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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Contact details for our Medicine programmes can be found below.

Queries are mainly answered via email however students can come to the Reception (Level 6, Hunter Wing) during working hours and speak to a member of the team in person.

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Medicine MBBS5
Contact details
 Details of inquiries handledEmail address 
 All queries about Year 1 and Year 2 including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 All queries from students regarding international matters
 All queries about the Transitional (T) Year, including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 All queries about the Penultimate (P) Year, including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 All queries about the Final (F) Year, including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) admin queries (e.g. from student assessors)
 All queries related to clinical placement allocations
 Queries relating to Medicine (MBBS5) Year 1 assessments.
 Queries relating to Medicine (MBBS5) Year 2 assessments.
 Queries relating to Transitional (T) Year assessments.
 Queries relating to Penultimate (P) Year assessments.
 Queries relating to Final (F) Year assessments.
 NHS Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses (TDAE) claims and St George's claims for students on clinical placements.
Complex student support queries, including requests to interrupt/withdraw.
 Application process for students in the MBBS clinical years who may need local placements and meet  set criteria.
Queries about personal tutors, personal tutor meeting assessment submissions or changing personal tutors etc.
Queries about George, the MBBS curriculum map.
Medicine (Graduate Entry) MBBS4
Contact details
 Details of inquiries handledEmail address 
All queries about Year 1 including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 All queries from students regarding international matters.
 All queries about the Transitional (T) Year, including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 All queries about the Penultimate (P) Year, including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 All queries about the Final (F) Year, including in course assessment, but not exams. This excludes any queries about e.g., fees, bursaries etc.
 Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) admin queries (e.g. from student assessors)
 All queries related to clinical placement allocations
 Queries relating to Medicine (Graduate Entry) (MBBS4) Year 1 assessments.
 Queries relating to Transitional (T) Year assessments.
 Queries relating to Penultimate (P) Year assessments.
 Queries relating to Final (F) Year assessments.
 NHS Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses (TDAE) claims and St George's claims for students on clinical placements.
Complex student support queries, including requests to interrupt/withdraw.
 Application process for students in the MBBS clinical years who may need local placements and meet set criteria.
Queries about personal tutors, personal tutor meeting assessment submissions or changing personal tutors etc.
Queries about George, the MBBS curriculum map.



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