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Are you a student managing your studies while caring for a loved one with health issues or disabilities? Share your experiences in our study to help us understand and support student carers like you.

Your voice matters: How to get involved

Taking part in the study involves having a one-on-one conversation with a member of our team. The conversation can last around 30 to 40 minutes, tailored to your schedule.

The conversation can take place in-person (where refreshments will be provided) or online.

To enrol in the study, or for further information, please email Alejandra LetelierAlison Swartz, or Rebecca Lacey.

Additional information

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What is the main purpose of the study?
The study aims to explore the challenges faced by students who are carers at City St George's, University of London. It seeks to understand their specific difficulties, evaluate existing support mechanisms, identify opportunities for recognising young carers, and develop effective support strategies for them.
Who is eligible to participate in the study?
The study invites students who are currently enrolled at City St George's, University of London, and are caring for a family member or another person dealing with physical or mental health issues, disabilities, or substance misuse problems. Parents caring for children with similar challenges or care needs are also encouraged to participate.
Is participation in the study compulsory?

No, participation is entirely voluntary. Interested individuals can choose to participate only if they wish to do so, and deciding not to participate will not disadvantage them in any way.

What will participation involve?
Participants will engage in a conversation lasting about 30 to 45 minutes, which can be conducted either in-person or online. This discussion will cover the challenges of accessing university and balancing university responsibilities with caregiving duties. All sessions will be recorded for research purposes, with confidentiality maintained throughout the process.
What are the potential benefits and risks of participating in the study?
Participants will contribute to the development of better support systems for student (young) carers in higher education. They will receive a voucher and a certificate acknowledging their contribution. The primary risk involves the potential emotional distress from discussing caregiving experiences, but support will be available during and following sessions to address this.
What happens if a participant decides to withdraw from the study?
Participants can withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason. They also have the option to request the deletion of their data up to one month after their interview.
How will data collected be handled?
Data will be anonymised to ensure confidentiality. Only the research team will have access to the data, which will be securely stored and used solely for the purposes of the study. Personal data will not be linked to any publicly shared information.
How will the results of the study be used?
The results will be analysed and reported to internal authorities and the department of student support at City St George's, University of London. Findings will also be shared at conferences and through various publications and talks to reach a wider audience and inform future policies and support systems.
How can I enrol in the study?
To enrol in the study, or for further information, please contact Alejandra Letelier, Alison Swartz, or Rebecca Lacey.




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