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E-books offer a flexible alternative to the print collection held by the library, giving you convenient access to an electronic version when offsite, or when all physical copies are on loan. Wherever possible, if an e-book version of a title is available, the library will purchase this in addition to any print copies.

To search for an e-book, go to Hunter. Enter two or three keywords for the book or topic you are interested in, and select the ‘books and more’option from the drop-down menu next to the search box. It is possible to filter results to show only e-books, by selecting the ‘online resources’filter to the left of the list of results.

To read an e-book, follow the ‘full text available’ link and then use the NHS users login option to enter your OpenAthens details.

The functionality of e-books differs between suppliers, often including the ability to highlight and annotate relevant sections of text. While we generally recommend reading e-books online, some platforms offer the ability to download sections of a book or sometimes the whole book. In some cases this requires specific software to read the downloaded book. For PC or laptop, use Adobe Digital Editions; for mobile devices (iOS and Android) use Bluefire Reader.

Learn more

  • Check out our Ebooks LibGuide for more information  on how to find and access the range of e-books available through the library.


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