The determination of the correct schedule of charge, in the public sector, is for the contracting authority to decide. The manager who is engaging with a supplier is required to use the HMRC check employment status for tax (CEST) tool.
The CEST tool provides HMRC’s view of the employment status (for tax purposes) of a particular engagement. It asks a series of questions about the circumstances, before providing an indicative determination on whether or not the engagement should be classed as employed for tax purposes.
The tool can reach a number of outcomes as listed below:
the intermediaries legislation (known as IR35) does not apply to this engagement
this engagement should be classed as self-employed for tax purposes
unable to determine the tax status of this engagement
this engagement should be classes as employed for tax purposes.
Full details of the procedure for engaging people who are claiming self-employed status can be found in St George’s employment status guidance.