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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The University IS Change Advisory Board (IS CAB) is the approving body for all change requests relating to IT systems, software, hardware and network infrastructure managed or maintained by Information Services. The IS CAB consists of:

  • Change Manager (Dir IS or Head Information Services)
  • at least one representative of each section within Information Services.

What constitutes an IT change

  • An IT change is something that ‘changes’ the current status of a system, be it software or hardware, so that once implemented the subject system has ‘changed’ from its original state

Change requester

  • Person requesting the change; must attend change meeting or send delegate to discuss the change.

Change request

There are 3 types of change requests:

  • Standard – Pre-authorised, low risk, low impact changes. that follow documented, repeatable procedures
  • Non-standard – Requests that do not fall under the Standard or Emergency
  • Emergency – Request needed to resolve a major incident.

To manage change requests the Univerity has an IS Change Management Process which controlls the lifecycle of all changes with minimum disruption to IT services and to ensure that the University IS policies and approvals are met before system changes are implemented.  Carried out correctly IS Change Management integrates seamlessly into the overarching risk management program and can decrease approval times for critical changes.

Details of the IS Change Management Process can be found here (Word).

Change Management Request forms can be found here:

Contact ITAV helpdesk for guidance on raising or sending an IT Change Management Request form.

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