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As images and multimedia content play an increasingly important role in enriching online educational and training materials, the library provides access to a range of innovative multimedia resources, in an array of formats. From peer-reviewed educational videos demonstrating clinical procedures, to educational 3D visual anatomy guides, or educational animated seminar-style talks, these resouces aim to suit different learning styles or educational requirements.

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Resources accessible through OpenAthens
  • Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy: an accessible source of anatomical knowledge with simple language and realistic, 3D visuals.
  • Trip Pro: a clinical search engine designed to quickly and easily find high-quality research evidence.  You can search for medical images using Trip Pro, too.
  • ProQuest Hospital Collection: a collection of video training programs that are relevant to nurses.
Resources accessible in the library only

  • JoVE – Journal of Visualized Experiments: videos of scientific experiments from international laboratories. St George’s, University of London subscribes to the following four sections: biology, immunology and infection, medicine, and neuroscience.
  • NEJM – Videos in Clinical Medicine: peer-reviewed educational videos that demonstrate clinical procedures and physical examinations. 
Resources freely available online
  • Wellcome Collection: a vast collection containing both historical and contemporary images, including a biomedical and clinical collection of over 40000 high-quality images from the UK’s leading teaching hospitals and research institutions. 
  • Images from the History of Medicine: online access to images from the historical collections of the US National Library of Medicine.


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