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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is now the default browser on all St George's IT-managed PCs and laptops. 

Firefox and Chrome will be uninstalled from all St George's managed PCs and laptops in January 2022. 

 Do I Need to do Anything?

Once you log in on any St George's owned device, you will automatically be signed into Edge with your St George's account and sync will be enabled.

This allows you to save and sync all your bookmarks, search history, and passwords to your St George's IT account.

 About Microsoft Edge

The modern Edge browser is built on the Chromium engine which is developed and maintained by Google. Along with the contributions from Microsoft, this will help us keep up to date and ensure support for all the latest web technologies.

In addition to these new features, Edge is compatible with add-ons from the Chrome web store so many of your Chrome favourites are available.


Microsoft Edge has a host of privacy options that ensure you are safe when browsing the web. Edge automatically prevents you from being tracked by advertisers by default and gives you the option to select how strongly you want to set these settings in three simple options - Basic, Balanced and Strict.

Another privacy option available within this browser is the InPrivate window, which allows you to browse the web privately and deletes your web history, cookies, and site data when you exit the browser.

Edge can also let you know if a data breach may have comprised one of your passwords, allowing you to swiftly change the passwords of any accounts that may not be secure.


Aside from offering a range of privacy tools, Edge gives you the option to organise your web browsing experience. A new feature of Edge is Collections. This feature gives you the ability to group text, images, and websites together from across different web resources.

 Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader gives you the ability to control the formatting of the font, the font size, and the colour, taking away any distractions from the page. It will also read aloud the text on the page if you wish to do so.

 Vertical Tabs

Another helpful feature is vertical tabs. This feature allows you to drag and drop tabs into a single list of tabs on a particular topic. It groups your tabs in more simple, clean, and easy view list on the left-hand side of the screen.

 Useful links 

 Learn more about Microsoft Edge

 Microsoft Edge Sync

 Importing data from other browsers into Edge

 If you have any questions please fill out this form 

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