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1. Introduction

This procedure sets out guidance on the actions to be taken when disposing of records.

2. Purpose

This procedure refers to all records disposals regardless of format and was implemented to support legislative and regulatory requirements.

3. Scope

This procedure should be followed by all SGUL employees and contractors who dispose of records.

4. Procedure – Overview

  1. Before disposing of any records check the SGUL Records Retention Schedule to ensure that the record is time expired. Do not dispose of any record the schedules require us to keep.
  2. In order to track our destructions complete a “Records Disposal Form” in order to track what records were disposed of, why they were destroyed, and when they were destroyed.
  3. If you have any queries regarding destructions contact the Records Manager

5. Procedure – Hardcopy Records

  1. Lockable wheelie bins are located in departments for the disposal of hardcopy records. Contact Site Services if you have any queries about the lockable wheelie bins.
  2. Only place paper into the lockable wheelie bins.
  3. Once the lockable wheelie bin is full and ready for collection contact Site Services to arrange collection.
  4. For further information on how Site Services handle confidential waste refer to

6. Procedure – Electronic Records

  1. Information on disposing of electronic records can be found è
  2. The Retention and Disposal Policy can be found è
  3. The Disposal Form can be found è

7. Procedure Maintenance

This procedure will be reviewed annually by the Records Manager


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