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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Books and journal articles that are not in our collection can usually be obtained from another library as an interlibrary loan. This service is available to all library members.

  • For St George's, University of London and Joint Faculty staff and students, there is a charge of £6 for each book or article we obtain as an interlibrary loan.

  • Most NHS staff can request 10 interlibrary loans per year without charge. After this, further items can be requested at a cost of £6 each.

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How can I request an item by interlibrary loan?

Before making an interloan request, please check in Hunter to make sure we do not hold the book or article you require.

Making a request

Interloans can be requested:

To make a request through Hunter:

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  • Go to Hunter and sign in at the top right of the screen.
    • University staff and students can sign in using an SGUL username and password.
    • NHS staff should email the library at for login details.
  • Select Request interlibrary loan to be taken to an online form where you can fill in details of the item and submit your request.

You can also email us at with details of books or articles you would like to request.

Paying for a request

St George’s, University of London and Joint Faculty staff and students must pay for interloan requests before items can be ordered. The charge is £6 per book or journal article.

Payment can be made:

  • by credit/debit card at the Library Helpdesk during our staffed hours. We cannot currently accept payment by cash or cheque.

  • by account code. Add the code in the Comment box if requesting through Hunter, or include it in your email.

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NHS staff and post-registration nursing students employed by the trusts below can receive 10 interloans per year (August-July) free of charge:

  • St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, including community-based teams

  • South West London & St George's Mental Health Trust

If you have used your allowance for the year, you can make further requests at a cost of £6 each. Please follow the payment instructions for university staff and students above.

How long do interloans take to arrive?

Most articles arrive within 2-7 days.

Most books arrive within 7-14 days.

Please note, however, that supply times for standard requests depend on the organisation supplying the material and this is not within our control.

Urgent article requests

We can obtain journal articles within a shorter guaranteed timeframe in urgent cases. These requests have to be dealt with individually and will cost considerably more to obtain.

To place an urgent article request, please email us at before 3pm, Monday to Friday.

How will I receive journal articles?

You will receive an email with an attached PDF or a link to download a PDF. 

  • Articles from the British Library will be sent from
  • Articles from other libraries will be forwarded to you by SGUL Library

If you are unable to download your article, please forward the email to us at

How will I receive books?

Interloan books can be collected from the Library Helpdesk during our staffed hours; we'll email you when your book arrives and is ready to collect. Interloan books are checked out to your library account and must be returned by the due date, unless you are requesting a renewal.

Can I renew an interloaned book?

It is usually possible to renew books that are on loan from other libraries. Each renewal is charged at £6 or one NHS interloan credit.

To request a renewal, please email us at a few days before your item is due for return.

Contact details

Interloans librarian: Hilary Garrett
Tel: 020 8725 5251


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