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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Payroll is responsible for all pay and pension matters at St George’s. We work closely with Human Resources and also liaise with external bodies, such as HMRC, USS, SAUL and DWP, to ensure that the university remains up to date and compliant with all pay and pension regulations and developments.

Contact details

Anthony Kwadu, Head of  Payroll, Pensions and People Systems, tel. 0208 725 5021 (ext. 55021) or email akwadu

Patrick Roberts , Deputy Payroll and Pensions Manager, tel 0208 725 5029 (ext.55029) or email proberts

Yetty Enyoisi, Payroll and Pensions Administrator, tel. 0208 725 0549 (ext. 50549) or email yenyoisi

General emails: Payroll | PensionsExpenses


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