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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Myprogress is City St George’s chosen e-portfolio system for students completing workplace-based assessments.

The system, available via the web and a dedicated app, is used to complete observational assessments and case-based discussions of students on placement. The dedicated app allows for the completion of assessments where there is no network or Wi-Fi access. Responses created through the app remain saved on the students’ device, providing them with direct access to their feedback and progress. When they have access to a reliable Wi-Fi service and sync their device, copies of these responses are sent to their online accounts, used by tutors and administrators to monitor progress.

App support

City St George’s, University of London students should report a Myprogress problem by email.


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