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NHS staff have access to over 7,000  electronic full-text journals covering clinical medicine, nursing, allied health, psychology and healthcare management, as well as print titles available in the library.

NHS Journals A-Z


Use this A-Z search tool to discover which journals you have access to using your NHS OpenAthens  account. Log in to OpenAthens before searching to retrieve accurate results. Self-register using this online form if you do not already have an OpenAthens account.

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides automatic access to the content of full-text articles made available via NHS OpenAthens, bought either locally courtesy of St George's Library or nationally. Once the extension is downloaded to your browser, as you do research on websites such as Wikipedia, Google scholar, PubMed or journal publishers pages, LibKey Nomad will highlight the best place to source any article available to you.

You can download the extension on your browser of choice (Chrome, Edge or Firefox) from the LibKey Nomad website. Choose your organisation and enter your OpenAthens credentials to get set-up.

For more information on how LibKey Nomad works, see this video

St George’s online journals

Search to see which journals are available through St George’s library holdings. Access to these journals is normally only available onsite at St George’s library, unless you have an honorary title with St George’s, University of London or you are an academic with an NHS honorary contract. Articles from this collection can also requested via email using our NHS Articles Request service. Talk to a member of library staff for more details.  

More guidance

  • Visit our libguide to finding and accessing journals available through OpenAthens
  • Links for journal content that is available through OpenAthens can be set up in Google Scholar and PubMed, allowing quick and easy discovery and access of articles. Our blog post gives further instructions on how to set these up.


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