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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Under the Data Protection Act an individual is entitled to have access to their personal information, ie to know what information an organisation holds about them. This means that if the university receives such a request, known as a subject access request, we have a legal obligation to respond to it and to do so in a prompt and comprehensive manner.

In order to help identify and locate all the relevant personal information, requesters may be asked to complete this form:

Individuals will also be required to provide proof of ID before any information can be released.

Requesting access to your own information

You can request a copy of the personal information the university holds about you. Your request must be made in writing, which can include email. 

Requests should be directed to the Data Protection Officer either by email to data protection or by hand / via the internal mail to Claire Morrissey, Computing Services.

Identifying and dealing with a subject access request

Guidance on how to recognise a subject access request can be found in the flowchart below, which can be printed or download and saved.

All requests for personal data should be passed as soon as possible to the Data Protection Officer. If relevant this should be done via your line manager.

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email to data protection or on extension 0668.


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