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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Key Topics are learning resources designed to support student learning. These topics provide key bits of information on certain topics, such as ‘Structure and function of the lungs’ or ‘Overview of the nervous system’.

Topics have been created by City St George’s, University of London academics over a number of years, originally developed for the graduate entry course in 2000 to support the problem-based learning (PBL) week. Since then, the topics have been used in a number of courses, such as MBBS 5, paramedic science, pharmacy and more. Over 300 topics have been produced.

Topics which have been reviewed in the last couple of years have been transferred to Canvas from the old database where they were stored previously, which is now no longer available. Students can access the topics within the Commons area of Canvas, where they can browse the topics available to date. Topics related to the learning weeks in MBBS4 and 5 in some cases are linked to the week.

Other Topics are still in the process of being transferred into the Commons area of Canvas. Any staff interested in developing some of the current topics, or students who might like to do so as an student-selected component (SSC) project can contact the eLearning Unit, email:



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