For any specific training not identified here or for more information please feel free to contact
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There are several ways to create audio clips for teaching and training which will help to compliment and enrich the resources you provide to students. This can be achieved by using your own mobile device, laptop or with the use of digital microphones. Audio clips can help to relay sounds such as breathing or to easily share expert thoughts and discussions.
If you have an idea or would like to explore some options on how to create audio clips, get in contact with eLearning Unit.
Canva the virtual learning environment (VLE) used at City St George’s, University of London. Canvas can be used to create digital learning environments for highly interactive and engaging teaching and learning.
Quick guides on Canvas can be found in the Learning Technologies modules for staff and student.
For help with using Canvas or to explore its potential for teaching and learning, please contact Learning Technology Services or drop into the Learning Technology Services office in the library.
Currently LTS are offering live demos of the new quizzing engine coming to Canvas. The live demos will be showcase what will become the native quizzing engine in our Canvas (date to be confirmed). Some of the features which will be shown during the demo are:
Student Quiz Accommodations for the whole course (not just quiz by quiz!)
• Shuffle Answers by Question
• Printing Quizzes
• Duplicating questions
• Partial grading, varied points per answer
• Grading notes on essay questions
• Require Waiting Period Between Attempts
• Stimulus, Ordering, and Hot Spot Question Types
… and more!
To get familiar with the new quiz engine join on the live demos by signing up here.
Do you deliver lectures to students? Are you unsure about copyright and how it affects the preparation of lecture materials? Then this session is for you!
This training session is designed to offer guidance to lecturers in the preparation of materials, such as PowerPoint slides for use in lecture sessions. This session also aims to raise awareness of copyright issues when recording lectures using Panopto.
The session covers the basics of the legislation, what it says and what it means for you as a lecturer. You will have the opportunity to discuss some examples of positive, poor and questionable use as a means of improving your practice.
Please note this session is not delivered by lawyers, so the contents do not constitute legal advice. For more information on copyright guides please look at the guides here.
Book to attend
To express your interest in attending a session, please contact Learning Technology Services.
MS Teams - Create and engage with your team
City St George’s staff, students can use Microsoft Teams to schedule meetings, make calls, have one-to-one meetings, chat, upload files and integrate with other apps.
- Create a team
- Set team permissions
- Add Channels for different topics
- Chat with the Team
- Use @mention to get your teams attention
- Upload files to share and co-edit
- Invite new team members
- Set up Whiteboard or OneNote for the Team
Teams - Schedule and prepare for meetings
Hold group or one-to-one meetings in real-time to discuss and make decisions without having to create a Team. Attendees are invited using their e-mail addresses, so you can invite a guest who does not have a Teams account.
- Schedule Meetings and Live Events
- Change participant settings
- Find when an attendee is free
- Chat with attendees before the meeting
- Upload files
- Use Meet now.
Teams - Run effective meetings
After scheduling your meetings in Teams, there are tools you and participants can use to change your experience. Teams allow you to record meetings, capture audio, video and perform screen sharing activities with sound. These settings and tools can be accessed from the meeting control toolbar and various panes.
- Share content
- Recording and transcription
- Background Effects
- Video modes
- Raise hand features
- Manage participants roles
- Set Audio and Video devices
- Access and download Attendance list and recordings.
Date: Thursday 3 March 2022
Time: 3pm to 4pm
Click on this link to join the session.
Date: Monday 11 April 2022
Time: 11am to 12pm
Click on this link to join the session.
Teams - Managing breakout rooms
In Teams, breakout rooms are used for splitting large groups into smaller groups so participants can meet, share files, make notes, or brainstorm. Before the meeting begins, Teams allows you to set up the rooms, give rooms names, set timings, and assign invited attendees to those rooms.
- Create breakout rooms
- Assign presenter to manage rooms
- Name rooms
- Assign attendees
- Set timings
- Send messages to rooms
- Open and Close rooms
- Navigate between breakout rooms
- Set repeat meetings.
Date: Tuesday 25 January 2022
Time: 3pm to 4 pm
Click on this link to join the session.
Date: Wednesday 9 March 2022
Time: 2pm to 3pm
Click on this link to join the session.
Teams - Being interactive
Teams allow you to interact with your group using add-ins and built-in tools. You can hold live polls with your audience and show results in real-time. Or use a whiteboard to brainstorm and share. Alternatively, there are many ways to share PowerPoint with your attendees online.
- Create, Share and show poll results
- Open, share, and collaborate on whiteboard
- Open, share, and collaborate on OneNote
- Separate ways to present using PowerPoint.
Date: Tuesday 1 February 2022
Time: 3pm to 4pm
Click on this link to join the session.
Digital accessibility is important to ensure all students and staff can learn and work without any restrictions. As a content developer (for staff or students), you must consider how you develop and implement your digital resources.
Guidance and support is available on the digital accessibility page here where you will also find a link to the mandatory training module for all staff.
If you have any specific questions on digital accessibility, please email the eLearning Unit.
The concept of learning design is used to give structure to a student’s pathway through learning, and this is particularly important when delivering courses by blended or online learning.
At City St George’s, University of London, we have built upon the Arena Blended Connected (ABC) curriculum design research undertaken at University College London. Our approach to Learning Design is a collaborative endeavour alongside CIDE. More details on the Online Education Framework and associated guides and resources can be found here.
You can find more information on learning design by going to the learning technologies quick guide for staff here or by contacting Learning Technology Services.
Canvas is the virtual learning environment used at City St George’s for students to access all their course material you will be able to find specific guides on how to use and structure your pages on Canvas for your students on the following Canvas Module
This covers Learning Design, Accessibility, Assessment and Feedback, Canvas, MS Teams, Mentimeter, Myprogress, Panopto, Quizzes and other helpful guides for online teaching.
This guide is for students on how to engage with various learning technologies for their learning experience.
The module covers discussions, information governance, helpful technology, MS tools, online assessment Panopto and ways to improve your WiFi.
Mentimeter is a web-based, real-time polling tool that can be used to gauge the opinions or knowledge of your audience. It provides a wide selection of question types and enables users to respond to them via their tablet or other mobile devices. The feedback can then be viewed in real-time and discussed with the participants.
City St George’s has a licence that enables you to make use of Mentimeter. Contact Learning Technology Services for information and find training resources here.
We have developed a wide range of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) through our partnership with FutureLearn. If you want to create a MOOC you can find support and information by joining the MOOC Surgery Teams area or directly contacting the eLearning Unit. The MOOC surgery aims to provide support to staff creating or using MOOCs in their teaching from academics who have successfully created MOOCs. The MS Teams area can be used to post any questions, share resources or find useful information about MOOCs. You can find our portfolio of course here.
Please join on Teams or send an email to the eLearning Unit for more details.
Myprogress is the chosen ePortfolio system used at City St George’s University to capture students Workplace Based Assessments (WPBAs) in clinical settings.
Currently MBBS, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiography, Clinical Pharmacology and the Physicians Associates courses use Myprogress. There are quick guides on Canvas for students, staff, and guidance for tutors using Myprogress to record Personal Tutor Meetings.
Following feedback from students, we have created a new Myprogress Induction page on Canvas. This is a self-study page with activities and a quiz to reinforce students’ knowledge of how to use the system. We expect students to attend a Q&A session shortly after, which Programme leads/administrators are encouraged to schedule. This provides students with an opportunity to ask questions and for LTS staff to emphasise useful features.
At the start of the academic year, staff using Myprogress are invited to a series of weekly training sessions. However, individual, or alternative sessions can also be arranged.
If you have any questions about Myprogress, email
The Panopto system synchs the audio recording of a lecture with its PowerPoint slide presentation. This has been installed in all lecture theatres and many smaller teaching rooms where lectures take place. Panopto can also be downloaded on your device to pre-record your lecture and segment the recording and add questions between. As stated in the Online Education Framework this is good practice and guides on this can be found in the learning technologies quick guides for staff.
Feedback from students indicates that they find these recordings extremely useful when revising the content of a lecture session. They also requested access to the recordings quickly after lecture sessions. To make this possible, links have been created between Panopto and Canvas, reducing the need for manual intervention (which was required during 2017/18).
Who is this training aimed at?
Academic staff, administrators, student representatives.
Live sessions will introduce the system, explain how it is used and give you the opportunity to have questions answered. Guidance documentation will also be provided at these sessions.
Book to attend
Training sessions avaliable:
Thursday, 17.03.22 at 13.00 -14.00 (Research Institute staff)
Friday, 25.03.22 at 09.00 - 10.00 (Honorary staff)
Thursday, 31.03.22 at 13.00 - 14.00 (IMBE and Support staff)
To book on to a Panopto training session, please register here
If you have any questions, please contact Learning Technology Services.
There are several ways to create videos for teaching and training which will help to compliment and enrich the resources you provide to students. This can be achieved by using simple PowerPoint slides, readily available software on your devices or with the use of digital cameras. Videos can help to explain simple concepts during a teaching session or to showcase a specific scenario.
If you have an idea or would like to explore some options in creating a video, get in contact with eLearning Unit.