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St George's and City have merged. Find out more.

The  Institute of Medical and Biomedical Allied Education and the Centre for Allied Health (IMBAE) is the largest of the four City St George's, School of Health & Medical Sciences (Tooting) institutes and home to nearly 150 staff. Our mission is high-quality and well-organised healthcare and science education that immerses students in research and practice and prepares them well for their future lives.

Photo of Rachel Allen, Director of IMBE Institute Director
Dr Rachel Allen

Our academics represent diverse disciplinary backgrounds and are engaged in teaching and research. A significant proportion of staff work part-time, including active clinicians combining academic work with roles in the NHS and primary care.

Institute of Medical and Biomedical Allied Education and the Centre for Allied Health staff are located in the Hunter building and the Jenner building, where our biomedical scientist academics and anatomists are based to be proximal to research laboratories and the Anatomy suite.

IMBAE is composed of three academic centres: the Centre for Clinical Education, the Centre for Biomedical Education, and the Centre for Allied Health.

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