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Evidence-based healthcare practice encourages practitioners and decision makers to integrate the latest research and evidence into daily practice. Systematic reviews facilitate this by combining the results of several studies, giving a more reliable and precise estimate of an interventions effectiveness than one study alone.
If you are looking for systematic reviews or meta-analyses to evaluate for your own research or to use their findings to support policy or practice decision-making, we can show you how to efficiently and effectively search the right databases.
If you are carrying out your own systematic review, your NHS liaison librarian can provide practical support for the following systematic review steps:
formulating a research question
developing a search strategy
running a search
managing results.
You might also want to book onto one of our systematic review training sessions. Introduction to systematic reviews: finding and managing the evidence explains the process of how to plan and search for literature and ways to manage your results, while Introduction to critical appraisal goes through the process of evaluating and validating the research that you have found.
Checkout our LibGuide on literature searching for reviews.
Cochrane library database of systematic reviews
Database of promoting health effectiveness reviews (DoPHER)
Campbell Library
Joanna Briggs Institute
Web of Science
Cochrane Library
Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions
Systematic reviews: CRD's guidance for undertaking reviews in healthcare (PDF)
See PROSPERO: international prospective register of systematic reviews
See PRISMA Statement for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Systematic Review Toolbox
Cochrane Community tools and software
University of York's Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
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