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Oral Presentations  were assessed on the basis of originality and interest, appropriate methodology, results, conclusions, style and presentation. 

Abstracts are up to 300 words in length (excluding title and authors) and structured as follows: 

  • A title which accurately describes the study 

  • The names of all authors with institutional affiliation(s) 

  • Background: a brief explanation of how the study developed from existing knowledge  

  • Methods: a concise description of the methods used  

  • Results: where possible include key findings of the research. For studies in progress with results to follow, please indicate this. 

  • Discussion: an explanation of why the findings are of interest and importance, and implications they may have for practice or teaching 

We particularly welcomed abstracts from medical students and novice presenters. 

Oral presentations have been organised by topic into parallel sessions. 

View the 2024 Oral Presentations 

If you have any queries please contact


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