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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Physical Space

The library is located on Level 1 of Hunter Wing. There is lift access from the ground floor of Hunter Wing, opposite Peabody’s coffee shop. The door to the library opens automatically with an access button. 

The library provides wheelchair access into the library via the middle gate. We endeavor to improve physical access all the time, for example by moving chairs that have been grouped together by users and keeping an eye to make sure that no objects have caused obstructions to physically navigate the library, throughout the day. 

If you ever have a physical access problem or query, please do not hesitate to approach the Library Helpdesk, and ask one of our members of staff to help.  


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Orientation Tours
Staff can provide one-to-one orientation tours of the library facilities. Please contact our User Experience and Operations Manager  or your liaison librarian to arrange a time. 
Assistance Retrieving Materials
Library staff can help you in finding and physically retrieving books from the library shelves, just ask a member of staff at the Library Helpdesk. 
Accessible Bathrooms
Accessible bathrooms are located outside the library next to the computer rooms. If you require access to the accessible toilet outside the library, please ask helpdesk staff for the key. 
Clear Signage
The library aims to provide signage that is uniform across all spaces and conforms to accessible font and colour guidelines. As a result of our student focus groups in July 2023, we are appraising our library signage to ensure that its meets accessibility requirements (large print, colour, font).  
Photocopying and Printing
Step-by-step instructions on how to use the printers are located next to the printers in the library and computer rooms. Library staff can also demonstrate how to use copiers and scanners to enlarge text, and troubleshoot other printing difficulties.  



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