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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The copyright guidance for students and for teaching staff also applies to researchers.

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Publishing research, for example in journals or books

If you are publishing research in journals or books and have questions about open access licences, the Library has produced some Open Access Publishing FAQs.

The guide Publishing under the UKRI open access policy: copyright and Creative Commons licences by Jisc contains some general definitions and guidance of concepts around copyright and licensing, which may be useful for anyone, not just those who are UKRI funded. 

Uploading your research into repositories

If you are an SGUL researcher and have questions about uploading into public repositories and publishers terms and conditions,  please have a look at our information about CRIS (SGUL’s Current Research Information System) and SORA (St George's Online Research Archive, our institutional open access publications repository). 

SGUL's Research Data Managment Service has guidance to help you manage and share your data appropriately at each stage of your project.

Sharing with internal or external colleagues in order to collaborate

You may want to share texts with internal or external colleagues in order to collaborate. The safest way to share St George’s content with internal colleagues is to provide a link to the content so they can access it using their own network login or computer. It is not permitted to share material from the library’s collection with unauthorised users from outside of the institution.

SGUL ITAV Support has this information on requesting departmental and group shared drives within SGUL .




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