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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

We offer library services to community-based healthcare and mental health staff from St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and South London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust, as well as staff based at The Royal Trinity Hospice.  To join, fill in our online registration form.  Alongside the services we offer at the St George's site we also offer and collaborate with  more local services outlined on this page.

Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton

The library is located on the first floor, Jasmine Suite, and is accessible on a 24-hour basis via your swipe card. There are three computers and a printer available in the library for study purposes.

The library is generally self-service and unstaffed but literature searching guidance and help with research is available when librarians make site visits or by appointment. At all other times you can contact library staff for help over the phone or email.

For more information, please contact your liaison support librarian on or call 020 8725 5433.

Springfield Hospital

Springfield Library is based at Springfield Hospital, Tooting, in building 30 (Storey/Wandsworth Recovery Centre), first floor, room 106. The library is accessible on a 24-hour basis via your ID card. If your ID card does not allow access, please collect and sign out a swipe card from the Gate Lodge at Springfield each time you wish to use the library and return it when you have finished.

If you would like to arrange a session for help with literature searching and/or research or if you have any further queries regarding the library service here, please contact Olga Rak, Library Services Manager (via email or 020 3513 6033).
Tolworth Hospital

Tolworth Library is based at Tolworth Hospital in Woodroffe House, second floor, room S8. Please use your swipe card 8am-8pm. If you do not have a swipe card, please ask the reception staff to let you in. You will need the library door code – please contact your librarians or ask the reception staff.

If you would like to arrange a session for help with literature searching and/or research or if you have any further queries regarding the library service here please contact Olga Rak, Library Services Manager (via email or 020 3513 6033).
The Royal Trinity Hospice

St George’s Library  and the education team at the Royal Trinity Hospice have collaborated to provide library and knowledge services to all hospice staff from October 2021.

If you are employed by the Royal Trinity Hospice,  join our service via this online form.

Once we have received your application, we will send you a library access card in the post for swipe access to the library at the St George's site in Tooting and further information.

Remote services include, signposting to key resources, evidence search services, article requests interlibrary loans and, where feasible, remote or face to face training on using healthcare databases and evidence-based tools.

Please note that some NHS resources listed on our website may not be available to Royal Trinity Hospice staff. See below for more information about access to remote access to databases, journals and some ebooks via NHS OpenAthens provided nationally to  the NHS in England.

We look forward to welcoming you to the library.

Contact Karen John-Pierre for more information on:

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Access to e-resources via NHS OpenAthens

A wide variety of centrally paid for electronic resources is available to all staff working for NHS England or providing patient services. This includes literature searching databases, journals, evidence-based tools such as BMJ Best Practice and ebooks provided by Kortext and Oxford Medicine Online.

To access these, you will need an NHS OpenAthens account.

If you do not have your own OpenAthens username and password, please register for one now. To start the self-registration process please go to OpenAthens and follow the on-screen instructions.

If you are employed by Royal Trinity Hospice, please register your Athens account under the following organisation:

Non-NHS healthcare provider organisations in South London

If you already have an OpenAthens account from another organisation, it is possible to keep the same account but you will need to update the details. Please go to the OpenAthens page and log in with your OpenAthens account details, then select the ‘Change organisation’ option and update your account with your new details.

If at any time you have forgotten your OpenAthens account password, please select the 'Forgot password?’ option on the OpenAthens page.

Please contact your OpenAthens administrator if you have any problems or queries regarding your OpenAthens account:

Olga Rak  (Library Services Manager)
South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust
Tel: 020 3513 6033

Karen John-Pierre (Interim Athens Administrator)
St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Tel: 020 8725 5433

Myriam Nelmes (Regional OpenAthens administrator for London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and the South)
Royal Trinity Hospice


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