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The PACE-UP trial was managed by an experienced medical research team which includes doctors, nurses, epidemiologists and statisticians.

The team was led by Professor Tess Harris who is a general practitioner and a Professor of Primary Care Research at St George’s University of London.  Professor Harris has undertaken several studies of physical activity in general practice settings.

Key members of the PACE-UP team were:

Cheryl Furness, Trial Manager - Cheryl was responsible for the day to day management of the study.

Charlotte Wahlich, Research Assistant - Charlotte worked directly with general practices and patients.

The Pragmatic Clinical Trial Unit at Queen Marys University of London helped manage the study data and provided quality assurance for the conduct of the study.

The other investigators who provide clinical and scientific expertise to the study were:

St George's University of London

Professor Derek Cook, Professor of Epidemiology
Professor Peter Whincup, Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology
Professor Michael Ussher, Professor of Behavioural Medicine

Brunel University London

Professor Christina Victor, Professor of Gerontology and Public Health
Professor Julia Fox-Rushby, Professor of Health Economics

Queen Mary University of London

Sally Kerry, Reader in Medical Statistics

University College London

Professor Steve Iliffe, Professor of Primary Care for Older People

Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norway

Professor Ulf Ekelund,  Group Leader of the Physical Activity Epidemiology Programme

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