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Digital accessibility applies to many types of content, including videos, words, headings, images, links, and tables.

This is guidance on:

  • creating accessible content,
  • checking content is accessible, and
  • accessible videos.

A few simple steps can make your materials more accessible for everybody.

Create accessible pages

There are 6 principles to follow when creating accessible pages. 


SCULPT is an acronym to help us remember the principles.

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Structure (use heading styles)

Structure your page with headings so that the page is easy to navigate. Users tend to scan pages, and headings can help them find what they are looking for quickly. People using screen readers can navigate a page using headings. 

Use the built-in heading styles in Word and Canvas. Here's how to add a heading, Microsoft website .

Headings must not skip a level and should be in a logical order. View an example of best practice for subheadings and page structure.

Colour and contrast

There must be sufficient contrast between text and background colours, although a very high contrast can also make reading difficult, especially for people with dyslexia. Use our branded PowerPoint templates, as they were created with accessibility in mind, with backgrounds set to light grey to make things easier to read. 

Avoiding saving presentations as a PDF, as this would prevent students from adapting to their preferred contrast.

You can also download our branded templates and brand guidelines which includes our colour pallette. Ensure colour is not the only means of conveying information, as people who are colour blind, blind, or have low vision might miss the meaning of what is conveyed if you use colour alone. 

Use of images

Add alternative (alt) text to images. Screen readers read out alt text in place of an image, helping people using screen readers to have a better understanding of what is on the screen.

Examples of good alt text, from WebAIM's website.

Decorative images

Decorative images are images that are unimportant and do not add useful information to a page. They should be marked as decorative, so that screen readers do not announce them, and you can do this by checking the Decorative checkbox close to where you add alt text. Consider removing the image if it is not important.

Images containing text

Avoid images that contain text, as screen readers struggle with these.

Links (hyperlinks)

A screen reader will read out a URL fully. For example, "" will be read aloud as "https colon forward slash forward slash..." etc. Therefore, avoid using a full URL on a page as they tend to be long and make little sense when read out. Instead provide meaningful link text, such as "Molecular and Clinical Sciences", so users know where the link will take them.

If you wish to display the URL, this should be short (for example, limited to the site's domain name or homepage) or you can consider using the shortform of the URL, for example becomes

Screen readers can read out a list of links of a page, and are read out one by one and out of context of a sentence. Therefore, avoid generic terms like "click here" and "more information" because users won't know where the links go when read out of context. 

If you are linking to another website, you should make it clear users are leaving the site in the link text. For example, "More about link text on WebAIM's website".

If the link opens in a new window, you can provide that information in brackets at the end of the link text, for example, " (opens in a new window)".

Plain English

Writing in plain English is writing in a clear and concise way, so that your content is easily understood. Using plain English is beneficial for everyone and it also reduces text on a page which can reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. There are resources for writing good content.

Table structure

Create accessible tables in Wordby creating a header row, and adding alt text to a table.

Create accessible tables in Canvas by:

  1. Adding a caption: select the table and the table button in the editor. Choose table properties, check "Show caption", save. Then give the table a caption. 
  2. Giving the table a header row: highlight the first row, select the table button in the editor, select Cell, Cell properties. For Cell type, select Header cell. For Scope, select Column.

Tables should be used to present data, rather than for layout. Screen readers struggle with nested tables, split cells, or merged cells.

SCULPT for accessibility was developed by Worcestershire County Council to raise awareness and skills for accessibility, and to introduce digital accessibility in a bite-sized, approachable way.

Check content is accessible

Check your content meets accessibility standards. 

Canvas, PowerPoint and Word have inbuilt accessibility checkers, so it is easy to check that your content meets accessibility standards in a few simple steps.


Canvas accessibility checker logo

Canvas pages

Canvas has an accessibility tool that checks for common accessibility errors. The tool is located beneath the editor.

If it shows a number, that is the number of accessibility issues on your page.

Digital accessibility checker in Canvas

 Click on the icon to discover what the issue is. The number will disappear when you have fixed the issue.

View more information about the Canvas accessibility checker.

PowerPoint slides

The Accessibility Inspector 

You can check the accessibility of your Word or PowerPoint documents while you work. 

If using the desktop app (not browser), the button is at the bottom.

Screenshot showing location of the Accessibility inspector

Figure 1: The location of "Accessibility: Investigate" feature

There is either:

  • “Accessibility: Investigate”, or
  • “Accessibility: Good to go”

Your document has accessibility issues if it says “Accessibility: Investigate”. Select it to view the issues. 

The accessibility inspection results pane will appear where you can see the issues. Click onto the issues to see suggestions on how to fix the issues. 

Screenshot of PowerPoint presentation showing location of Accessibility Inspector

Figure 2: Accessibility inspection results pane

Once you have fixed all the issues, it will change to “Accessibility: Good to go”: 

Screenshot of PowerPoint presentation showing document is good to go

Figure 3: With all accessibility issues fixed, the message changes to "Good to go" 

If the Accessibility Inspector is not available 

The Accessibility Inspector is switched on by default for all staff. If it’s not available, it may be because you are: 

  • running a previous version of office. If so, email to organise an upgrade to Microsoft Apps 365, or 
  • working on the document in browser mode. If so, use the Accessibility Checker instead.

Accessibility Checker

To launch the Accessibility Checker, select Review > Check Accessibility. 
Microsoft Office's accessibility checker icon
You can now review and fix the accessibility issues listed in the accessibility pane. 

The checker provides some information as to why the issue is a problem for the user, and it suggests how you can resolve the issues. 

If you require more information to be able to fix the problem, go to make your PowerPoint presentations accessible, Microsoft's website. We also have tips on how to create accessible PowerPoint presentations which can help you resolve the issues.

Word documents

The Accessibility Inspector 

You can check the accessibility of your Word documents while you work. 

If using the desktop app (not browser), the button is at the bottom.


Figure 1: The location of "Accessibility: Investigate" feature

There is either:

  • “Accessibility: Investigate”, or
  • “Accessibility: Good to go”

Your document has accessibility issues if it says “Accessibility: Investigate”. Select it to view the issues. 

The accessibility inspection results pane will appear where you can see the issues. Click onto the issues to see suggestions on how to fix the issues. 

Once you have fixed all the issues, it will change to “Accessibility: Good to go”.

If the Accessibility Inspector is not available 

The Accessibility Inspector is switched on by default for all staff. If it’s not available, it may be because you are: 

  • running a previous version of office. If so, email to organise an upgrade to Microsoft Apps 365, or 
  • working on the document in browser mode. If so, use the Accessibility Checker instead.

Accessibility Checker

To launch the Accessibility Checker, select Review > Check Accessibility. 
Microsoft Office's accessibility checker icon
You can now review and fix the accessibility issues listed in the accessibility pane. 

The checker provides some information as to why the issue is a problem for the user, and it suggests how you can resolve the issues. 

If you require more information to be able to fix the problem, go to make your Word documents accessible, Microsoft's website. We also have tips on how to create accessible Word documents which can help you resolve the issues.

Accessible videos

Provide closed captions so that people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing can understand the content. It also benefits users without audio (for example, if watching videos in a library or in a loud environment). Closed captions can also improve the viewer's understanding of the content.

Closed captions benefit everyone, and your videos must have closed captions.

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Panopto videos

Captions are automatically generated if you record to the correct folder. Record your live lecture into the Panopto folder for the relevant module in Canvas. Follow the steps in Starting Panopto via Canvas. Captions are machine generated and not always accurate, but can be edited to improve accuracy.

Human-level captions can be arranged where a learning need is identified by the Disability Service. If a student has a need, such as a hearing impairment or processing difficulty, a request goes to the Disability Service for approval for human quality captions.

MS Teams

Microsoft Team's transcription feature gives a written record of spoken text and identifies each speaker in the meeting. The transcript is shown during the meeting and is available to download after the meeting. Instructions for transcription recording in Teams on our Canvas page .

Meeting attendees can view live captions during a Teams meeting, which are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Find out how attendees can switch on live captions.


Digital accessibility training

For more information, take our digital accessibility training module:

Introduction to digital accessibility training

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