans Company, UCAS and UKVI). St George’s anti-fraud statements and policies are published on the Institution’s website. St George’s complies with the Bribery Act 2010 by (a) publishing policies on its corporate website; (b) publishing the Vice Chancellor’s statement on the corporate website; and, (c) regularly offering small group training on St George’s anti-bribery policy and procedure.
17. Plagiarism in undergraduate personal statements
Should the UCAS Similarity Detection Service alert St George’s to possible plagiarism in an application, the Admissions team will review the application in the normal way against the usual criteria for consideration for entry to the programme. If the applicant does not meet the criteria, the application will be rejected in the normal manner and no reference will be made to the similarity detection. If the criteria for further consideration are met, the Admissions Officer will contact the applicant. The applicant will be invited to state their case and provide any supporting documentation. The case will then be considered by the Admissions Tutor, the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions, and in some cases a member of the Student Conduct and Compliance team. This assessment must take place before any further stage in the selection process is initiated, including an invitation to interview or the issuing of any offer. If it is considered that the case is not sufficiently addressed by the applicant, the application will be rejected and the applicant informed in writing of the reasons for this rejection. If it is considered that the applicant has sufficiently answered the case, the applicant will be informed by the Admissions team that their application has not been prejudiced on the basis of the similarity detection alert.
18. Feedback to applicants
Standard Feedback
A standard reason for unsuccessful decisions will be provided via UCAS (for UCAS applications) and by email (for direct applications) to all unsuccessful applicants. The Admissions team/Admissions Tutor will be responsible for providing a reason for rejection during assessment. The reasons for rejection must relate to the admissions criteria specified. If a standard statement cannot be used for an individual applicant, the Admissions Tutor must provide a brief statement giving the reason for rejection.
Additional Feedback
Additional feedback can be requested in writing by the applicant. Additional feedback will be provided to clarify the reason for the unsuccessful decision and is not able to provide additional information. The Admissions team is unable to use feedback requests as a way of recommending improvements needed to an application, but the Student Recruitment team could discuss ways in which to strengthen an application. Feedback will not be provided to successful applicants.
Requests for additional feedback will not be considered as an appeal against the decision on the application. When such a request is received, this will not prompt a review of the application nor will providing feedback to an applicant imply that an application has been reconsidered. St George’s will not consider any new information or documentation that is submitted as a result of any feedback received. Applicants who wish to be re-considered are required to reapply the following year and to be considered in competition with all other applicants.
Under the data protection legislation, St George’s cannot respond to requests from schools, parents/guardians or advisors for feedback on unsuccessful applications. However, a request for feedback can be provided in response to a request made in writing by a school, parent/guardian or advisor when it is accompanied by a written statement from the applicant giving consent to the discussion of their application with the named third party.
19. Fitness to Practise checks
Applications for some programmes may be subject to a criminal record checks and/or Occupational Health checks.
Criminal Record Checks
Applicants to clinical courses at St George’s are required to declare whether they have any criminal convictions. Whenever a conviction is declared, subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, full details of the offence, conviction and sentence will be sought and an DBS Panel convened to consider the case. The DBS Panel will typically make an assessment prior to the official offer of admission being processed. They will conduct a risk assessment and consider actions that could practicably be taken to mitigate any identified risks without detriment to the applicant's ability to pursue their chosen programme of study. They will then either: (a) authorise the admission of the student subject to the academic decision of the relevant Admissions Tutor and Course Director. Such authorisation may impose conditions aimed at mitigating any identified risk and those conditions, if any, must be stated in the offer letter. (b) recommend that the applicant not be admitted to St George’s, giving reasons.
All applicants must declare at the earliest opportunity any criminal conviction that is received after an offer of admission is made and prior to enrolment at St George’s.
As is the case for a number of St George’s programmes, where students may potentially come into unsupervised contact with children and/or vulnerable adults, an enhanced disclosure certificate is sought from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), the Government agency established to provide employers and others with information about any criminal convictions that an individual might possess. For applicants outside of the UK, an overseas criminal record check is required. St George’s reserves the right to withdraw an offer if the DBS or overseas criminal record check reveals any information which has not previously been considered by the DBS Panel, and/or would cause concern relating to the proposed course of study. Upon receipt of a UK DBS check, applicants are required to join the DBS Update Service, and maintain membership throughout their time at St George’s.
Occupational Health Checks
St George’s has an obligation to provide a safe environment for patients, staff and students. In order to do this, applicants to clinical courses are required to complete a health clearance and be declared fit to study and practise by St George’s Trust’s Occupational Health department. Applicants are required to obtain a list of mandatory vaccines, complete a questionnaire, and obtain a report from their General Practitioner. Some applicants may be invited to meet with Occupational Health to discuss any additional requirements. The Occupational Health department will make an assessment on each applicant’s fitness to study and practise and consider actions that could practicably be taken to support applicant's ability to pursue their chosen programme of study. They will then either: (a) pass the Occupational Health check with no further action required (b) discuss reasonable adjustments needed (c) advise the Admissions team of the need to defer or withdraw an offer to study to allow the applicant to become fit to study.
20. Transfer students
St George’s may consider requests to transfer into some programmes. Consideration of transfer requests from students studying at another higher education institution who wish to transfer to a programme at St George’s are not guaranteed and will need to be considered on an individual basis. Please refer to the Student Transfer Policy for more details.
21. Deferral requests
Should an applicant wish to change the entry year of their application, they must request this in writing to the Admissions team. Requests received before an offer has been made will usually be accepted, unless stated otherwise on the St George’s website. Requests received after an offer has been made will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Admissions team and Admissions Tutor. Deferrals will only be permitted for one academic year, unless specific permission is granted by the Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions and the Admissions Tutor.
22. Applicant responsibilities
By applying to St George’s, there are a number of responsibilities applicants must agree to.
Applicants agree:
to inform the Admissions team if they have previously studied at St George’s or have previously applied unsuccessfully to courses to which they are reapplying.
that those who attend interview declare themselves to be well enough to be assessed. Any extenuating circumstances that may affect performance at interview should be discussed with Admissions before the interview where a decision will be made regarding rescheduling the interview where possible.
to be responsible for all costs associated with obtaining an Enhanced DBS check/overseas criminal record check, and passing an Occupational Health check at the point of holding a conditional firm offer with St George’s. Reimbursements of these costs will not be offered regardless of whether or not the applicant enrols onto the programme.
to comply with regulations and policies required by St George’s which are in line with the recommendations of the General Medical Council and other professional bodies.
At the point of submission, applicants acknowledge:
St George’s retains the right to cancel an offer of a place if incorrect or misleading information is provided.
St George’s reserves the right to exclude an applicant who has behaved in an inappropriate manner (including aggressive behaviour towards St George’s staff or students, or disclosure of admissions processes to others) or who is considered, on justifiable grounds, to be unsuitable for a place on a particular programme according to individual circumstances.
St George’s has a duty to ensure that no member of the public is harmed as a consequence of participating in its professional training. If an offer holder falls below the high standards of behaviour that the public has a right to expect, their offer will be subject to a review through St George’s professionalism and fitness to practise processes.
St George’s retains the right to amend or cancel an offer if a genuine error has been made by St George’s.
Academic Registrar
June 2023