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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The following sections set out our Tuition Fee Policy (PDF).

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Fees overview and student responsibility

1.1. By accepting a place on an St Georges University of London (SGUL) programme, it is expected by SGUL that the student has planned to be in good financial standing and is able to pay or make arrangements for payment of annual tuition fees as well as cost of living whilst studying and any accommodation fees, whether in SGUL’s halls or elsewhere for the duration of their studies.  

1.2. By the act of enrolment, a student accepts liability to pay the full tuition fee for the year of study and they are agreeing to abide by the current SGUL General Regulations which includes acting in accordance with the SGUL Tuition Fee Policy. 

1.3. Composite tuition and assessment fees for programmes of study, and fees for entry or re-entry to assessments for students not currently enrolled, shall be determined annually and notified to students.  Fees are not normally refundable.

1.4. The UK undergraduate fee may increase in line with the increase permitted by the Department for Education. 

1.5. Fees for programmes that are not set by government or third-party contract are determined by a number of factors including (but not exclusively) inflation, changes to course and benchmarking against competitors.

1.6. Fees for continuing students will be liable to increase for each year of the course.

1.7. Students required to attend for a further academic year will be charged the relevant fee for that year.

1.8. Students who defer their entry shall pay the fee relevant for the year they begin their programme.

1.9. Students shall make satisfactory arrangements for the payment of their tuition fees at the beginning of the academic year (or other period as may be appropriate for the programme of study) as a precondition of enrolment.   Such arrangements shall normally be either by paying the fees in full, or by providing documentary evidence that the fees will be paid on demand by an approved sponsor on behalf of the student.

1.10. Students unable to make satisfactory arrangements for the payment of fees may be enrolled on a “Time Limited Enrolment”, during which time they may attend classes and use SGUL’s facilities. Students will be allowed until the end of October, for programmes which start in September and October, and one month after the start of the programme for programmes starting at other times, to make satisfactory arrangements for payment of fees. If they do not make satisfactory arrangements, their registration will be terminated.

1.11. A self-financing student may pay his or her tuition fees by instalments. Payment can be made online, by debit/credit card or by bank transfer. Payment for fees in cash or by cheque is discouraged and will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances. All students should ensure that their student number and name accompany each payment. Any bank charges incurred by payment by credit card will be passed onto the student.

1.12. Students who do not make satisfactory arrangements for the payment of their tuition fees as specified in 1.4 or default upon agreed instalments of tuition fees shall, at the discretion of the Academic Registrar or appointed officer, have any formal notification of assessment results and/or degree certificate withheld for the programme for which fees are unpaid.

1.13. At the discretion of the Academic Registrar or their nominee, students who fail to make satisfactory arrangements for the payment of their tuition fees or payment of other fees, fines or debts to SGUL, may have their registration suspended, or may not be permitted to enrol for a subsequent year of study.

1.14. The Academic Registrar may recommend to the Principal that students who fail to settle or make satisfactory arrangements for the payment of outstanding tuition fees have their registration terminated. If the Principal accepts the Academic Registrar’s recommendation, the student will have the right of appeal under the Student Appeals Procedure to an Appeal Committee which shall be appointed by and report to Council, whose decision shall be final.

1.15. Full-time members of staff of SGUL registering for a part-time programme of study shall be eligible for a discount on the usual fee.

1.16. SGUL may from time to time validate programmes and modules offered by external Associates. As part of the validation process, it shall be determined whether responsibility for obtaining tuition fees rests with SGUL or with the Associate. Where the Associate is responsible for obtaining tuition fees, the provisions of General Regulation 5 will not normally apply. Instead the regulations and policy documents of the Associate will normally apply and these will be made available to students at enrolment.


Self funding students: Undergaduate and postgraduate taught

2.1. Students have the following options:

  • Pay in full before or at enrolment  

  • To pay in 3 instalments 


 - September starters - 50% by 30 October, 25% by 30 January and 25% by 30 April   



- February starters - 50% by 30 April, 25% by 30 October and 25% by 30 January 

2.2. A deposit of £3,000 is required from all international students as a condition of their offer.  This will be offset against the first year’s annual tuition fee. 

2.3. If these students fail to start the programme, or leave in the first month, this deposit will be retained by the institution. Deposits will be waivered only if the student is receiving official financial sponsorship from their government (evidence of sponsorship will be required) or if in receipt of US Federal Aid for the full tuition fee amount.

2.4. Deposits are generally non-refundable, unless the course is cancelled, the student is refused a visa by the UK government, or the CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies) is not issued by the Admissions team. Other circumstances for refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2.5 Postgraduate taught students who are in receipt of a loan from SLC can pay their tuition fees in line with the payments received from SLC once they have supplied the Student Finance Policy Officer with their SLC payment schedule. 

  • September starters - 25% by 30 October, 25% by 30 January and 50% by 30 April
  • February starters - 25% by 30 April, 25% by 30 October and 50% by 30th January

2.6. All tuition fees must be paid by 1 May.

2.7. Any unpaid fees will be collected in accordance with the debt collection policy

Postgraduate research

2.8. Postgraduate research students are required to pay fees from date of registration to the date of award and to pay writing-up fees in full on or before enrolment.

2.9. Students have the following options

  • Pay in full before or at enrolment
  • Enrolled before 30 October - 50% by 30 October, 25% by 30 January and 25% by 30 April 
  • Enrolled between 1 November and 31 January - 50% by 30 January and 50% by 30 April
  • Enrolled between 1 February and 30 April – 100% by 30 April
  • Enrolled after 30 April - 100% at the time of enrolment

2.10. Members of staff undertaking a postgraduate research programme may arrange to pay the fee in monthly instalments from their salary.  This arrangement must be made at the Student Centre who will authorise the deduction prior to it being actioned by Payroll.  The fee due will be split equally across a maximum of 12 monthly payments. In the event that the member of staff leaves, any unpaid amounts up to the date of leaving will be deducted from the final salary payment. 

Continuing professional development

2.11. Students who enrol for modules have 30 days to make payment in full from the date of invoice. There will be no payment plan for modules.

2.12. Students who fail to pay within the 30 days will receive a reminder letter with 7 days to pay.   

2.13. Any unpaid fees will be collected in accordance with the debt collection policy.

Alumni Discount

2.14. Self-funding students who have previously completed an SGUL degree are eligible for an alumni discount.

Payments from Student Loan Company or NHS Bursary Unit

3.1. If tuition fees are to be paid by the student loan company or the NHS bursary unit, students are required to submit evidence at the time of enrolment.  This must contain:

  • student name
  • application number
  • programme name
  • percentage or specified amount of tuition fees to be paid

3.2. Students are required to submit evidence of sponsorship annually for each year of study. 

3.3. Where the fees are not paid, the student will be defined as self-funding and becomes liable for the fee in full.

Payments from Sponsors

3.4. If tuition fees are to be paid by a sponsor, students are required to submit evidence of sponsorship at the time of enrolment.  This must contain

  • student name
  • application number
  • programme name
  • name of sponsor, address and contact details (name, email and telephone number)
  • percentage or specified amount of tuition fees to be paid

3.5. Students are required to submit evidence of sponsorship annually for each year of study.

3.6. Finance will verify the arrangement and establish contact with the named contact at the sponsor before issuing an invoice.  Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice being issued. 

3.7. It remains the student's personal responsibility to ensure that the fees are paid on time.

3.8. Where a sponsor defaults on payments or refuses to accept a fee invoice, the student will be defined as self-funding and becomes liable for the fee in full.


3.9. Where a student is in receipt of an SGUL funded scholarship which funds their fees in full or in part, then this will be set against the fee due.

3.10. Should the terms of the Scholarship not be met then the student will be defined as self-funding and becomes liable for the fee in full.

3.11. Where a student in receipt of a scholarship is also entitled to alumni discount, then the scholarship shall be applied first before the discount. 


4.1. Invoices are sent to all postgraduate and self-paying undergraduate students in October and within 30 days of enrolment to students who start during the academic year.

4.2. If SGUL has received proof that fees are paid for an undergraduate student by an SLC loan or NHS student bursaries, undergraduate students will not generally be issued with an invoice. Full invoices will be issued to undergraduate students if specifically requested.

Withdrawal and Interuptions from a Course or Programme

5.1. SGUL operates strict procedures regarding withdrawals and interruptions.

5.2. If a student decides to withdraw/take an interruption of studies (IOS) from a course, they must speak to course director and programme administrator. They must complete an IOS/withdrawal form with these members of staff.

5.3. The date of withdrawal/IOS for tuition fee purposes will be the date written on the form and for undergraduate students will be coordinated, where possible, in line with the attendance dates required to be submitted to the SLC of 15 October, the 1st Wednesday in February and the 1st Wednesday in May.

5.4. The maximum amounts payable by SLC is 25% in term one, 25% in term two and 50% in term three. Students could become liable for the tuition fee not covered by an SLC loan. For further information please contact the Student Finance Policy Officer.

5.5. Students who are being funded by the SLC will be charged tuition fees as follows if they withdraw/suspend from study

  • 25% in term one
  • 50% in term two
  • 100% in term three

5.6. If a self-funding student withdraws, fees will be pro-rated in accordance with recorded withdrawal date and the length of the programme, with a minimum of either one month’s fee or £2,000 for international students, whichever is the highest.

5.7. If a student is suspended, registration and eligibility for fees are also suspended and adjusted with the outcome of any investigation.


Fee Status 

6.1. Where a student is classified as an international student for fee purposes then their fee status will not change during their course except in exceptional circumstances (e.g. the student is granted refugee status or has an application for asylum refused and is granted exceptional leave to remain/humanitarian protection) or if a student can demonstrated that they have been classified incorrectly.  

6.2. A student who considers that they have been incorrectly classified as an international student should contact the Student Finance Policy Officer and request a Fee Status Questionnaire so that their situation can be assessed.  

6.3. Any change to fee status as a result of a change of immigration status will take place from the beginning of the following academic year. Only where a student can demonstrate that a fee classification has been incorrectly assessed will it be backdated to the beginning of the academic year in which they are studying.  

Special Payment Arrangements

7.1. Students experiencing financial difficulty should seek financial support and advice from the Student Finance & Policy Officer. In exceptional circumstances a special payment arrangement may be put in place.

7.2. If agreed, the outstanding tuition fee will be split equally in instalments to ensure that payment is complete by 1 May of the academic year. Other arrangements may be considered and agreed by the Assistant Registrar (Student Services).

7.3. Students defaulting on their special payment arrangement will go into the tuition fee debt collection process for the entire outstanding amount.

7.4. In order to request a special payment arrangement, students are expected to present the following to the Student Finance & Policy Officer for consideration:

  •  a formal written explanation of why they require a special payment arrangement and evidence to support the circumstances
  • a proposed payment plan

7.5. The evidence required will vary, but examples of exceptional circumstances might include

tuition fee table
 Exceptional Circumstances  Evidence
The death of a close relative or significant other who pays the student’s fees   A death certificate

Difficulty in getting money out of the student’s home country

Press article, information from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office website


7.6. Students with outstanding tuition fee debts will not be permitted to enrol or re-enrol at the University for a subsequent year of study. They will have any award due withheld, formal notification of marks and results (including to professional bodies) withheld and will not be able to attend the graduation ceremony. Medical students will not be able to progress to their Foundation Placement.  

7.7. Once a student with special payment arrangements has cleared their outstanding tuition fees debts it is their responsibility to follow up with the relevant department of the University to request formal notification of results, notification to professional bodies and to the Foundation School, where appropriate. 

7.8. Where a student is unable to re-enrol due to outstanding tuition fee debt, they will usually need to interrupt their studies for the whole of the following academic year. The student will be required to complete an application to interrupt their studies to formalise their enrolment status. 


8.1. Refunds will be considered on the basis of the paragraph 4 “Withdrawal from Course” St George’s, University of London.

8.2. Refunds will only be made back to the original source i.e. credit or debit card or bank account on which the original payment was drawn.

9. Cancellations

Students have the right to cancel and withdraw within 14 days of online enrolment.

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