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Why join the course?

Mental health is a core healthcare priority and an area which has seen significant changes in service provision and increased demand.  This module prepares health and social care professionals with advanced knowledge of the biopsychosocial contexts of mental health and equips practitioners with skills and capabilities to make informed clinical decisions surrounding the enhanced assessment, evaluation and management of people living with mental health conditions.  It also aims to enhance understanding and attitudes towards mental health and actualise the aspirational ‘parity of esteem’.


It is suitable for healthcare professionals working in out of hospital environments.  

Course desciption

This module will prepare healthcare practitioners to meet the capabilities outlined under the four pillars emphasised in the Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) Framework (NHS England, 2017). This module aims to increase practitioner confidence and knowledge in the advanced identification, assessment and management of people with mental health conditions. 

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Learning outcome

On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

Learning outcome
  • Demonstrate critical awareness of the contemporary and socio-cultural contexts of mental health and a comprehensive understanding of core mental health conditions relevant to professional practice
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive and critical understanding of approaches in mental health including identification, holistic patient risk assessment and evaluation of mental state
  • Demonstrate critical awareness of the application of relevant ethical & legal frameworks in mental health
  • Demonstrate critical insight of the importance of a person-centred and multiprofessional approach to patient care.
  • Critically evaluate and synthesise current mental health research and apply the evidence base to professional practicerisk management
Course content

Contemporary issues in mental health   

  • Understanding the role of the clinician in actualising the parity of esteem, and the contextualisation of mental health stigma
  • Biopsychosocial model of mental health
  • Equity, diversity, inclusion in mental health
  • Mental health policy 

Mental Health Conditions

  • Common mental health conditions: anxiety disorders, depressive disorders
  • Severe Mental Illness: Psychotic Disorders, Mood Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Mental health in pregnancy
  • Child & Adolescent Mental Health awareness  

Patient assessment and interventions

  • Introduction to physical and mental health interface (including pharmacological interventions)
  • Mental state examination
  • Enhanced risk stratification and safety netting
  • Patient centered and collaborative decision making
  • Effective multiprofessional working  

Ethical, legal and professional issues

  • Accountability, professionalism and ethics of working as an autonomous and independent health care practitioner
  • Informed consent for patient assessment and management
  • Relevant legislative frameworks including Mental Capacity Act (2005) and Mental Health Act (1983)
  • Safe, collaborative and defensible decision making    


  • Importance of awareness of mental health related stigma and the importance of developing effective therapeutic relationships
  • Documentation and referral to multi-professional team
  • Developing effective service user/ practitioner relationships
Teaching mode, assessment and eligibility

Teaching strategy: Lectures (critical reflection of clinical experiences), Self-directed learning (online learning/guided studies, reading), and Practice (simulated practice, problem based learning and case scenarios)

Mode of delivery:  Onsite on 5, 12 and 26 February, 26 March 2025; online on 5 March and 23 April 2025 (assessment)

Assessment: formative submission and summative presentation (case presentatioon)

Level 6: 

  • Proficiency in English
  • Evidence of a level 5 award (DipHE, FD, or equivalent) or evidence of previous level 6 study
  • A minimum of 1 years work experience across related field
  • Professional registration (For example HCPC, NMC, GMC, etc)

Level 7: 

  • Proficiency in English
  • Evidence of a level 6 award - BSc, BSc (Hons) or evidence of 30 credits level 6 study where the applicants have achieved 60% or above, or international equivalent
  • A minimum of 1 years work experience across related field
  • Professional registration (For example HCPC, NMC, GMC, etc)


This is a credit bearing standalone module. After successful completion of the assessment, students will receive a transcript for 15 credits at Level 6 or 7.

Past students have said...

"Good constructive feedback on my formative submission and useful resources and teaching. I like the pace of the course, and the guest speakers the most. The simulation exercises are so realistic. I've really enjoyed this module and found the topics useful and interesting and feel more confident in my practice."

- Delegate 2023-24

"I enjoyed the module. Very thought provoking. New approach and development of thinking and skills regarding mental health."

- Delegate 2023-24

"It covered a lot of information especially the pharmacological side of mental health and effects of drugs. Being in a small class of people is great."

- Delegate 2023-24

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