Welcome to the Baby Bathe Study Website!
The study is a randomised controlled feasibility trial to determine whether families are willing to change baby bathing practice during the first months of life. The study team includes a dermatologist, paediatricians, psychologists and an expert patient. We designed the study with advice from midwives, health visitors and GPs. We interviewed 20 families about our plans for the study and We have incorporated advice from the Centre for Evidence Based Dermatology patient panel in this study proposal.
The study involves a series of stages outlined below:

The study commenced in July 2022 and is due to complete by February 2025.
Current status: We are about to commence the recruitment stage. If you are interested in finding out more about the study, please email the study team: babybathe@sgul.ac.uk.
This study is funded by the NIRH; Award ID: NIHR203170NIHR.
Study Links
Baby Bathe: @BabyBathe.
Maternity Research Team: @SGH_MatResearch.