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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The online helpdesk  is your first point of contact for all queries, problems and requests regarding IT and AV services at St George’s. (All queries, problems and requests regarding the SGUL Website or Web services should be made to the Web Development Team.)

Our telephone number should be used for emergencies only.

When logging a fault, please make sure you have as much information as possible to hand, in particular details of any error messages.

If you need to visit a member of the team for any reason (such as collecting or returning equipment), please use the email address on the right to book an appointment. So we can serve you better, please do not email individual members of our team directly.

Face-to-face support

Visit our IT Helpdesk for help and advice on access and password issues, mobile devices, laptops, Wi-Fi and more.

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