As stipulated in section 11 of the General Regulations for Students and Programmes of Study, “all work undertaken by candidates in a supervised examination remains the property of St George’s and will not be returned to candidates.” Therefore, no examination materials, including Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) marksheets, will be available to candidates following any examination.
As standard, candidates will receive a breakdown of results from Registry that outlines at a minimum: candidate’s mark, the pass mark and the mean for each assessment.
If during an OSCE, dangerous or inappropriate behaviour is identified, the candidate will receive academic advice relating to the issue identified.
SGUL is committed to enable additional beneficial and appropriate feedback to candidates following examinations; the provisions listed below are available to all candidates:
A class feedback session will be held by the Responsible Examiner(s) following examination(s). This session will outline common areas of weakness in the examinations that were identified using the following:
SBA: Item analysis
SAQ: Comments from markers
OSCE: Comments from examiners
In-course assessments: Candidates will receive a copy of the individual written feedback provided by the assessor/s.
If a candidate fails an entire examination (i.e. overall pass standard is greater than the candidate’s overall mark), they will be eligible to receive one-on-one feedback from the responsible examiner or nominee. For written examinations, the responsible examiner or nominee will review the candidate’s scripts and note areas of weakness to be discussed at the one-on-one feedback session.
For OSCEs, the responsible examiner or nominee will review the marksheets before the meeting and then review the marksheets with the candidate during the one-on-one feedback session.If a candidate has not failed an examination and still wishes to view their examination script(s) they have the right under the St. George’s, University of London Data Protection Policy to do so. Students can access any personal data that is being kept about them on computer; they will also have access to paper-based data held in certain manual filing systems. Any person who wishes to exercise this right should make the request in writing to the Assistant Registrar (Examinations).