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The Student Advisor Scheme aims to enrich education at St George’s through the informed insights, critical perspectives and creative thinking of our student body.  You will be engaged to work on projects and in certain roles. Examples of projects are: reviewing the content and design of modules, providing reflective insights and recommendations on aspects of the student experience. Examples of roles are membership of Forums and workgroups focused on developing particular aspects of Education at St George’s.   

Student Advisors are paid for their time.  We expect that you:

  • will adhere to St George’s CORE values of Commitment, Openness, Respect and Engagement 
  • be committed to collaborating constructively with staff to develop education that aspires to be sector-leading 
  • engage in meaningful discussions, communications and feedback 
  • act constructively with the purpose of creating solutions and resolutions 
  • share ideas for improving education and enhancing students’ experience.

NB Student Advisors differ from representatives of the Student Union who are unpaid and independent of the University. The role also differs from that of Student Ambassador which principally involves positively representing the University at events, and from that of Peer Tutor or Peer Lead, which involves students teaching or supporting other students. 

Recruitment to the scheme 

You can apply to the scheme

  1. Sign up via the Form (Open all year round) to join a general pool of Student Advisors who can then be recruited to different projects and roles as they arise.
  2. Via a call for Student Advisors to work on specific projects or in specific roles, where the existing pool cannot meet the need. Once recruited these Advisors also join the general pool and are able to put themselves forward to work on other projects, in addition to the original one they applied for. 

Where possible and appropriate, we aim for projects to mix students from different programmes and years of study.  

Some projects are recruited to on a first come, first served basis; others require a more structured selection process. This is determined on a case by case basis

You will normally need to ensure that you respond to any Right to Work checks in a timely manner to ensure the smooth running of projects.  


The Student Partnership Officer will arrange payments to Student Advisors once agreed project outputs have been successfully completed and signed off by the project owner.  Normally payment requests need to be submitted at the beginning of each month.

For most work, Student Advisors are paid either £13.15 or £13.92.

Structure and reporting 

The Student Advisor Scheme is led from within CIDE, within the Education Strategy and Development Office. The Scheme reports periodically to the Inclusive Education Steering Group chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education).  


You will need to contribute to and/or provide “outputs” – this may take the form of recommendations, blog posts, videos or podcasts. 

Previous Examples include 



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