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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Before working from home

Before working from home, please consider the following. 

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Ensure you have registered an alternate email address with us. 

  • If you have not registered an alternate email address the only way to change your password will be to video conference a member of ITAV support staff while presenting your SGUL ID card or other photo proof of ID (Passport/drivers licence). We cannot change passwords over the phone as we cannot verify your identity. 
  • If you have registered an alternate email address and you need to reset your password, visit this page
Installing software on your home PC
Microsoft Office

Staff and students are entitled to install the Microsoft Office Suite on their home PC’s. It can be downloaded from this page.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is the preferred method of collaboration. Download Microsoft Teams

You can also access Microsoft Teams on the web.

Read our guidance for using Teams.


SGUL uses AppsAnywhere to deliver software to our user’s devices. Please follow this link to install and browse the range of software.

If you would like a piece of software to be made available via AppsAnywhere please email with your request.

Health and safety considerations

Accessing St George's IT

There are various methods of gaining access to your St George's IT from home. Some services like email, calendaring etc. are available via the web.   Please ensure you access using the MS Edge web browser.

Some users will want to access St George's applications from their personal PC. If this is the case, then one of the following methods can be used:

  • MyDesktop - this will present you with a desktop and should satisfy most individuals’ needs. We ask that you try this first before anything else. This service allows access to internal St George's, University of London resources (network drives, agresso, SITS etc)

  • RDC – This allows you to remotely control your PC from home. This should only be used if you absolutely cannot utilize the methods above.

If you need access to specialist applications that only RDC will satisfy, please email for assistance, stating the application(s) that you require access to.

Guidance for working from home

 There are 3 main aspects to consider in accessing your information remotely:

  • Compliance (Data Protection, Information Security, Information Technology)

  • Connectivity

  • Applications.


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Information Governance & Data Protection Compliance

All staff have a responsibility in how they handle confidential information and to ensure the right controls are in place as the same compliance responsibilities apply when working on University systems, application or data whether working remotely or from their desktop on site.  You must comply with the IG Framework policies and procedures including, but not restricted to, the following - Data Protection, Information Security, Bring Your Own Device, Desk and Screen Procedure, and IT Core Regulations. You can access these on our policies and procedures page.

To assist staff the following frequently asked questions (FAQs) and best practice guides are in place and are regularly updated:

Data Protection FAQs

Information Governance FAQs 

DPA & Information Security Recent Updates.

Information Governance Best Practice

Information Technology Best Practice

Any questions or concerns around data protection or information governance compliance then please contact Claire Morrissey or Geoff Gray via


If you have an SGUL managed laptop; nothing changes. VPN will continue to provide the access you require. 

If you do not have a St George's managed laptop; the best option is Mydesktop which is reached at MyDesktop.  This is a remote Windows desktop that functions just like a St George's PC.  It has most, if not all, of the commonly used applications at SGUL. If a specialist application is missing, ITAV  can accept requests to add that to appsanywhere and make available if appropriate. 

Appsanywhere is an app store-style platform that gives you access to software via the below icon link on your laptop.   

Specialist applications 

Should access be required to specialist applications, installed on specific St George's, University of London devices, users should contact who can arrange to assess the viability of remote access. 


SITS is installed on the MyDesktop Remote Desktop Service. You can find further instructions for connecting to and working  with SITS on MyDesktop here.

Transfer of files 

If, for some reason, you need to transfer files to and from the St George's desktop and your home PC, OneDrive can be used (subject to you following GDPR/DPA good practice). 

The OneDrive application is available by default on Mydesktop. 

OneDrive is also accessible from any PC worldwide.

Collaborative Working 

Video Conferencing, Chat, file sharing etc is available to all through Microsoft Teams. Users can create their own teams and invite others to work collaboratively. 

Access Teams and sign in with your St George's email address and password.

Guidance on the use of Teams can be found on these pages or contact the SGUL Learning Technology Services Team 

Skype for Business can also be used, but Teams is the preferred method.


You are able to access your voicemail from a non-university phone by carrying out the following: 

  • Dial 020 3897 2030

  • Press *

  • Type your ID (5 digit extension number)

  • Type your voicemail PIN

If you do not know your PIN then email and a temporary one will be provided.


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