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Summative exams can be facilitated in two modes: paper-based or online. Normally, we expect that the starting point is for an online exam although paper-based exam might be possible or more appropriate in certain circumstances.

Closed book summative exams must take place and be invigilated on campus (i.e., onsite) while Open book summative exams can take place either on campus (onsite) or remotely (offsite) or be administered as take home.

Decisions on exam mode should be established in consultation with Registry (Exams and Timetabling).

This guidance concerns summative exams that are conducted online and sets out how they are to be conducted across St George’s.

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Exam mode and timing

Online exams should be facilitated via desktop PCs at St George’s, and with human invigilation. Exams will take place on Canvas except for relevant MBBS and PA SBA exams, which may take place on the MSCAA platform. Exams should always be scheduled during weekdays, should start no earlier than 8:00 AM and should end no later than 6:00 PM. 

When designing online exams, we suggest that where possible, ‘Quiz’-type exams (Multiple Choice Questions i.e., MCQ, Single Best Answers i.e., SBA and/or Short Answer Questions i.e., SAQ) are set separately to Long Answer Questions (LAQs). 

Any assessment that requires file upload should be set as a Long Answer Question (LAQ). All LAQ exams must include an additional 10 minutes to allow students the time to name and upload their Word documents, and where necessary to capture (using the webcam) and upload additional documents such as their drawings (see 7 below). This additional 10 minutes should be built into the normal examination timing. Therefore, a typical 2-hour exam will have a total duration of 2 hours and 10 minutes. The additional 10 minutes requirements also apply to the timing provided to students with support needs. 

Open book summative exams (or similar, including take home exams) can occur anytime during the week, with the expectation that students are given at least 24 hours to complete the exam (although specific tightly timed durations within this window can apply, where appropriate). Submission deadline must fall within working hours to enable students to access support where needed. 

Weekend exams should generally be avoided. Where unavoidable, only Open book summative exams (or similar) are permissible on weekends. Teams responsible for the scheduling of exams must ensure that appropriate support is established in advance and put in place to ensure that students are able to complete the exam. Closed book summative exams must not be scheduled during weekends. 

For some cohorts, particularly for large cohorts with >150 students, onsite exams may take place in two sittings to accommodate all students within the cohort. Formative exams may take place onsite or remote.

Opportunities for students to include drawings in Long Answer Questions (LAQ)

For Long Answer Question (LAQ) exams, opportunities for students to include diagrams should be considered and the guidance below should be followed: 

  • We recommend that course teams indicate to students in advance whether the drawing of diagrams in the exam is expected, is not expected, or is optional. 
  • Students will be able to draw their diagrams/flowcharts on a piece of paper which will be provided to them during the exam.  
  • We recommend that each drawing is labelled, with a reference to the labelling within the essay response. 
  • The desktop PCs to be used for exams are equipped with cameras that will allow for students to capture their drawing and upload as an additional document when submitting their LAQs into Canvas. 
  • Invigilating officers must collect the originals of all drawings for record keeping. 
  • The existing exams preparation module on Canvas provides students with the opportunity to practice ahead of their summative exam(s). 
  • Additionally, modules with LAQ exam(s) must provide practice opportunities onsite so that students can experience the process for uploading documents, capturing of drawings, and submission of those drawings via Canvas.  
Use of lockdown browser

The use of Lockdown Browser is a requirement for all ‘Quiz’-type exams on Canvas irrespective of mode of delivery e.g., exams that are intended to require Single Best Answers (SBA) and/or Short Answer Questions (SAQ). 

Use of Lockdown Browser is not required for LAQ exams. Instead, the LAQ exam is to be designed to allow for Turnitin check via file upload i.e., a Word document that answers the exam questions, along with any additional document that the student may be required (or want to upload) e.g. their drawings, a spreadsheet, PowerPoint, etc.

Statement of Academic Integrity (SOAI) process

The SOAI is to be displayed to students as a standard message that precedes the exam as part of the design on Canvas by the responsible team (not as a separate exam that they must submit):  
This eliminates the need to move between two browsers and should simplify the exam process for students, particularly for SBA and/or SAQ exams that require Lockdown Browser.

There are two versions: SOAI for onsite online and SOAI for remote online exams. (i.e. open book online exams)? Any queries regarding these should be directed to the Learning Technology Services (LTS) team by emailing

Use of Read&Write software for Students with Statement of Support Needs (SOSN)

Read&Write provides a range of tools that increases the accessibility of digital text. It can be used in an ‘exam-safe’ mode with a reduced level of functionality that ensures the integrity of assessments.

The process for using (and for recommending who can use) Read&Write by individual students is managed by the Disability Office. Students with SOSN who require Read&Write will be provided with a clear set of instructions for usage within designated base rooms on-campus. Any queries regarding this should be directed to

Ownership: Registry (Exams); Centre for Technology in Education (CTiE); Centre for Development and Innovation in Education (CIDE).
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