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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Essential tools

These tools are the main tools to be used for most, if not all courses. Training and support are available for staff, support guides for some of the below tools can be found on Canvas.  




Institutional virtual learning environment – all courses have a presence to provide course content, build learning activities, communication channels 


Used for submission of course content – coursework written assignments etc.  


Lecture audio capture, video sharing, video editing. 

Read and Write      

An inclusion tool, that constructs digital text to be accessible for everyone

Microsoft Office   

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, OneNote 

Microsoft Teams

Collaboration tool 


Online interactivity tool - live questions, quizzes, polls to increase student engagement

Supported tools

These tools are supported and can be used for teaching and learning activities. Contact for more information. There may be additional tools used by individual courses, please check with the course teams.  




Used for clinical placement assessments, ePortfolio    


MOOC creation and delivery platform  

Microsoft Whiteboard  

Collaboration board (full functionality not currently available to Mac users) 

Complete Anatomy  

3D Anatomy tool  

Microsoft Forms  

Survey, forms and quizzing tool  

Acland’s Anatomy  

Video anatomy resource 

Jove, and Jove Science Education  

Videos of laboratory methods and science concepts 


JISC online surveys 

To be used when Microsoft Forms does not provide the necessary functionality. Contact the Learning & Development Manager at for access. 

Recommended tools available, not supported

Tools which are available to use for teaching and learning, however, these are not supported. Please ensure you follow copyright, accessibility and other regulatory guidelines when using these. Data protection requirements will also need to be followed, in some cases a DPIA form will need to be completed, contact in the first instance for guidance.   




Open-source audio recording and editing software, free to download  


Video collaboration board  


macOS and iOS video editing tool (Apple devices only) 

VLC media player 

Cross-platform media player compatible with most known file types, which also provides basic editing functions. 


Collections of videos created by others that can be embedded into Canvas for teaching and learning activities. These should not be videos created by an SGUL academics for their teaching– Panopto should be used in this case.  


Video sharing site. To be used as above (YouTube).  


Online collaboration tool – some guidance can be found in the Canvas help area 

Panopto Express 

Chrome based video recording and screen capture for those without SGUL login account. 

Not approved

These tools are not recommended by the institution and should not be used because they do not meet the mandatory regulatory guidelines.  




Online video conferencing. MS Teams or Big Blue Button is available for this purpose.  


Does not meet accessibility requirements  

Survey Monkey  

Does not meet data protection requirements. Microsoft Forms should be used instead.  


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