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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

If your account is misused by you, or anyone else who has managed to gain access to your account, Information Services can withdraw the use of computing facilities from you immediately. If you think the security of your password has been compromised, you should change it immediately.

On very rare occasions, you may be asked to provide details of your password to a member of IT Services staff. However, you will only ever be asked to do this in person – we do not contact users by phone or by email to request password details.

Keeping your password secure

There are various tactics you can adopt to prevent other users from unlawfully obtaining your password. 

  • Mentally create and memorise your new password. See our guidance on creating a strong password.

  • Your new password must contain at least three characters that are different from your old password.

  • Remember your password is case-sensitive and upper and lower case letters must be entered appropriately or you will be denied access to the system.

  • To prevent your account from being compromised, change your password every three or four months.

  • Do not write down your password.

Always logoff when you have finished with a workstation and wait for the login message to re-appear. Don’t just switch off the workstation.


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