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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Our Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) HE licence permits library staff to make scanned copies of book chapters or journal articles on behalf of teaching staff for uploading to VLEs, such as Canvas, or for circulating to students by other secure modes of communication. There are limits to which texts and how much of a text can be digitized, therefore the service must be administered and monitored by library staff only to ensure compliance.  Journal articles already available in digital format at St George's  via Hunter, the library catalogue, are excluded from this service, but we do encourage you to embed and share permalinks to this content  to make it readily available to your students.

The proportion of a work that can be scanned consists of either 10% or (whichever is the greater):

  • one chapter of a book

  • one article of a journal issue

  • one paper of one set of a conference proceedings.

This service is currently free. In the future, it’s possible that we may need to charge departments for obtaining scans of material not held in the Library.

In order to ensure that the teaching material is ready in time for your teaching sessions, please ensure you give us as much notice as possible when you request a scan: as a minimum 4 weeks’ notice.

Once we have received, checked and processed your request, we will send you a link to the scanned item which you can then share with your students on Canvas module pages or via some other secure, closed method of sharing with students- for example, university email.

Make a request via our online form.

Scanned readings can also be integrated into and requested from the 'My Reading List' system.

If you have any questions about this service, please contact your liaison librarian.


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