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When you leave St George’s, University of London, your access to facilities provided by IT services is withdrawn. This guidance will explain what happens to your IT account and data when you no longer study or work at St George’s.


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Student leavers

Once you have completed your studies at St George’s, your IT access will expire six months from your course end date.

When your IT account expires your data will be permanently deleted and it will not be possible to restore it for you.

You must ensure that any information you need to keep (for example, personal emails in your St George’s mailbox or files and documents in your H: drive/St George’s OneDrive) is migrated in good time and before your account expiry date.

The Student Centre sends out an 'end of year' message each year, towards the start of July, detailing everything you need to do if you are leaving the university. This includes a reminder about the expiry of your IT account.

Please note that IT Services only deletes student accounts based on information supplied by Registry. If you have any queries about the IT account deletion process for students you should contact the Student Centre.

Staff leavers

Information about staff IT account closures can be found in the policy document below. This policy should be read in conjunction with the guidance document.

Handing over work information

If you are leaving St George’s employ or moving to another role within the university, you must make arrangements for handing over work-related information in line with St George’s managing leavers’ records procedure (PDF).

The same principle applies if you are taking annual leave or another type of scheduled absence.

Access to work data must always be provided via an appropriate mechanism. You should not under any circumstances give access to your account by disclosing your login details to any other person.

Under the university’s IT conditions of use: core regulations policy, individuals are responsible for the security of their IT account; disclosing your password may be considered a breach of this policy, which could result in disciplinary procedures.

When it has not been possible to make the necessary arrangements in advance, the institutional access to staff and student IT account policy can facilitate access, subject to the relevant authorisation. However, this policy is not intended to provide routine access to St George’s members’ accounts and access will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.


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